Naturally Occuring Omega 3 Fish Oil – Lemon
From: $49.95 every 3 months
Great tasting, lemon flavored, naturally occurring Omega 3 fats. Perfect for kids or anyone that cannot swallow pills.
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Let me explain exactly how to pick the best fish oil for you and your family.
There is so much confusion, even among health professionals, when it comes to fish oil. I often see clients who are taking fish oil based on the recommendations of their doctor. The problem is that most doctors tell them to just pick up any fish oil because they are all the same. The most common advice is 1000 mg twice daily. The fact is there is a huge difference from one fish oil to the next. Some are great and will definitely improve your health while others are terrible, can actually damage your health, and often give you that lovely fish-burp after taste. I have also seen where a 100 pound woman and a 250 pound man get the same “1,000 mg twice daily” recommendation. I think it’s safe to say that the large man would require a quite a bit more than the smaller woman.
So what exactly is fish oil and do we really need it? There are certain nutrients that are classified as essential. Essential means that they are nutrients we need to survive and the only way to get these nutrients is by consuming them. Omega-3 fats are essential fats that humans need to consume in order to be healthy. Fatty fish and wild grass fed meats are excellent sources of these omega-3 fats. The problem is people rarely eat wild fish or wild raised meats on a regular basis and are woefully deficient in omega-3 fats. If you are deficient in an essential nutrient there is no possible way you can be at your maximum health potential. A person doesn’t have to be showing symptoms to be deficient in a nutrient. In fact, it is very un-wise to wait until you are symptomatic before making healthier choices. A great example is a heart attack. The first symptom of a heart attack is usually a heart attack. It doesn’t make much sense to wait for that symptom before you decide to improve your diet, exercise, lose weight and do all the necessary heart disease preventative measures. Symptoms of omega-3 fatty acid deficiency include fatigue, poor memory, dry skin, heart problems, aches and pains, joint stiffness, mood swings or depression, poor circulation, and more. Does it make sense to wait for symptoms to appear before deciding to make sure you are sufficient in a required nutrient? Unfortunately, approximately 99 percent of Americans are deficient in these critical omega-3 fats.
The best way to get nutrients is always from whole food sources. The problem is, most fish are so polluted that eating it on a regular basis is dangerous. Ice fishing has been good this year but the fish I’m catching are from the Mississippi River. My wife loves fish but she is pregnant, and it is recommended that pregnant women not eat any of these larger fish and to only eat one meal a month for everyone else. I’m not saying all fish are polluted but overall it is getting harder and harder to find clean fish. The only safe way to get a sufficient amount of omega-3 fats is from “quality” supplementation. It is really sad when you think about how badly we have, and continue to, pollute our environment. In the 1960’s the Cuyahoga River in Ohio was so polluted it started on fire… at least 13 times! A RIVER started on FIRE 13 times! That is what it took for the government to start the Environmental Protection Agency.
Now the absolute best way to get your omega-3 fats would be from eating pollution-free fish on a regular basis. There is a boat load of evidence showing the benefit of doing so. The fat (oil) that is in wild fish is the best source of omega-3’s. The fish oil in wild fish is in the most natural, most absorbable, and most beneficial form and concentration for people. Of course it’s perfect, that is how we have been getting our omega-3’s for millions of years. The best fish oil supplements are the ones that squeeze the oil from fish, filter out any pollutants, keep it fresh, and sell it in the exact form and concentration you would find it in nature. Very few fish oil supplements actually do this.
Rule #1 – If you don’t see “Natural Triglyceride Form” on the bottle, don’t buy it.
If you were to go shopping for olive oil, would you rather get olive oil that is certified organic and freshly cold pressed from the olives then bottled or would you rather the oil be spoiled and biochemically altered in a lab before bottling? The vast majority of fish oil you see on store shelves is biochemically altered fish oil that doesn’t exist in the tissues of any living creature on the planet. In fish, all omega-3 fats are in a triglyceride molecular form. That is the form that is the most natural, most absorb-able, and most beneficial to us. In the process of cleaning the fish oil to remove toxins the triglyceride molecule is broken into an ethyl ester. Ethyl ester fish oil does not exist in any food source on the planet. It is expensive to convert the ethyl ester back to the natural triglyceride from so that step is usually skipped. This is very important. We have never improved a nutrient. The way it exists in nature is always the best.
Rule #2 – If you get fish burps, throw it away!
What about the nasty fish oil burps? Fish oil is very easily oxidized, which means it spoils very quickly. If you’ve ever caught a fish you know it doesn’t have a nasty fishy odor to it. However, if you leave that fish lay out for a bit it won’t take long before it starts smelling ripe. If you bought the cheap fish oil at a Walgreens and got some nasty fish burps and fish breath, then you got yourself some rancid fish oil. No wonder it was so cheap! Rancid fish oil actually promotes inflammation, which is the opposite effect wanted. By going cheap you literally paid to cause yourself harm. A quality, 3rd party tested fish oil company will not sell rancid fish oil. Therefore you will not get the nasty fish burps or breath. I will often bite my fish oil capsules open for people and let the oil run in my mouth so they can see it doesn’t taste bad. There will be a hint of fish flavor, because it is fish fat, but lemon flavor is often added to mask that.
Rule #3 – If you don’t see DPA or other omega-3’s listed with EPA and DHA, do not buy it.
There are different types of omega-3 fats with the most commonly recognized being EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid). There are also other omega-3 acids like DPA (docosapentaenoic acid). Most fish oil products will only have EPA and DHA in them. You will never eat a piece of fish that only has EPA and DHA. Wild fish has ALL the omega 3-fats that are important to health. Remember, consuming a nutrient the way it exists in nature is ALWAYS the best.
Rule #4 – If the product is concentrated in any way, do not buy it.
Also, the ratio of EPA/DHA is always 3/2. You will never find a high DHA fish swimming around or a high EPA fish. They always have both and in a 3/2 ratio of EPA/DHA with all other omega-3 fats. Fish oil companies will often concentrate one or the other based purely on clever marketing, not on improving health or sufficiency.
Rule #5 – Make sure you are actually buying fish oil and not fillers.
A really common trick I see is fish oil companies will boldly print 1,000 mg per serving on the front of the bottle. Then, when you look at the ingredients you will see 300 mg of fish oil and 700 mg of soybean oil. It is so hard to trust vitamin companies when they do such blatantly deceiving marketing.
Rule #6 – Animal source omega-3 fats are much better than plant source.
What about plant sources of omega-3 fats like flax seed oil? Plant source omega -3 fats are in the ALA (alpha linolenic) form. The ALA form of omega-3 fats are not a usable form by the human body. It must be converted in the body to EPA, DHA and other omega-3’s. This is a very difficult conversion for the body to do and only a tiny percentage is converted. It is virtually impossible to be sufficient in omega-3 fats from plant sources. Sorry vegans. When you look at the history of humans this makes perfect sense. We weren’t roaming the wilderness looking for flax and chia seeds to munch on. We were consuming fish and herbivores on a regular basis which have the ability to convert ALA to EPA/DHA/DPA and store it in their tissues.
What about the studies/articles I read online that say fish oil doesn’t actually help or the doctor blog posts that say don’t take fish oil just eat fish? The answer is actually very simple. The studies that show fish oil doesn’t work is because in the study they use the ethyl ester, or concentrated or fractioned low quality fish oil. Of course it’s not going to work. When a poor quality product is used in a study you can’t make the conclusion that it is all bad. Those studies always end with “fish oil doesn’t benefit health but eating fish fat does.” Quality fish oil is literally fish fat that has been filtered and put in a bottle. It is fish. How could it possibly not be of benefit when it literally is the exact same nutrient you would get from eating fish, just cleaner?
Another problem with some studies is that the study is poorly designed and forms an incorrect conclusion. You will see studies where people with heart disease are given a regimen of fish oil, almost always poor quality fish oil. The people with heart disease won’t see a drastic improvement in heart disease outcomes and conclude that fish oil doesn’t help. This blanket conclusion of “not helping at all” cannot be made. If a person is deficient in an essential nutrient, then that person is not as healthy as he/she could be. It doesn’t matter if symptoms are present or not. If you are deficient in the essential nutrients from omega-3 fats and after supplementing you become sufficient, you are without question healthier. This is true with or without the presence of symptoms. If a person is a little bit dehydrated but not yet showing any symptoms, wouldn’t it still be healthier if he/she was fully hydrated? It would be foolish to wait until cotton mouth and muscle cramping really set in before deciding to have a drink. Just because fish oil didn’t cure their heart disease, doesn’t mean they didn’t get healthier!
A study by Mozaffarian 1, is a primary prevention study. “These authors looked at subjects without prevalent coronary heart disease (CHD), stroke, or heart failure. These authors studied whether or not consuming more omega 3 fatty acids increased health status and prevented illness and death. Guess what they found? Higher circulating individual and total omega-3 PUFA levels are associated with lower total mortality, especially CHD death, in older adults. Let me paraphrase. The subjects who had more sufficient dietary intake of omega-3 fatty acids lived longer and had a significantly decreased chance of dying from heart disease. However, the truth is that even if this were not the finding it would not mean that supplementation with omega-3 fatty acids was not necessary. These people could have died from heart disease or other deaths caused by factors unrelated to omega-3 fatty acids. The take home point is that if a nutrient is essential it is a requirement for health. No ands, ifs, buts, or maybes.” (Dr James Chestnut)
There is plenty of research showing the benefits of consuming omega 3 fats.
• A study at the University of South Australia showed that taking fish oil combined with moderate exercise over 12 weeks boosted weight loss. (Hill, Am J Clin Nutr, Vol 85, 2007, 1267-74). The researchers determined that the fish oil activated enzymes responsible for burning fat!
• Eating fatty fish is shown to lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol, lower neuronal inflammation, reduce depression symptoms, elevate immune response and increased Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor. (Dr. J. Ratey “Spark”)
A high quality fish oil is especially important for women who are planning to get pregnant, pregnant, or nursing. Omega 3 fats are critical components in the function of brain cells. Without them the cells don’t function very well. A fetus will be producing up to 8,000 new cells per second! That is amazing. If you don’t get enough omega 3’s studies show, the baby is at much greater risk for dyslexia, ADHD, depression, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia. A study done by Harvard showed that pregnant mothers that got more omega 3’s had smarter babies than those who didn’t. These studies can be found in a great book “Brain Rules for Baby” by molecular developmental biologist John Medina.
I cannot emphasize this enough. It can’t be just any fish oil. The cheap fish oil from Walmart or the stuff your buddy sells as part of some Multi-Level-Marketing (MLM) company will not help. I have yet to see a high quality MLM fish oil. There are two things you should never bargain shop for; products that can affect your health and toilet paper. This is a side rant but that cheap super thin public restroom toilet paper should be banned.
One of the most foolish, yet common, things I see in people is waiting for symptoms to appear before looking to make a change. I have seen little kids with a huge cookie and sugary drink in their hand. I of course ask the parents if they are concerned about all the sugar the child is eating. The response is usually that “it’s ok, the child is skinny.” So, the plan is to wait until the child is overweight before deciding not to feed them non-nutrient containing, sugar filled foods?
It is much wiser to make healthy decisions immediately and not experience symptoms than waiting until symptoms are present and deciding to try and fix it.
The next time you go shopping for fish oil or someone tries selling you fish oil make sure to ask;
• Is it in the naturally occurring triglyceride form?
• Is the product 3rd party tested for purity?
• Is the product concentrated?
• Are there any fillers added to the fish oil?
• Molecularly distilled to remove toxins?
• Infused with natural antioxidants ensuring freshness?
It is best to take with a meal and spread throughout the day. However, if you forget and take them all at once that is perfectly fine. Remember, fish oil is food. If you are really nervous about any hint of fish taste put your capsules in the freezer. By the time they melt in your body they’ll be further down.
1) Mozaffarian, D. et al.Plasma Phospholipid Long-Chain n-3 Fatty Acids and Total and Cause-Specific Mortality in Older Adults.Annal Intern Med. 2013; 158:515-525
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- What makes Omega Sufficiency the best?
Omega Sufficiency is the world’s premier EPA/DHA omega 3 fish oil. Each serving provides 740-825 mg of EPA and 460-550 mg of DHA omega 3 essential fatty acids which have been scientifically shown to be a crucial requirement for health and important in the prevention of illnesses such as heart disease, arthritis, ADD, depression, stroke, cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, osteoporosis, and Alzheimer’s.
Omega Sufficiency is extracted in a licensed pharmaceutical grade facility from cold water anchovies and sardines that are the purest, least toxic source of omega 3 fish oil. Our oil is purified in a non-chemical molecular distillation process that removes even trace amounts of heavy metals, PCBs, organochlorides, and organophosphate pesticides resulting in the safest, purest source of EPA/DHA fish oil possible. As the oil is purified it is immediately infused with our natural, proprietory antioxidant blend consisting of rosemary extract, ascorbyl palmitate and natural mixed tocopherols and then immediately bottled in a dark glass bottle with a patented spill-proof, threadless cap. This process ensures the greatest oxidation protection possible. There simply is not a better, purer source of EPA/DHA omega 3 fatty acids in the world as our third party testing results indicate.
Our extraction process keeps the fish oil in its most natural form possible, this is crucial because human beings are genetically designed to ingest, digest, and absorb EPA and DHA essential fatty acids in the form they are found in nature, not in any concentrated form produced by chemical processing. If science and experience has taught us anything it is that we cannot improve upon nature.
Omega Sufficiency is flavoured with 100% natural lemon extract – it actually tastes good! Because of the high quality and purity of our oil there is no fishy taste, no fishy smell, and no fishy aftertaste. Even kids like it! For those who do not like the consistency of the oil we recommend the capsules.
We put the same quality oil in our gel caps as we sell in our liquid form!! Unlike other companies we do not put a lower quality or unflavored oil into our gel caps. We simply take our premier oil and put it into gel caps because our mission is to provide the best product, not to make the most profit.
- Who needs to supplement with Omega Sufficiency?
The answer to this question is easy – everyone! Research is clear that Omega 3 essential fatty acids (EFAs) are some of the most crucial essential nutrients for human and other animal health ever identified.
Omega 3 EFAs are extremely important in the structure and function of every cell in the body and the function of your cells is what determines your health. Your cells are what determines your immune function, healing, hormone levels, heart function, cholesterol levels, blood pressure, digestion, moods etc. Literally, the function and health of your cells determines every aspect of your health.
Everyone needs to consume EPA and DHA Omega 3 fatty acids in order to be healthy and to prevent illness and the modern Western diet is almost void of these nutrients.
What is even more alarming than the pandemic deficiency in EPA and DHA omega 3 fatty acids is that virtually all people living in industrial nations are now toxic with the omega 6 fatty acids and saturated fat that is so common in modern diets. Research indicates that the ratio of omega 6: omega 3 fatty acids in the average modern diet is as high as 20:1. The evidence indicates that the proper healthy ratio is 1:1.
Being toxic with omega 6 fatty acids and deficient in omega 3 fatty acids is a deadly combination that is shown to increase the chances of illness in people of all ages. Illnesses associated with omega 6 fatty acid toxicity and/or omega 3 fatty acid deficiency include ADHD, allergies, eczema, asthma, breast cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer, lowered immunity, heart disease, strokes, diabetes, high blood pressure, depression, fibromyalgia, ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, arthritis, osteoporosis, and Alzheimer’s, painful menstruation, back pain, neck pain, and headaches. YIKES!
The data from scientific research and clinical trials is indisputably clear. Everyone needs to ensure that they have sufficient amounts of EPA and DHA from fish in their diets. Sadly, eating fish is not a viable option because of the documented dangerous levels of pollutants and toxins. Supplementing with Omega Sufficiency, the world’s premier purified, toxin and pollutant-free omega 3 EPA/DHA fish oil is not only scientific, it is common sense when it comes to maintaining and/or restoring your health and preventing disease.
This is precisely why we don’t advocate treating symptoms with EPA and DHA but rather focusing on supplying your cells with the sufficient amounts of EPA and DHA that science has shown are required for health and the prevention of illness. Furthermore, and very importantly, the significant determining factor regarding who should supplement with Omega Sufficiency is not whether or not you have symptoms. What matters is that you and your kids are getting enough omega 3 fats to prevent any symptoms from developing.
Waiting until you or your family become symptomatic or have a diagnosed illness to supplement with Omega Sufficiency would be absurd considering the fact that science has shown beyond any reasonable doubt that everyone requires EPA and DHA on a daily basis in order to be healthy and prevent illness.
This is why we stress the importance of supplementation BEFORE illness develops. It is both dangerous and illogical to wait until illness develops to begin to take care of yourself or your children or your pets! How can we PREVENT ILLNESS or PROMOTE HEALTH if we wait until we are already ill before we take action?
- Why does everybody need to consume Fish Oil on a daily basis for health and the prevention of illness?
The role of Omega-3 EFAs in the promotion of health and the prevention of illness has been studied a great deal in recent years. Both scientists and practitioners are celebrating the results that have been found to date and with every research study the importance of EFAs for health promotion and illness prevention becomes more evident.
Omega 3 essential fatty acids (EFAs) are some of the most crucial essential nutrients for human and other animal health ever identified. Over 2000 scientific studies provide evidence of the importance of EPA and DHA essential fatty acids for the maintenance and restoration of health and the prevention of disease.
Omega 3 EFAs are extremely important in the structure and function of every cell in the body and the function of your cells is what determines your health. Your cells are what determine your immune function, healing, hormone levels, heart function, cholesterol levels, blood pressure, digestion, moods etc. Literally, the function and health of your cells determines every aspect of your health.
Omega 3 EFAs are part of every cell membrane and are required to maintain the proper shape, flexibility or fluidity, and “slipperiness” of cell membranes. The flexibility and “slipperiness” of cell membranes is important for the flow of blood through blood vessels and decreasing the risk of high blood pressure, stroke and heart attack. This fluidity or flexibility of cell membranes is also crucial to ensure the proper flow of nutrients into cells as well as the proper shape of cell receptors for hormones such as insulin.
In addition, EFAs are required for proper nerve signal transmission (memory, concentration, cognitive ability, muscle coordination and strength) and immune function including defense against cancer. This is why EPA and DHA deficiency are linked with cognitive impairments and learning and behavior disabilities such as ADHD, with depression, and with decreased cognitive ability and increased risk of Alzheimer’s and dementia in the elderly. EPA and DHA deficiency is also highly correlated with increased risk of breast, colon, and prostate cancer.
Omega 3 EFAs also play a major role in regulating inflammation via substances called prostaglandins. EPA and DHA Omega 3 fatty acids reduce inflammation in the body.
Having a diet that is toxic with Omega 6 or deficient in Omega 3 EFAs creates a pro-inflammatory state within the body. This is very significant because inflammation is at the root of virtually all of the common chronic illnesses such as cancer, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and depression as well as the autoimmune and atopic diseases such as arthritis, Crohn’s Disease, irritable bowel, psoriasis, eczema, allergies, fibromyalgia, lupus, and multiple sclerosis. Inflammation is also a major factor in dysmenorrhea (menstrual pain and/or cramping), headaches, and back and neck pain.
Omega 3 EFAs play a role in virtually every human function including growth and development, digestion, brain and nerve function, immune function, hormone production and regulation, maintenance of skin and bones, regulation of healing and inflammation, heart function, vision, cholesterol levels, and even emotions and behavior.
This is why supplementing with Omega 3 EFAs has been shown to help people with so many different illnesses. In reality supplementing with Omega 3 EFAs will help anyone that is deficient in Omega 3 EFAs whether they have a diagnosed illness or not. The fact of the matter is that everyone needs Omega 3 EFAs and due to dietary practices virtually everyone in Western society is deficient. Without these essential nutrients cells cannot function properly and illness is inevitable even though it may take years before symptoms arise.
This does not mean that a deficiency in Omega 3 EFAs is the only cause of all illness; that would be an unscientific and illogical claim. However, it does absolutely mean that if someone is deficient in Omega 3 EFAs their cell function and thus their health is compromised and will be improved when they begin to supplement – this is an indisputable scientific fact. Obviously if Omega 3 EFAs are needed for proper cell function and cell function determines our health then Omega 3 EFAs are a significant determining factor in health. This is exactly what research indicates.
The above information is why we stress the importance of supplementation BEFORE illness develops. It is both dangerous and illogical to wait until illness develops to begin to take care of yourself or your children or your pets! How can we PREVENT ILLNESS or PROMOTE HEALTH if we wait until we are already ill before we take action?
- What is an Omega 3 essential fatty acid (Fish Oil)?
To properly understand what essential fatty acid (EFA) nutrients are it is necessary to understand the scientific meaning of three terms – essential, fatty acid, and nutrient.
Essential: This means it is a nutrient your body needs to survive and your body cannot make it. The only way to get this nutrient is through diet.
Fatty Acid: A fatty acid is simply a type of fat that is classified according to its structure and biological function. Fat has gotten a bad rap over the last few decades and this topic deserves some clarification. I like to classify fats as good, bad, and ugly.
The good fats, the fats that are absolutely essential for health and protection from illnesses are the Essential Fatty Acids (fish oil).
The bad fats, the fats that when overconsumed can lead to heart disease, obesity, and other illnesses are the saturated fats from farm raised animals that are fed omega 6 grains such as corn and soy.
The ugly fats are the unnatural human made fats such as trans fats and hydrogenated fats. These fats are literally toxic. Sadly they are found in almost all junk foods and even a lot of ‘health’ foods.
If you are buying a packaged food read the label and check for trans, hydrogenated, or partially hydrogenated or fractionated fat or oil. If you see this put the product back on the shelf!! In fact, these fats are so toxic that the FDA is making them illegal!
Nutrient: A nutrient is something that the cells of the body require in order to function properly, express health and avoid sickness. You are probably familiar with nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, fats, carbohydrates and proteins.
Essential Fatty Acid Nutrient: An essential fatty acid (EFA) nutrient, in scientific terms, is a nutrient required for health and protection from sickness that the cells of the body cannot produce or make; it is a nutrient that must be derived from our diet. Without these essential nutrients proper health is impossible and illness is inevitable – they are literally that important in terms of determining quality and quantity of life.
- What are some common signs or symptoms that you are low on Omega 3 fats (Fish Oil)?
Common signs of Omega 3 fat deficiency are;
- chronic excessive pain and inflammation,
- fatigue,
- weakened immunity and/or autoimmunity,
- dry skin,
- eczema or hair loss,
- heart problems and/or poor circulation,
- reproductive problems (men and women),
- poor memory,
- behavior problems,
- learning problems,
- mood swings and/or depression.
EPA and DHA deficiency have been linked with;
- cancer,
- heart disease,
- stroke,
- diabetes,
- depression,
- arthritis,
- Crohn’s Disease,
- irritable bowel,
- psoriasis,
- eczema,
- allergies,
- fibromyalgia,
- lupus,
- multiple sclerosis.
- Inflammation is also a major factor in dysmenorrhea (menstrual pain and/or cramping), headaches, and back and neck pain.
- How can EPA and DHA Omega 3 fatty acids be important for preventing so many different illnesses?
Omega 3 EFAs play a role in virtually every human function including growth and development, digestion, brain and nerve function, immune function, hormone production and regulation, maintenance of skin and bones, regulation of healing and inflammation, heart function, vision, cholesterol levels, and even emotions and behavior.
This is why supplementing with Omega 3 EFAs has been shown to help people with so many different illnesses. In reality supplementing with Omega 3 EFAs will help anyone that is deficient in Omega 3 EFAs whether they have a diagnosed illness or not. The fact of the matter is that everyone needs Omega 3 EFAs and due to dietary practices virtually everyone in Western society is deficient. Without these essential nutrients cells cannot function properly and illness is inevitable even though it may take years before symptoms arise.
This does not mean that a deficiency in Omega 3 EFAs is the only cause of all illness; that would be an unscientific and illogical claim. However, it does absolutely mean that if someone is deficient in Omega 3 EFAs their cell function and thus their health is compromised and will be improved when they begin to supplement – this is an indisputable scientific fact. Obviously if Omega 3 EFAs are needed for proper cell function and cell function determines our health then Omega 3 EFAs are a significant determining factor in health. This is exactly what research indicates.
The above information is why we stress the importance of supplementation BEFORE illness develops. It is both dangerous and illogical to wait until illness develops to begin to take care of yourself or your children or your pets! How can we PREVENT ILLNESS or PROMOTE HEALTH if we wait until we are already ill before we take action?
- Can I get enough EPA/DHA from flax or other vegetable oils?
When Alpha Linolenic Acid from flax is consumed it has to be converted to EPA and DHA inside the body. This requires the action of enzymes, the most important of which is an enzyme called delta 6 desaturase. The action of this enzyme determines how much LNA will ultimately be converted to EPA and DHA.
Research is clear that humans and other meat consuming animals are genetically designed to consume the longer chain omega 3 EFAs (EPA and DHA) directly from wild game meat or fish and not rely on converting LNA from flax. This makes complete sense. Our genetic ancestors had virtually no flax or other omega 3 rich vegetable sources in their diets!
In a recent study, ALA converted to EPA was only 0.2%, concluding that flax seed oil was not a good source of EPA and DHA. In another study, the conversion rate of ALA to EPA and DHA was approximately 6% for EPA and 3.8% for DHA. With a diet rich in omega-6 fatty acids, conversion is further reduced by 40 to 50%. Other lifestyle factors including consumption of alcohol, high saturated fat intake, stress and vitamin/mineral deficiencies can reduce the rate of ALA conversion even further. Fish oil provides up to 200 times more EPA and DHA per gram than flax.
Again, this makes sense. Why would humans or other animals that did not eat flax but did consume large amounts of EPA and DHA directly from wild game meat and fish be genetically designed to have an efficient enzyme pathway to convert flax to EPA and DHA? Arguments trying to convince you that you can get enough EPA and DHA from flax are genetically unfounded, nutritionally unfounded and scientifically unfounded because the research shows this is not the case. The fact is that flax oil is a healthy source of LNA but it is not a healthy alternative to fish oil as a source of EPA and DHA.
Furthermore, and perhaps most significantly, human breast milk is full of DHA. Scientific research clearly shows that children born to mothers who are deficient in EPA and DHA omega 3 fatty acids have neurological development impairments. Scientific research also demonstrates that children born to women who supplement with omega 3 fish oil like Omega Sufficiency can avoid these problems. In addition, children who supplement with EPA and DHA from fish oil like Omega Sufficiency have been shown to have less allergies, less eczema, learn better, and be less likely to have ADD or ADHD.
The data from scientific research and clinical trials is indisputably clear. Everyone needs to ensure that they have sufficient amounts of EPA and DHA from fish in their diets. Sadly, eating fish is not a viable option because of the documented dangerous levels of pollutants and toxins. Supplementing with Omega Sufficiency®, the world’s premier purified, toxin and pollutant-free omega 3 EPA/DHA fish oil is not only scientific, it is common sense when it comes to maintaining and/or restoring your health and preventing disease.
- Can’t I just get enough EPA/DHA from eating fish?
Eating several meals of fish every day would provide sufficient amounts of EPA and DHA. However, fish, including farmed fish, is now so riddled with pollutants such as heavy metals and PCBs and dioxins that eating enough fish to get your omega 3 EFAs is considered dangerous.
The FDA suggests that a significant amount of fish is essentially inedible due to these industrial and farming pollutants and this is also now true for most of the deep water ocean fish such as tuna, cod, and swordfish. In fact, pregnant women are now being advised to avoid eating fish altogether. In addition to the nutritional implications of this data, it is a sad commentary on how we are polluting the environment, our food sources, and ultimately ourselves.
Supplementation with a purified, toxin free fish oil like Omega Sufficiency is now crucial for every person starting from infancy. We simply cannot safely get enough EPA/DHA omega 3 fatty acids without proper supplementation.
- If fish is toxic, why is Omega Sufficiency fish oil safe to consume?
Omega Sufficiency is extracted in a licensed pharmaceutical grade facility from cold water anchovies and sardines that are the purest, least toxic source of omega 3 fish oil. Our oil is purified in a non-chemical molecular distillation process that removes even trace amounts of heavy metals, PCBs, organochlorides, and organophosphate pesticides resulting in the safest, purest source of EPA/DHA fish oil possible. As the oil is purified it is immediately infused with our natural, proprietory antioxidant blend consisting of rosemary extract, ascorbyl palmitate and natural mixed tocopherols and then immediately bottled in a dark glass bottle with a patented spill-proof, threadless cap. This process ensures the greatest oxidation protection possible. There simply is not a better, purer source of EPA/DHA omega 3 fatty acids in the world as our third party testing results indicate.
- Can/should pregnant and breastfeeding mothers, infants, and children supplement with Omega Sufficiency?
Research is clear that pregnant women, the fetus, newborn infants and children all require sufficient EPA and DHA for proper health and development and the prevention of disability and illness. Very importantly, the EFA intake of the mother determines the amount of these vitally important nutrients that she can supply to her developing fetus and to her newborn infant during breastfeeding. Sufficiency of EPA and DHA Omega 3 EFAs as found in Omega Sufficiency is so important researchers from the Mayo Clinic recommended that EPA and DHA be supplemented in every pregnancy and that refined and hydrogenated fats be avoided during this critical period.
Scientific research indicates that deficiencies in EPA and DHA Omega 3 EFAs have significant consequences to both mother and child. In 1996, Frank Oski, retired chairman of pediatrics at Johns Hopkins University led a campaign of alarmed researchers and clinicians who bombarded the FDA with over 1,000 letters pleading and demanding that they ensure the health and welfare of our children by mandating the addition of DHA to infant formula.
EPA and DHA deficiency in pregnancy has been scientifically linked to post-partum depression, pre-term delivery, delays in intrauterine growth, and pregnancy-induced hypertension.
Studies have shown that EPA and DHA Omega 3 fatty acids are crucial for brain growth and development, intelligence, learning, and behavior. Researchers in Dallas conducted a randomized, controlled study on DHA and mental development in term infants (2000). They found that adding DHA to infant formulas improved both motor and cognitive function of infants.
In the recent Oxford – Durham study significant improvements were found in reading, spelling, and behavior over 3 months of EPA/DHA supplementation; 7 of 16 of the participants who were diagnosed with ADHD no longer met the diagnostic criteria for ADHD after supplementation! A study published in the journal Physiology of Behavior showed that deficiencies in Omega 3 fatty acids were significantly correlated with behavior problems in boys aged 6 to 12.
The evidence is clear; pregnant women, breastfeeding women, infants, and children all require sufficient EPA/DHA as found in Omega Sufficiency for proper health and development and for the prevention of disability and illness.
- Should I give my pets Omega Sufficiency?
Yes! Dogs and cats are toxic with Omega 6 fatty acids and deficient in Omega 3 fatty acids for the same reasons humans are. Dog and cat food is riddled with Omega 6 fats from corn and soy. In fact, corn and soy are often the leading ingredients in pet food!
Neither wild nor domesticated cats or dogs are genetically designed to consume grains. Dogs and cats are genetically programmed to consume EPA and DHA rich meat. EPA and DHA are as important for proper cell function and health in dogs and cats (and any other meat consuming pets) as they are in humans. The fact is that the only way to provide sufficient amounts of EPA and DHA for your pets is to supplement with fish oil or feed them wild meat.
Be aware, there are some Omega 3 pet supplements that are derived from vegetable sources! These supplements will NOT provide ANY EPA and DHA for your pets and your pets will NOT be able to convert these vegetable Omega 3s into EPA and DHA!
Dogs should take the same dose as an adult (1 tsp of oil or 5 capsules) and cats or small dogs should take the same dose as a child (half tsp of oil or 2 capsules).
- Why do I need to shake the bottle each time before I take the liquid form of Omega Sufficiency?
Just like olive oil and other dietary oils fish oil Omega Sufficiency has a natural melting point. In other words, all natural fats begin to solidify at certain temperatures. Omega Sufficiency naturally begins to solidify at fridge temperatures, which often appears as “clouding” or “clumping” in the bottle. We do not put any chemicals into Omega Sufficiency to prevent this as it is a harmless and naturally occurring process.
Simply shake your bottle of Omega Sufficiency well before each use and the natural solidification or clouding will be broken up and evenly dispersed. This will also help ensure even distribution of the lemon flavoring.
- How long will it take to see results?
Literally, the moment you begin to supplement with Omega Sufficiency you will begin to move toward EPA and DHA sufficiency and better cell function and health. How much time it takes each individual to become sufficient in EPA and DHA will depend on several factors such as how deficient the person is when beginning supplementation, how much Omega 6 fatty acids they are consuming, their exercise and nutritional status etc.
As far as seeing results in terms of symptoms of illness the results will vary for the same reasons. Many people report seeing results within days of beginning supplementation whereas others report it taking weeks or months before changes in symptoms are noticed.
This is precisely why we don’t advocate treating symptoms with EPA and DHA but rather focusing on supplying your cells with the sufficient amounts of EPA and DHA that science has shown are required for health and the prevention of illness. Furthermore, and very importantly, the significant determining factor regarding who should supplement with Omega Sufficiency is not whether or not you are symptomatic but whether or not you are supplying your cells with the sufficient amount of EPA and DHA required for health and illness prevention.
Waiting until you or your family become symptomatic or have a diagnosed illness to supplement with Omega Sufficiency would be absurd considering the fact that science has shown beyond any reasonable doubt that everyone requires EPA and DHA on a daily basis in order to be healthy and prevent illness.
- How long do I need to continue to supplement with Omega Sufficiency?
How long should you water your plants? In order to stay healthy you have to get adequate amounts of essential nutrients forever!
Science has confirmed that humans require daily intake of EPA and DHA for health and the prevention of illness.
The EPA and DHA Omega 3 fatty acids found in Omega Sufficiency are essential nutrients just like vitamins and minerals. Deficiency of these nutrients leads to poor health and illness and sufficiency of these nutrients is required for health and the prevention of illness – for life!
- Why do some companies concentrate their fish oil – is this better?
It is scientific fact that human beings and all other animals are genetically designed as part of nature and to derive all nutritional requirements from nature. We also understand that human beings have never intervened in nature and made it better. For this reason we go to great lengths to provide products that are as close to their natural, whole form as possible. Humans and all other animals are genetically designed to ingest, digest, absorb and utilize whole foods in their natural biochemical form. Based on these scientific facts we have chosen to keep Omega Sufficiency in its natural triglyceride form and in its natural EPA/DHA ratio.
All of the studies on the healthiest populations of people in the world who have virtually no heart disease, cancer, diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, depression, ADHD, Alzheimer’s, arthritis, allergies, etc have shown that these people have sufficient amounts of EPA/DHA Omega 3 fatty acids in their diet from natural sources in their natural form, the exact same as you will find in Omega Sufficiency.
It seems illogical and unscientific to chemically alter the fish oil and change its biochemical properties then put it in a bottle. That is marketing, not science or logic. Several studies have shown that the natural triglyceride form of EPA and DHA found in Omega Sufficiency is absorbed much better than the human-made, chemically concentrated synthetic ester form. In one study comparing absorption of different fish oil forms, the natural triglyceride form was 300% better absorbed than the synthetic ethyl ester form. Again, this makes sense, why would humans have proper digestive enzymes to absorb a fish oil with an unnatural form and ratio that our genes have never been exposed to?
- Will EFAs interfere with my medical condition or medications I’m taking?
Check with your healthcare professional since EFAs can normalize (thin) blood viscosity. Those who are using pharmaceutical blood thinners may be required to change their medication levels or may be contraindicated entirely – people taking blood thinners should always consult with their medical physician before taking fish oil. Also, those taking high doses of aspirin or anticipating surgery should also consult the advice of a healthcare professional.
If someone says you should not take omega 3 fish oil because you are on a blood thinner. I would argue it would be wiser to take the healthy omega 3 fish oil and take less drugs!
Supplement Facts
What makes Omega Sufficiency the best?
Omega Sufficiency is the world’s premier EPA/DHA omega 3 fish oil. Each serving provides 740-825 mg of EPA and 460-550 mg of DHA omega 3 essential fatty acids which have been scientifically shown to be a crucial requirement for health and important in the prevention of illnesses such as heart disease, arthritis, ADD, depression, stroke, cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, osteoporosis, and Alzheimer’s.
Omega Sufficiency is extracted in a licensed pharmaceutical grade facility from cold water anchovies and sardines that are the purest, least toxic source of omega 3 fish oil. Our oil is purified in a non-chemical molecular distillation process that removes even trace amounts of heavy metals, PCBs, organochlorides, and organophosphate pesticides resulting in the safest, purest source of EPA/DHA fish oil possible. As the oil is purified it is immediately infused with our natural, proprietory antioxidant blend consisting of rosemary extract, ascorbyl palmitate and natural mixed tocopherols and then immediately bottled in a dark glass bottle with a patented spill-proof, threadless cap. This process ensures the greatest oxidation protection possible. There simply is not a better, purer source of EPA/DHA omega 3 fatty acids in the world as our third party testing results indicate.
Our extraction process keeps the fish oil in its most natural form possible, this is crucial because human beings are genetically designed to ingest, digest, and absorb EPA and DHA essential fatty acids in the form they are found in nature, not in any concentrated form produced by chemical processing. If science and experience has taught us anything it is that we cannot improve upon nature.
Omega Sufficiency is flavoured with 100% natural lemon extract – it actually tastes good! Because of the high quality and purity of our oil there is no fishy taste, no fishy smell, and no fishy aftertaste. Even kids like it! For those who do not like the consistency of the oil we recommend the capsules.
We put the same quality oil in our gel caps as we sell in our liquid form!! Unlike other companies we do not put a lower quality or unflavored oil into our gel caps. We simply take our premier oil and put it into gel caps because our mission is to provide the best product, not to make the most profit.
Who needs to supplement with Omega Sufficiency?
The answer to this question is easy – everyone! Research is clear that Omega 3 essential fatty acids (EFAs) are some of the most crucial essential nutrients for human and other animal health ever identified.
Omega 3 EFAs are extremely important in the structure and function of every cell in the body and the function of your cells is what determines your health. Your cells are what determines your immune function, healing, hormone levels, heart function, cholesterol levels, blood pressure, digestion, moods etc. Literally, the function and health of your cells determines every aspect of your health.
Everyone needs to consume EPA and DHA Omega 3 fatty acids in order to be healthy and to prevent illness and the modern Western diet is almost void of these nutrients.
What is even more alarming than the pandemic deficiency in EPA and DHA omega 3 fatty acids is that virtually all people living in industrial nations are now toxic with the omega 6 fatty acids and saturated fat that is so common in modern diets. Research indicates that the ratio of omega 6: omega 3 fatty acids in the average modern diet is as high as 20:1. The evidence indicates that the proper healthy ratio is 1:1.
Being toxic with omega 6 fatty acids and deficient in omega 3 fatty acids is a deadly combination that is shown to increase the chances of illness in people of all ages. Illnesses associated with omega 6 fatty acid toxicity and/or omega 3 fatty acid deficiency include ADHD, allergies, eczema, asthma, breast cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer, lowered immunity, heart disease, strokes, diabetes, high blood pressure, depression, fibromyalgia, ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, arthritis, osteoporosis, and Alzheimer’s, painful menstruation, back pain, neck pain, and headaches. YIKES!
The data from scientific research and clinical trials is indisputably clear. Everyone needs to ensure that they have sufficient amounts of EPA and DHA from fish in their diets. Sadly, eating fish is not a viable option because of the documented dangerous levels of pollutants and toxins. Supplementing with Omega Sufficiency, the world’s premier purified, toxin and pollutant-free omega 3 EPA/DHA fish oil is not only scientific, it is common sense when it comes to maintaining and/or restoring your health and preventing disease.
This is precisely why we don’t advocate treating symptoms with EPA and DHA but rather focusing on supplying your cells with the sufficient amounts of EPA and DHA that science has shown are required for health and the prevention of illness. Furthermore, and very importantly, the significant determining factor regarding who should supplement with Omega Sufficiency is not whether or not you have symptoms. What matters is that you and your kids are getting enough omega 3 fats to prevent any symptoms from developing.
Waiting until you or your family become symptomatic or have a diagnosed illness to supplement with Omega Sufficiency would be absurd considering the fact that science has shown beyond any reasonable doubt that everyone requires EPA and DHA on a daily basis in order to be healthy and prevent illness.
This is why we stress the importance of supplementation BEFORE illness develops. It is both dangerous and illogical to wait until illness develops to begin to take care of yourself or your children or your pets! How can we PREVENT ILLNESS or PROMOTE HEALTH if we wait until we are already ill before we take action?
Why does everybody need to consume Fish Oil on a daily basis for health and the prevention of illness?
The role of Omega-3 EFAs in the promotion of health and the prevention of illness has been studied a great deal in recent years. Both scientists and practitioners are celebrating the results that have been found to date and with every research study the importance of EFAs for health promotion and illness prevention becomes more evident.
Omega 3 essential fatty acids (EFAs) are some of the most crucial essential nutrients for human and other animal health ever identified. Over 2000 scientific studies provide evidence of the importance of EPA and DHA essential fatty acids for the maintenance and restoration of health and the prevention of disease.
Omega 3 EFAs are extremely important in the structure and function of every cell in the body and the function of your cells is what determines your health. Your cells are what determine your immune function, healing, hormone levels, heart function, cholesterol levels, blood pressure, digestion, moods etc. Literally, the function and health of your cells determines every aspect of your health.
Omega 3 EFAs are part of every cell membrane and are required to maintain the proper shape, flexibility or fluidity, and “slipperiness” of cell membranes. The flexibility and “slipperiness” of cell membranes is important for the flow of blood through blood vessels and decreasing the risk of high blood pressure, stroke and heart attack. This fluidity or flexibility of cell membranes is also crucial to ensure the proper flow of nutrients into cells as well as the proper shape of cell receptors for hormones such as insulin.
In addition, EFAs are required for proper nerve signal transmission (memory, concentration, cognitive ability, muscle coordination and strength) and immune function including defense against cancer. This is why EPA and DHA deficiency are linked with cognitive impairments and learning and behavior disabilities such as ADHD, with depression, and with decreased cognitive ability and increased risk of Alzheimer’s and dementia in the elderly. EPA and DHA deficiency is also highly correlated with increased risk of breast, colon, and prostate cancer.
Omega 3 EFAs also play a major role in regulating inflammation via substances called prostaglandins. EPA and DHA Omega 3 fatty acids reduce inflammation in the body.
Having a diet that is toxic with Omega 6 or deficient in Omega 3 EFAs creates a pro-inflammatory state within the body. This is very significant because inflammation is at the root of virtually all of the common chronic illnesses such as cancer, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and depression as well as the autoimmune and atopic diseases such as arthritis, Crohn’s Disease, irritable bowel, psoriasis, eczema, allergies, fibromyalgia, lupus, and multiple sclerosis. Inflammation is also a major factor in dysmenorrhea (menstrual pain and/or cramping), headaches, and back and neck pain.
Omega 3 EFAs play a role in virtually every human function including growth and development, digestion, brain and nerve function, immune function, hormone production and regulation, maintenance of skin and bones, regulation of healing and inflammation, heart function, vision, cholesterol levels, and even emotions and behavior.
This is why supplementing with Omega 3 EFAs has been shown to help people with so many different illnesses. In reality supplementing with Omega 3 EFAs will help anyone that is deficient in Omega 3 EFAs whether they have a diagnosed illness or not. The fact of the matter is that everyone needs Omega 3 EFAs and due to dietary practices virtually everyone in Western society is deficient. Without these essential nutrients cells cannot function properly and illness is inevitable even though it may take years before symptoms arise.
This does not mean that a deficiency in Omega 3 EFAs is the only cause of all illness; that would be an unscientific and illogical claim. However, it does absolutely mean that if someone is deficient in Omega 3 EFAs their cell function and thus their health is compromised and will be improved when they begin to supplement – this is an indisputable scientific fact. Obviously if Omega 3 EFAs are needed for proper cell function and cell function determines our health then Omega 3 EFAs are a significant determining factor in health. This is exactly what research indicates.
The above information is why we stress the importance of supplementation BEFORE illness develops. It is both dangerous and illogical to wait until illness develops to begin to take care of yourself or your children or your pets! How can we PREVENT ILLNESS or PROMOTE HEALTH if we wait until we are already ill before we take action?
What is an Omega 3 essential fatty acid (Fish Oil)?
To properly understand what essential fatty acid (EFA) nutrients are it is necessary to understand the scientific meaning of three terms – essential, fatty acid, and nutrient.
Essential: This means it is a nutrient your body needs to survive and your body cannot make it. The only way to get this nutrient is through diet.
Fatty Acid: A fatty acid is simply a type of fat that is classified according to its structure and biological function. Fat has gotten a bad rap over the last few decades and this topic deserves some clarification. I like to classify fats as good, bad, and ugly.
The good fats, the fats that are absolutely essential for health and protection from illnesses are the Essential Fatty Acids (fish oil).
The bad fats, the fats that when overconsumed can lead to heart disease, obesity, and other illnesses are the saturated fats from farm raised animals that are fed omega 6 grains such as corn and soy.
The ugly fats are the unnatural human made fats such as trans fats and hydrogenated fats. These fats are literally toxic. Sadly they are found in almost all junk foods and even a lot of ‘health’ foods.
If you are buying a packaged food read the label and check for trans, hydrogenated, or partially hydrogenated or fractionated fat or oil. If you see this put the product back on the shelf!! In fact, these fats are so toxic that the FDA is making them illegal!
Nutrient: A nutrient is something that the cells of the body require in order to function properly, express health and avoid sickness. You are probably familiar with nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, fats, carbohydrates and proteins.
Essential Fatty Acid Nutrient: An essential fatty acid (EFA) nutrient, in scientific terms, is a nutrient required for health and protection from sickness that the cells of the body cannot produce or make; it is a nutrient that must be derived from our diet. Without these essential nutrients proper health is impossible and illness is inevitable – they are literally that important in terms of determining quality and quantity of life.
What are some common signs or symptoms that you are low on Omega 3 fats (Fish Oil)?
Common signs of Omega 3 fat deficiency are;
-chronic excessive pain and inflammation,
-weakened immunity and/or autoimmunity,
-dry skin,
-eczema or hair loss,
-heart problems and/or poor circulation,
-reproductive problems (men and women),
-poor memory,
-behavior problems,
-learning problems,
-mood swings and/or depression.
EPA and DHA deficiency have been linked with;
-heart disease,
-Crohn’s Disease,
-irritable bowel,
-multiple sclerosis.
-Inflammation is also a major factor in dysmenorrhea (menstrual pain and/or cramping), headaches, and back and neck pain.
How can EPA and DHA Omega 3 fatty acids be important for preventing so many different illnesses?
Omega 3 EFAs play a role in virtually every human function including growth and development, digestion, brain and nerve function, immune function, hormone production and regulation, maintenance of skin and bones, regulation of healing and inflammation, heart function, vision, cholesterol levels, and even emotions and behavior.
This is why supplementing with Omega 3 EFAs has been shown to help people with so many different illnesses. In reality supplementing with Omega 3 EFAs will help anyone that is deficient in Omega 3 EFAs whether they have a diagnosed illness or not. The fact of the matter is that everyone needs Omega 3 EFAs and due to dietary practices virtually everyone in Western society is deficient. Without these essential nutrients cells cannot function properly and illness is inevitable even though it may take years before symptoms arise.
This does not mean that a deficiency in Omega 3 EFAs is the only cause of all illness; that would be an unscientific and illogical claim. However, it does absolutely mean that if someone is deficient in Omega 3 EFAs their cell function and thus their health is compromised and will be improved when they begin to supplement – this is an indisputable scientific fact. Obviously if Omega 3 EFAs are needed for proper cell function and cell function determines our health then Omega 3 EFAs are a significant determining factor in health. This is exactly what research indicates.
The above information is why we stress the importance of supplementation BEFORE illness develops. It is both dangerous and illogical to wait until illness develops to begin to take care of yourself or your children or your pets!
How can we PREVENT ILLNESS or PROMOTE HEALTH if we wait until we are already ill before we take action?
Can I get enough EPA/DHA from flax or other vegetable oils?
When Alpha Linolenic Acid from flax is consumed it has to be converted to EPA and DHA inside the body. This requires the action of enzymes, the most important of which is an enzyme called delta 6 desaturase. The action of this enzyme determines how much LNA will ultimately be converted to EPA and DHA.
Research is clear that humans and other meat consuming animals are genetically designed to consume the longer chain omega 3 EFAs (EPA and DHA) directly from wild game meat or fish and not rely on converting LNA from flax. This makes complete sense. Our genetic ancestors had virtually no flax or other omega 3 rich vegetable sources in their diets!
In a recent study, ALA converted to EPA was only 0.2%, concluding that flax seed oil was not a good source of EPA and DHA. In another study, the conversion rate of ALA to EPA and DHA was approximately 6% for EPA and 3.8% for DHA. With a diet rich in omega-6 fatty acids, conversion is further reduced by 40 to 50%. Other lifestyle factors including consumption of alcohol, high saturated fat intake, stress and vitamin/mineral deficiencies can reduce the rate of ALA conversion even further. Fish oil provides up to 200 times more EPA and DHA per gram than flax.
Again, this makes sense. Why would humans or other animals that did not eat flax but did consume large amounts of EPA and DHA directly from wild game meat and fish be genetically designed to have an efficient enzyme pathway to convert flax to EPA and DHA? Arguments trying to convince you that you can get enough EPA and DHA from flax are genetically unfounded, nutritionally unfounded and scientifically unfounded because the research shows this is not the case.
The fact is that flax oil is a healthy source of LNA but it is not a healthy alternative to fish oil as a source of EPA and DHA. Furthermore, and perhaps most significantly, human breast milk is full of DHA. Scientific research clearly shows that children born to mothers who are deficient in EPA and DHA omega 3 fatty acids have neurological development impairments. Scientific research also demonstrates that children born to women who supplement with omega 3 fish oil like Omega Sufficiency can avoid these problems.
In addition, children who supplement with EPA and DHA from fish oil like Omega Sufficiency have been shown to have less allergies, less eczema, learn better, and be less likely to have ADD or ADHD.
The data from scientific research and clinical trials is indisputably clear. Everyone needs to ensure that they have sufficient amounts of EPA and DHA from fish in their diets. Sadly, eating fish is not a viable option because of the documented dangerous levels of pollutants and toxins. Supplementing with Omega Sufficiency®, the world’s premier purified, toxin and pollutant-free omega 3 EPA/DHA fish oil is not only scientific, it is common sense when it comes to maintaining and/or restoring your health and preventing disease.
Can’t I just get enough EPA/DHA from eating fish?
Eating several meals of fish every day would provide sufficient amounts of EPA and DHA. However, fish, including farmed fish, is now so riddled with pollutants such as heavy metals and PCBs and dioxins that eating enough fish to get your omega 3 EFAs is considered dangerous.
The FDA suggests that a significant amount of fish is essentially inedible due to these industrial and farming pollutants and this is also now true for most of the deep water ocean fish such as tuna, cod, and swordfish. In fact, pregnant women are now being advised to avoid eating fish altogether. In addition to the nutritional implications of this data, it is a sad commentary on how we are polluting the environment, our food sources, and ultimately ourselves.
Supplementation with a purified, toxin free fish oil like Omega Sufficiency is now crucial for every person starting from infancy. We simply cannot safely get enough EPA/DHA omega 3 fatty acids without proper supplementation.
If fish is toxic, why is Omega Sufficiency fish oil safe to consume?
Omega Sufficiency is extracted in a licensed pharmaceutical grade facility from cold water anchovies and sardines that are the purest, least toxic source of omega 3 fish oil. Our oil is purified in a non-chemical molecular distillation process that removes even trace amounts of heavy metals, PCBs, organochlorides, and organophosphate pesticides resulting in the safest, purest source of EPA/DHA fish oil possible. As the oil is purified it is immediately infused with our natural, proprietory antioxidant blend consisting of rosemary extract, ascorbyl palmitate and natural mixed tocopherols and then immediately bottled in a dark glass bottle with a patented spill-proof, threadless cap. This process ensures the greatest oxidation protection possible.
There simply is not a better, purer source of EPA/DHA omega 3 fatty acids in the world as our third party testing results indicate.
Can/should pregnant and breastfeeding mothers, infants, and children supplement with Omega Sufficiency?
Research is clear that pregnant women, the fetus, newborn infants and children all require sufficient EPA and DHA for proper health and development and the prevention of disability and illness. Very importantly, the EFA intake of the mother determines the amount of these vitally important nutrients that she can supply to her developing fetus and to her newborn infant during breastfeeding. Sufficiency of EPA and DHA Omega 3 EFAs as found in Omega Sufficiency is so important researchers from the Mayo Clinic recommended that EPA and DHA be supplemented in every pregnancy and that refined and hydrogenated fats be avoided during this critical period.
Scientific research indicates that deficiencies in EPA and DHA Omega 3 EFAs have significant consequences to both mother and child. In 1996, Frank Oski, retired chairman of pediatrics at Johns Hopkins University led a campaign of alarmed researchers and clinicians who bombarded the FDA with over 1,000 letters pleading and demanding that they ensure the health and welfare of our children by mandating the addition of DHA to infant formula.
EPA and DHA deficiency in pregnancy has been scientifically linked to post-partum depression, pre-term delivery, delays in intrauterine growth, and pregnancy-induced hypertension.
Studies have shown that EPA and DHA Omega 3 fatty acids are crucial for brain growth and development, intelligence, learning, and behavior. Researchers in Dallas conducted a randomized, controlled study on DHA and mental development in term infants (2000). They found that adding DHA to infant formulas improved both motor and cognitive function of infants.
In the recent Oxford – Durham study significant improvements were found in reading, spelling, and behavior over 3 months of EPA/DHA supplementation; 7 of 16 of the participants who were diagnosed with ADHD no longer met the diagnostic criteria for ADHD after supplementation! A study published in the journal Physiology of Behavior showed that deficiencies in Omega 3 fatty acids were significantly correlated with behavior problems in boys aged 6 to 12.
The evidence is clear; pregnant women, breastfeeding women, infants, and children all require sufficient EPA/DHA as found in Omega Sufficiency for proper health and development and for the prevention of disability and illness.
Should I give my pets Omega Sufficiency?
Yes! Dogs and cats are toxic with Omega 6 fatty acids and deficient in Omega 3 fatty acids for the same reasons humans are. Dog and cat food is riddled with Omega 6 fats from corn and soy. In fact, corn and soy are often the leading ingredients in pet food!
Neither wild nor domesticated cats or dogs are genetically designed to consume grains. Dogs and cats are genetically programmed to consume EPA and DHA rich meat. EPA and DHA are as important for proper cell function and health in dogs and cats (and any other meat consuming pets) as they are in humans. The fact is that the only way to provide sufficient amounts of EPA and DHA for your pets is to supplement with fish oil or feed them wild meat.
Be aware, there are some Omega 3 pet supplements that are derived from vegetable sources! These supplements will NOT provide ANY EPA and DHA for your pets and your pets will NOT be able to convert these vegetable Omega 3s into EPA and DHA!
Dogs should take the same dose as an adult (1 tsp of oil or 5 capsules) and cats or small dogs should take the same dose as a child (half tsp of oil or 2 capsules).
Why do I need to shake the bottle each time before I take the liquid form of Omega Sufficiency?
Just like olive oil and other dietary oils fish oil Omega Sufficiency has a natural melting point. In other words, all natural fats begin to solidify at certain temperatures. Omega Sufficiency naturally begins to solidify at fridge temperatures, which often appears as “clouding” or “clumping” in the bottle. We do not put any chemicals into Omega Sufficiency to prevent this as it is a harmless and naturally occurring process.
Simply shake your bottle of Omega Sufficiency well before each use and the natural solidification or clouding will be broken up and evenly dispersed. This will also help ensure even distribution of the lemon flavoring.
How long will it take to see results?
Literally, the moment you begin to supplement with Omega Sufficiency you will begin to move toward EPA and DHA sufficiency and better cell function and health. How much time it takes each individual to become sufficient in EPA and DHA will depend on several factors such as how deficient the person is when beginning supplementation, how much Omega 6 fatty acids they are consuming, their exercise and nutritional status etc.
As far as seeing results in terms of symptoms of illness the results will vary for the same reasons. Many people report seeing results within days of beginning supplementation whereas others report it taking weeks or months before changes in symptoms are noticed.
This is precisely why we don’t advocate treating symptoms with EPA and DHA but rather focusing on supplying your cells with the sufficient amounts of EPA and DHA that science has shown are required for health and the prevention of illness. Furthermore, and very importantly, the significant determining factor regarding who should supplement with Omega Sufficiency is not whether or not you are symptomatic but whether or not you are supplying your cells with the sufficient amount of EPA and DHA required for health and illness prevention.
Waiting until you or your family become symptomatic or have a diagnosed illness to supplement with Omega Sufficiency would be absurd considering the fact that science has shown beyond any reasonable doubt that everyone requires EPA and DHA on a daily basis in order to be healthy and prevent illness.
How long do I need to continue to supplement with Omega Sufficiency?
How long should you water your plants? In order to stay healthy you have to get adequate amounts of essential nutrients forever!
Science has confirmed that humans require daily intake of EPA and DHA for health and the prevention of illness.
The EPA and DHA Omega 3 fatty acids found in Omega Sufficiency are essential nutrients just like vitamins and minerals. Deficiency of these nutrients leads to poor health and illness and sufficiency of these nutrients is required for health and the prevention of illness – for life!
Why do some companies concentrate their fish oil – is this better?
It is scientific fact that human beings and all other animals are genetically designed as part of nature and to derive all nutritional requirements from nature. We also understand that human beings have never intervened in nature and made it better. For this reason we go to great lengths to provide products that are as close to their natural, whole form as possible. Humans and all other animals are genetically designed to ingest, digest, absorb and utilize whole foods in their natural biochemical form. Based on these scientific facts we have chosen to keep Omega Sufficiency in its natural triglyceride form and in its natural EPA/DHA ratio.
All of the studies on the healthiest populations of people in the world who have virtually no heart disease, cancer, diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, depression, ADHD, Alzheimer’s, arthritis, allergies, etc have shown that these people have sufficient amounts of EPA/DHA Omega 3 fatty acids in their diet from natural sources in their natural form, the exact same as you will find in Omega Sufficiency.
It seems illogical and unscientific to chemically alter the fish oil and change its biochemical properties then put it in a bottle. That is marketing, not science or logic. Several studies have shown that the natural triglyceride form of EPA and DHA found in Omega Sufficiency is absorbed much better than the human-made, chemically concentrated synthetic ester form. In one study comparing absorption of different fish oil forms, the natural triglyceride form was 300% better absorbed than the synthetic ethyl ester form. Again, this makes sense, why would humans have proper digestive enzymes to absorb a fish oil with an unnatural form and ratio that our genes have never been exposed to?
Will EFAs interfere with my medical condition or medications I’m taking?
Check with your healthcare professional since EFAs can normalize (thin) blood viscosity. Those who are using pharmaceutical blood thinners may be required to change their medication levels or may be contraindicated entirely – people taking blood thinners should always consult with their medical physician before taking fish oil.
Also, those taking high doses of aspirin or anticipating surgery should also consult the advice of a healthcare professional. If someone says you should not take omega 3 fish oil because you are on a blood thinner. I would argue it would be wiser to take the healthy omega 3 fish oil and take less drugs!
Scientific Support
- Joseph C. Maroon, M.D. Fish Oil: The Natural Anti-inflammatory; Sep 2, 2009
- Kiecolt-Glaser JK, et al. Omega-3 supplementation lowers inflammation in healthy middle-aged and older adults: A randomized controlled trial. Brain Behav Immun. 2012 Aug;26(6):988-95.;
Brain Health and Mood
- Kesse-Guyot E, et al. Thirteen-year prospective study between fish consumption, long-chain n-3 fatty acids intakes and cognitive function. J Nutr Health Aging. 2011 Feb;15(2):115-20.
- Sarah Conklin, Ph.D and Jennifer I. Harris, M.D. Omega 3 Fatty Acids Influence Mood, Impulsivity And Personality. University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (2006, March 3). study.aspx
Heart Health
- T A Mori, et al. Effects of varying dietary fat, fish, and fish oils on blood lipids in a randomized controlled trial in men at risk of heart disease. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. May 1994 vol. 59 no. 5;
- Lisa J. Schwellenbach, PharmD, BCPS, et al. The Triglyceride-Lowering Effects of a Modest Dose of Docosahexaenoic Acid Alone Versus in Combination with Low Dose Eicosapentaenoic Acid in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease and Elevated Triglycerides. Journal of the American College of Nutrition. December 2006 vol. 25 no. 6 480-485.
- Neil J. Stone, M.D.; Fish Consumption, Fish Oil, Lipids, and Coronary Heart Disease. Circulation. 1996; 94: 2337-2340;
Fat and Weight-Related Research
- Hye-Kyeong Kim, et al. Docosahexaenoic Acid Inhibits Adipocyte Differentiation and Induces Apoptosis in 3T3-L1 Preadipocytes. J. Nutr. December 2006 vol. 136 no. 12;
- L-Y Yang, et al. Lipolysis of menhaden oil triacylglycerols and the corresponding fatty acid alkyl esters by pancreatic lipase in vitro: a reexamination. Journal of Lipid Research; Volume 31, 1990;
- Dyerberg, P. Madsen, J.M. Moller. Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids. Official Journal of the International Society for the Study of Fatty Acids and Lipids. September 2010, Volume 83, Issue 3, Pages 137-141.
Lifespan/Overall Health
- Danaei G, et al. The Preventable Causes of Death in the United States: Comparative Risk Assessment of Dietary, Lifestyle, and Metabolic Risk Factors; Public Library of Science Medicine Journal; Vol. 6, April, 2009. http://
Absorption and Assimilation
- Belluzzi A, Brignola C, Campieri M, Camporesi EP, Gionchetti P, Rizzello F, Belloli C, De Simone G, Boschi S, Miglioli M, et al. Effects of new fish oil derivative on fatty acid phospholipid-membrane pattern in a group of Crohn’s disease patients. Dig Dis Sci. 1994 Dec;39(12):2589-94.
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