Isagenix; Poor Quality Supplements at a Ridiculous Price


 I had a different post planned, but after last week’s Advocare post I received an overwhelming number of requests for a review of the Isagenix 9 day cleanse program. Like Advocare, Isagenix is a multilevel marketing (MLM) company and its product sellers are not required to have any education in nutrition what so ever. Just like Advocare and every other MLM supplement company, they have the best scientists in the world developing their all “natural” products. The term “natural” is widely used  in food labeling and marketing with inconsistent definitions, and the lack of standards in the USA means that the term really means nothing. Let’s take a look at what you are truly getting with these products.

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The 9 day cleanse consists of 4 ‘cleanse days’ and 5 ‘shake days’.


Capture8For breakfast, the cleanse days start out with their “Cleanse for Life” product. With each serving of Cleanse for Life you receive only 20 calories at a cost of $2.87 to $5.74 per serving! The main ingredients include water, alfalfa (extremely cheap plant) and fructose (sugar). They also throw in some synthetic vitamins like cyanocobalamin. Synthetic vitamins, but they are all “natural”? Now I know the label says “ionic alfalfa”. What exactly does that mean? Do you really think Isagenix created some alfalfa super-food that in really small amounts drastically improves human health? Or, do you think it is a clever marketing gimmick? When has man ever improved on the nature that God, Mother Nature, or whomever you believe created?


“Isagenix Snacks” are to be eaten for a mid-morning snack on cleanse days. These contain mostly fructose (sugar), powdered milk, and more alfalfa. These snacks are only 30 calories and cost about $1 per serving. People are paying $1 for what is essentially a tiny shot of dehydrated chocolate milk. With this, Isagenix recommends a “Natural Accelerator” capsule. The ingredients in this capsule are decent, but insanely overpriced. A drink I like to make and do recommend is mixing a tablespoon of lemon juice and Bragg apple cider vinegar in a pint of water. Add a couple shakes of cinnamon, tiny dash of cayenne pepper, and a few drops of liquid stevia. It tastes great and is a very inexpensive ‘cleansing’ drink. Sorry Isagenix distributors, there is no reason to buy those pills.

You are instructed to consume another serving of Cleanse for Life late morning and Isagenix Snacks early afternoon.

Isacleanse protocolFollowing the system guide, mid-afternoon you are to take another Cleanse for Life serving which consists of a whole 20 calories. It is now mid afternoon and you have consumed a total of about 120 calories at a cost of at least $10.
The evening finishes off with another serving of Isagenix Snacks and Cleanse for Life drink. Depending on what exact protocol you follow with Isagenix, you will have spent between $15-$25 on about 170 calories worth of “food.” Basically, you will have paid to fast for a day. The protocol requires 4 of these fasting days in the 9 day program. If you only consume 170 calories for 4 days, of course you are going to lose weight! It has nothing to do with the products. If you eat 170 calories of twinkies a day for 4 days, you will lose weight. The weight loss associated with these products is not because of the products, but due to the fact that people are starving themselves!isashake

For the 5 non cleansing days you add the IsaLean Shake 3 times per day and a small meal (400-600 calories) for lunch and dinner. This looks a lot like SlimFast. A shake for breakfast, a shake for lunch, and then a sensible meal. A wise person would choose a sensible breakfast, a sensible lunch, and a sensible dinner.
This shake is low quality and nothing I would pay money for. The shake’s ingredients include fructose (sugar),  milk proteins, synthetic vitamins, and their alfalfa for $3 a pop.

Take this shake into Walmart or K-Mart and compare it to the protein shakes available there; you will be shocked at how similar they are. The shake consists of 240 calories, so on shake days you are consuming about 1750 calories. Again, more calorie restriction. During the 9 day cleanse you will definitely lose weight, not because the products are healthy and cleansing you, but because you did 9 days of serious calorie restriction.

Most of the weight loss seen during the cleanse is not because of burned fat; it is because you are still going to have bowel movements and empty yourself without adding anything back in. In other words, you lose a lot of poop weight. When you go back to your regular eating habits that weight is going to come back and then some. After 9 days of very low calorie consumption, your body is going to want to store fat to get ready for the next period of starvation. It is an innate, genius survival mechanism that does not apply in the USA today. For 99.9% of human existence we did not have immediate access to food. When you go through a period of very low calorie intake your body will look to store energy as fat to survive when that time comes again.

This is only a small sampling of the products they sell, but as bad and expensive as these are I would not pay for any product from this company.
If you would like to do a shake for a meal, try this: Put some Kale (very nutrient dense plant), or spinach, frozen fruit, liquid stevia, raw egg or two, some nuts, and some coconut milk or water (water if looking to lose weight) into a blender. Blend it up and you have a very nutrient dense, great tasting, inexpensive shake.

I have found that when people become Isagenix salesman they do have very good short term results. They are very motivated to create their “story” so they can make more money selling products to others. The best and healthiest long term strategy for health and proper body composition requires choosing the proper foods, drinks, and exercise, forever.

Plan for slow gradual improvements in body composition. If you were to lose ONLY 1 pound a week through healthy lifestyle choices, that would be 52 pounds by the end of the year! The wise always think long term, not quick gains or immediate gratification.

Isagenix distributors have been sending me this study which they claim shows how effective isagenix is at burning fat and reducing visceral fat (fat around organs). Let’s take a look at what this study tells us.

The study was funded by Isagenix (immediate red flag) and took 60 obese women and put them on a calorie restriction diet for 8 weeks. Of the 60 women who started 54 finished the program. Half of the group was given a 240 calorie isagenix shake for breakfast, another for lunch, and then a 400-600 calorie dinner (sounds like slimfast). The second group was instructed to eat 240 calories worth of food for breakfast and lunch and then have a 400-600 calorie meal. Their meals weren’t given to them in a controlled setting or even measured for calorie content. The participants were just asked about what they ate. After the 8 weeks here are the results;

BMI was the exact same for both groups.
The isagenix group lost 2 more pounds than the control group. So, if a person buys 8 weeks of expensive isagenix shakes they might lose 2 pounds more than if they just cut back on meal portions over an 8 week period!

There was only a 2 cm reduction in the waist circumference measurement. A waist measurement can NOT tell you whether you have lost subcutaneous fat (fat between the skin and abdominal wall) or visceral fat (fat around organs). It just tells you your waist circumference. To make the claim that it was a visceral fat reduction is intentionally misleading and false. What this study does is help to reinforce that fact that these products are a waste of money and you are much better served spending it on quality whole foods!

Update: Since writing this post I published a book giving people the answers to permanent weight loss the smart way. You won’t find any magic shakes or overpriced pills…. but you will find a step by step plan that will give you the tools to get healthy and lose the unwanted weight! You can get it here for 95% less than a month of shakes. 

Comments (232)

  • Dorothy Snebold Reply

    Thanks, Steve! Great article and practical advice!

    May 11, 2014 at 2:22 pm
    • Claudia Hakim Reply

      So I read this long post and have come to a coclusions. What works for one person doesn’t for another. As an entrepreneur you have to take all things into consideration. Be open minded.

      One of my biggest pet peeves is when entrepreneurs bash other companies. I see this happen at many networking functions, public speeches, and leads groups. A business owner will get up and literally say their business is the best, and all other companies are terrible.
      When I hear someone make a statement putting down another business I am immediately appalled. It makes me angry and I will most likely not do business with the company bashing others. Even if I know another company has a poor reputation, I am not going to go out and say they are a terrible company to all of my peers. Instead, I might say: “There are a lot of other great companies, and here is a list of some reasons why we’ve been successful.” This is seen as taking the high road and customers will more than likely go with you because they see you as trusting and honest.
      In actuality there are probably many companies that offer the same services and that excel in many different areas that yours does not at the moment. By not putting down other companies, potential clients will be more apt to go with your services.

      Look at their numbers, clients success , success stories. There is a reason why they’ve been around for 13 years and are a billion dollar company. If it was a scam , don’t you think the government would have been on them by now? Bad work ethics won’t get you far.

      December 1, 2015 at 10:25 am
      • Steve Czys
        Steve Czys Reply

        Stating facts about products is just that, stating facts. Telling the truth. If you interpret that as bashing than so be it. If a person was to write an article about how awful Phillip Morris cigarette products are would that also be appalling? Telling the truth about people getting scammed is ethical.
        Selling people on overpriced, low quality cleanses, detoxes and lose weight quick schemes is what’s unethical.

        December 1, 2015 at 1:35 pm
        • Debbie Reply

          Hello there. I think the good doctor is right snd if you do your research while keeping an open mind, you will realize this. Isagenix has a cult like group of supporters. However, if you go into it knowing all this, from my experience, the program works. I had lost 40 pounds over the past 18 months by bwing sensible with my eating, working out and staying very active. I had 20 more to go before getting to my goal and I was just stalled! The weght would not budge! Then I noticed a couple of friends who had lost weight and they told me about Isagenix. I researched and in spite ic the bad reviews I decided to give it a try. It is working great to kick start my stalled weight loss. I plan to continue this program until those pounds are gone. I make sure I don’t cheat snd that my one meal is nutrient dense. I will not likely do the cleanse days unless I get stuck again. My overall eating habits are great, I exercise every day and am very active. My SO is doing this with me, so that really helps. Do I think it’s a miracle? Nope. Do I believe the company is shady and scam-ish? Yup. But the program works and the cost keeps me on track. So for a quick fix I think it can be very effective, but long term of course it makes sense to eat real food, a mostly plant based diet, hopefully from your own garden.

          June 5, 2017 at 12:44 pm
          • Steve Czys
            Steve Czys

            There is no such thing as a good quick fix when it come to nutrition or health. “My one meal is nutrient dense.” Make every meal nutrient dense! Isagenix has magically convinced you and others to pay more money to eat less food. Of course you’ll lose weight if you only eat once per day.

            June 14, 2017 at 12:07 pm
        • Wood Reply

          You need to get your facts straight before you speak like this of anything, it’s unprofessional.
          Selling 5 billion dollars worth of products since the company launched 15 years ago with a 30 day money back guarantee speaks volumes, and people like you need to use a system before you disregard it.
          Check out John Anderson the Scientist who developed the systems, he knows what he’s doing and I never come accross a company so authentic with such integrity. Nobody is being scammed, the weight stays off, the energy remains, this is not a quick fix. It’s helping thousands of people get their health back.
          What do you know about biochemistry and minerals I wonder?

          November 7, 2017 at 5:48 pm
          • Steve Czys
            Steve Czys

            McDonald’s sells billions – that doesn’t mean they sell quality?
            People like me are smart enough to know how to read a label and not spend money on a foolish system.
            Just look at the isasnacks. The first ingredient is fructose with caseine and other
            things I’d never pay for.
            Isagnenix has scammed people into paying a buttload of money to eat less food. Of course
            eating less is going to lead to weight loss.
            I had biochem courses in undergrad and grad school and have studied continually since. Now you don’t have to wonder.

            November 12, 2017 at 9:42 pm
          • Julie

            No FDA approval for a reason!

            It is a scam.

            The 30day money back guarantee is window dressing and by the time you work out it’s all total bs and you’ve been sucked into a MLM scam you’re out of the 30 day trial period.

            Don’t even get me started on the amount of people that have had appalling allergic reaction’s to the “natural” crap that’s in the products.

            You should be ashamed of yourself for pushing this crap into people.

            June 5, 2019 at 6:37 pm
      • Norita Sorenson Reply

        Dr CZYS(Crazies) is a basher- gotta go. bye

        July 8, 2016 at 8:00 pm
        • Steve Czys
          Steve Czys Reply

          If giving facts makes me crazy than I am one crazy SOB!

          July 10, 2016 at 2:37 pm
          • Jill

            You can tell who sells isagenix on here lol!!

            March 3, 2017 at 6:47 am
          • Dr. Dalman

            So a noble prize for their exceptional products and science behind it means nothing? You are a fool in sheep clothes.

            July 27, 2019 at 5:42 pm
          • Steve Czys
            Steve Czys

            Maybe a “noble” prize, whatever that is…..but definitely not a Nobel Prize having anything to do with isagenix products. Maybe point out a flow in my article instead of name calling?

            July 27, 2019 at 8:22 pm
          • Dr. Waters

            Its funny that those who are advertising a different system HAS to disparage other systems that are BETTER in order to just get a little traction. I can ABSOLUTELY Guarantee that this person who wrote that article has NEVER tried the system, yet he’s going to bash it. Bashing other systems to get traction will get you no where!

            December 28, 2019 at 9:20 pm
          • Steve Czys
            Steve Czys

            You’re right. I’ve never tried the system. That’s because I can read the ingredients and know spending money on it would be stupid. It’s no different than reading the ingredients on a bag of oreo cookies and knowing they’re not healthy. I don’t offer or sell anything that is remotely similar to this system. Most importantly, not a single person, including yourself has pointed out anything I wrote to be untrue….because you can’t. When you attack a person instead of the content – you’ve lost.

            January 1, 2020 at 7:27 pm
      • NIC Reply

        Right on. Maybe this guy should try out the system first.

        December 12, 2016 at 3:36 pm
        • Steve Czys
          Steve Czys Reply

          A product has low quality ingredients, the only studies available with the products show they are useless, and they are very expensive.
          It makes perfect sense to ignore that and just try it out….

          December 12, 2016 at 3:54 pm
          • Christina MacRae

            Dr. Czys, it’s a shame you speak so ill of these products. And lots of info in your article is incorrect. I’ll only go into one, as i don’t want to make this a preachy trying to change your mind comment. Yes they do have fructose in their shakes, but that fructose is pulled from beets and pears! And if you did some more research into the company and the products, you would clearly see that there are several independent successful studies, namely the Skidmore College Study, clearly showing that the program has significantly better results than a heart healthy diet as well as maintaining the results. No I’m not a seller, just a long time product user and it always blows my mind when people have anything negative to say. Because I have never experienced feeling like this, EVER.
            I’ll leave it at that.

            March 24, 2017 at 1:17 pm
          • Steve Czys
            Steve Czys

            Fructose is fructose regardless of where it comes from.
            What that study showed is that people who eat less calories will lose more weight than people who don’t on the “heart healthy diet”. Mind blowing conclusion there…. Also, the heart healthy diet isn’t really very healthy.
            It always blows my mind how people are so easily duped by clever marketing and “studies.” This and many studies are so flawed the conclusions made are useless.
            I’ve said it before. Isagenix is charging people to fast. Eating less should save you money, not cost more….

            March 24, 2017 at 2:00 pm
      • On the edge Reply

        I agree that these products are overpriced!! I have been taking these products for 5 years now and I do love them (especially Ionix Supreme). In the beginning of my use, I was really pumped up to become a top sales rep because I really believe in this system. I spent a lot of time on my business and training only to become more in debt because what Isagenix claims “that you can work your way up to become a millionaire” is slim to none! I am now trying to research other products that cost a lot less money for the same quality. The only two products that I am willing to spend money on at this point is Ionix Supreme and the IsaLean shake. Those two products alone cost me $100 for only a 30 day supply (I make it last for 30 days. It’s only supposed to last for 15 days). Although I do love the taste of their shake and the way that Ionix gives me energy and takes away my anxiety, I am very disappointed in the fact that it is a MLM business and the very high cost! Their complete essential vitamins are $175 for a 30 day supply!! When I took those vitamins for a month, I did not feel any different than if I took my usual vitamins that I get for much less. I am glad that I can buy the product on Amazon now. Before you had to pay $50 for a 1 year membership and be on autoship. I do not like that! Ive had products shipped to me while on autoship because you can only push the ship date out so far and I got busy and forgot to push it out again (since I still had product left) so my credit card was charged a couple hundred dollars for product I did not need! I do not like that part of their business! I felt like I was being taken advantage of and scammed.

        January 12, 2018 at 12:58 pm
      • Johhny McBride Reply

        Did isegenix , and it’s a fake product. It’s literally just a slow laxative. It flushes you out but you don’t lose fat. Go natural and not these dumb gimmicks.

        May 7, 2018 at 12:18 pm
      • Alex s Reply

        This is unhealthy, and the product is being bashed because it’s garbage… Isagenix slaps lipstick on a pig gets people’s hopes up and at what cost? To earn a couple bucks people can seriously be endanger themselves as well as others they sell to just to make a buck… show me one nutritionist that stand behind this product, also being a nutrition consultant without any sort of education I’m pretty sure is illegal…

        August 3, 2019 at 12:22 am
      • Tara Wulff Reply

        I didn’t read any bashing…what I read was a review based on facts provided by the company itself. There’s nothing natural about a peanut butter that has 17 ingredients, most of which I have to look up. That’s how I formulated my own opinion of Isagenix, PEANUT BUTTER. Spend on what you want and consume what you want. I agree that mother nature’s food doesn’t come in a wrapper. What bugs me most about Isagenix is that they have unqualified sales reps acting as nutritional coaches to vulnerable people, selling them quick fixes; also a fact.
        My good friends are reps and have ZERO qualifications to be giving out “nutritional programs” or advice.

        November 1, 2019 at 12:14 am
    • Stef Reply

      I’d like to know from Isagenix users, if this company went out of business tomorrow, would you know how to maintain your body weight and health without their products. People I talk to that use this product seem to need the rigid structure but don’t possess the knowledge to do this with whole foods, cleansing on their own and exercise.

      May 29, 2017 at 3:58 pm
      • John Reply

        Yes. In fact Isagenix helped completely change my eating habits and what I eat. Isagenix is not a diet. It’s supplements that make up for the fact that most foods are nutritionally bankrupt. You can even do Keto on Isagenix. I’ve just switched to low-carb (not no carb). I travel a lot and there are weeks where I go without their products and am eating out at restaurants. I just eat smarter now.

        October 13, 2019 at 4:13 am
        • Steve Czys
          Steve Czys Reply

          “most products are nutritionally bankrupt” Support that statement…..

          You are eating better and that’s awesome! You don’t need a MLM supplement to eat well!

          October 20, 2019 at 1:13 pm
    • John Bobowicz Reply

      Sounds like someone who has never used or tried the product. I can tell you the descriptions here are embellished. Isagenix got me off of my late night snacking. I’ve consumed most of GNC and Vitamin Shoppes inventory and have never gotten results. I lost 60lbs in 4 months and have kept it off. I have their shakes for breakfast because that is a meal I’d typically skip. I’m now using their products to get into better shape and build muscle. Clearly this guy has a axe to grind or a competing product.

      October 13, 2019 at 4:09 am
      • Steve Czys
        Steve Czys Reply

        If I look at the ingredients to a box of twinkies I can tell quickly it’s junk….. I can tell the same when looking at supplement ingredients. Only fools would “just try it.” Congrats on your weightloss…. you are obviously eating better and that’s great.

        October 20, 2019 at 1:15 pm
  • T. Triplett Reply

    I know it’s all the same but I wish you would do the same thing on Plexus! I have a lot of friends buying into that and I try telling them that they should save their money and just buy/eat REAL healthy foods! Thanks for the eye opening articles though!

    May 11, 2014 at 5:58 pm
    • Steve Czys
      Steve Czys Reply

      I’ve had a lot of requests for a plexus review. I will do one in the next couple of weeks. Drink pink and shrink….if only it were that easy.

      May 11, 2014 at 6:06 pm
      • Anonymous Reply

        Plexus Slim Drink isn’t a meal replacement. Its a plant based dietary supplement that you mix with 8 oz. of water. Some people have lost a fair amount of weight with it, and still eat food 3-5 times a day. Some have found their answer in aiding them with their Psoriasis. Some have found it helps with Anxiety. I like the 60 day money back guarantee, no questions asked if you don’t like anything about it… But, funny thing is, I liked it. 🙂

        May 12, 2014 at 12:41 am
        • Steve Czys
          Steve Czys Reply

          It is not the plexus drink that is causing those health improvements. A lot of times when people buy into products like this they are looking to improve their health so they make other lifestyle changes as well. They eat better, exercise a little more, believe in getting healthier. It is these choices that cause the health gains not the pink drink. I woke up and worked out today and shortly after the sun came up. My workout did not cause the sun to come up….
          Just like the plexus pink drink does not cause a reduction anxiety, heal psoriasis, or burn fat. It is correlation not causation.

          The main ingredient in plexus is garcinia cambrogia, which is a tropical plant that looks a lot like acorn squash. This ingredient does have some research and the conclusion is that a clinical study has demonstrated that garcina combrogia has no effect in terms of weight loss or reduction of fat mass. In fact, the placebo group or people taking the fake drink actually lost more weight than the supplement group! To make matters worse a meta-analysis published in 2010 revealed that gastrointestinal adverse effects were twice as likely for users of garcina cambrogia. That could be the cause of some people’s weight loss, diarrhea from the products.

          May 12, 2014 at 7:36 am
          • Elizabeth

            I can’t believe this thread. I have lost 80 kg and guess what??? The only thing I spent money on was a recipe subscription until I knew enough about the right foods

            What I don’t understand is why you’d choose the hard road?

            I eat 1600 cals a day I hardly exercise

            Those shakes look like hard work

            November 24, 2016 at 5:10 am
          • John

            Doc, I like your patience with people. You answer every naysayer’s claim. I do like these programs because of the convenience factor, easy directions / map to follow, and I’m willing to pay a lot more for that… The problem is weeding through all of them to find one that’s legit.

            April 15, 2017 at 2:13 pm
          • Steve Czys
            Steve Czys

            I could show you exactly what’s legit without spending a pile of money on mediocre products.

            April 21, 2017 at 12:41 pm
          • Jennifer Eitelberg

            I have a lady hounding me about Isagentics but no one from plexus. Reading all your info I rather not do either an stick to just eating totally clean! Thank you for all your in put.

            September 16, 2017 at 1:39 am
          • Steve Czys
            Steve Czys

            Great choice!

            September 19, 2017 at 9:10 pm
    • Jeri Sampair Reply

      Do you have any idea what’s in your REAL food? Our country needs Tribbit you produce so much food in a fast amount of time growth hormones antibiotics are punched into every animal in farming! And as for fruits and vegetables take a look at a picture of the guy spraying the fruits and vegetables at Farms why does he have a completely covered suite and a mask on so he can’t be contaminated but their spring it on our food but we can eat it! that’s crazy for you to think that you’re right!!!!

      May 18, 2014 at 3:54 pm
      • Steve Czys
        Steve Czys Reply

        First of all not every animal in farming is “punched” with medications and not all plants are sprayed with chemicals. I agree commercial food production practices are not the healthiest but an easy way to avoid that is by purchasing whole foods with a ‘certified organic” label. Second and most important is isagenix products are made from chemically produced (synthetic vitamins) and the non organic fruits and vegetables you and I are opposed to. How is paying more for the same conventionally produced products in a pill or powdered form better?

        May 18, 2014 at 5:48 pm
      • Damian Reply

        I’ve read an article that states our ground water is contaminated with perchlorates which the FDA says is Ok for us in small amounts. It goes on to say that even organic fruits and vegetables grown with this water have a lot of these perchlorates present in them. The Dr. that wrote the article says that research shows that this contributes to Hypothyroidism and Iodine deficiencies. They also did a study on 487 pregnant women that all tested positive for perchlorates and followed them through pregnancy and until their children were 3 years old. The toddlers all had diminished cognitive development and were in the lowest 10th percentile of IQ. She also asks the question “how many of these moms had experienced a miscarriage during their life, as hypothyroidism is a common (but sadly missed) cause of miscarriage.” So with all these toxins that are out there, and she is saying that it’s in water, eggs,milk, fruits and vegetables (including lettuce, asparagus,kale, and spinach) all having high amounts. So what is one to do?

        November 3, 2015 at 9:35 am
        • Steve Czys
          Steve Czys Reply

          One article about ground water in one area doesn’t have me concerned in the least. That is similar to the argument supplement pushers use that our soils are depleted and food is void of nutrients. So, all soil in all parts of the world that food is grown is the same?? Sadly since the industrial revolution we have been and continue to pollute our home. It got so bad at one point that a river in Ohio kept starting on fire…..
          Here is what one is to do. Eat vegetables, fruits, nuts, eggs, meats that are preferably wild raised and certified organic. If water is a concern get a reverse osmosis filter. Here is what you should never do…think that some overpriced supplements can replace healthy foods. The best supplements that exist are made from the certified organic foods that we should all be eating….

          November 3, 2015 at 10:09 am
          • Damian

            I go to a Physician that does my bloodwork and has me take supplements as a way to optimal health and I have seen the changes for myself. So according to you, does that make him a supplement pusher. He was the one that showed me this article and it said that the entire East coast, Florida, California and Texas is contaminated. I’m not trying to defend Isagenix, I just happen to read this thread in doing research but according to you my Dr. who has helped people beat cancer, is a supplement pusher.

            November 3, 2015 at 10:30 pm
          • Steve Czys
            Steve Czys

            People with zero education in regards to health that sign up for and push MLM supplements are supplement pushers. Need to lose weight – take these pills, low on energy – take these pills, need to “cleanse” – take these pills. If a person is deficient in a nutrient supplementation of high quality products is a great way to become sufficient. I take fish oil, vit D, and probiotics daily for that reason. There is a huge difference between that and isagenix protocols.
            The article you keep referring to…what does that have to do with isagenix? Regardless, post a link to it.

            November 6, 2015 at 10:57 am
          • Damian

            Ok here you go;




            There’s three for you and if you google perchlorates contaminating groundwater you’ll find a whole lot more. I just find it funny that you want to claim your so knowledgable about how “supplement pushers” want to claim that our soils are nutritionally bankrupt as a means of pushing product when you yourself are not educated to what is in our enviroment. Please watch the documentary Bought which also talks about how Big Pharm and Big Agriculture is poisoning our children and killing our bee population. I just think you shouldn’t tell people here on this blog that you don’t have an agenda when you do. Learn your facts before you bash “supplement pushers”

            November 7, 2015 at 1:04 am
          • Steve Czys
            Steve Czys

            “Bought” one of my colleagues Dr James Chestnut is interviewed in that movie. I actually got to view it before it was made public. You should hear him rip apart low quality supplement companies like Isagenix, Advocare, etc… The others I know from that movie wouldn’t take or sell isagenix either. It is a travesty how we are polluting our planet. We agree on this. I spend a great deal of my free time in nature. It’s actually 5am as I am typing this. I’m heading out to remove invasive plants from my land so I can plant new trees this spring (white spruce, wild plum, red osier dogwood and others going in:) ). Just thinking about how we are destroying our planet, how we are causing mass extinctions, it sends chills up my spine. However, taking Isagenix or any other “Detox” program does not solve the problem of pollution. The solution is to clean up what is polluted and stop polluting. Isagenix is not going to keep percolates out of your drinking water. What I had was a reverse osmosis water filter. My current home has ground water, which I had tested and thankfully is free of any pollutants and tastes amazing. Speaking of polluting the environment, my body is an environment that I try really hard not to pollute. The very first isagenix product I just looked up, isaleen bars, has carrageenan in it. I wouldn’t pollute my body with that stuff….Not to mention the casein and all the added sugars in that awful product.

            November 7, 2015 at 5:26 am
          • Damian

            So what about the Dynamic Greens that you pawn on your Euphraxia website. It contains Stevia which you say in this article is one of those sugars that supposedly are so bad for us. Again you have an agenda with your blog and you want to bash anyone that pushes supplements but the fact of the matter is you want people to only see your point of view and buy your supplements that you promote or the books that you promote and get a commision when someone clicks thru your link. Anyone can pick apart ingredients on a label. And yes I’m proud that you are removing invasive plants and are going to plant trees at 5am. I’m also impressed that you know someone that was in the movie but what about the person thats eating McDonalds every day or the person that is trying to eat right but still had Hypothyroidism and Iodine deficencies and is unaware that our soil is nutritionally bankrupt or that GMO’s are in the processed food that so many people eat or that all these vaccines that we pump into our children and now we have 1 in 65 kids having Autism. Do you think that they might benefit from a supplement or two?

            November 7, 2015 at 8:57 am
          • Steve Czys
            Steve Czys

            Never have I said stevia is a sugar that is bad for us. That is a misquote. There are good supplements out there and I am glad to see people taking them. Isagenix is not a good supplement. I do have an agenda. It is educating people so they don’t waste their money on garbage like isagenix or advocare. You’be been duped by isagenix, you’re mad at the wrong person. I hate to break it to you. Isagenix isn’t going to fix a mcdonald’s diet, hypothyroidism, or autism. That is some of the BS fear mongering tactics MLM companies use to push products. If soil is nutritionally bankrupt, plants can’t grow in it! People will benefit from a QUALITY supplement or two. Isagenix does not fit in the category. I attached a hilarious image I’ve seen isa-pushers and plexus pushers post on facebook. null
            It’s a tragedy people actually believe this stuff.

            November 7, 2015 at 10:01 am
    • Betty Reply

      I was on a no sugar diet, no dairy, no gluten and eat high protein low carb. Might I add, I exercise daily! Never lost anything! I added isagenix to my overall lifestyle and I saw change more than eating all healthy!! We are loaded with toxins today and poor soil. Our food is not as “healthy” like it use to be!

      Wake up! We don’t live in a healthy world – between environmental toxins, pesticides, GMOS’ ect…

      Scary world – do your research before you state the facts.

      May 4, 2017 at 9:22 pm
      • Steve Czys
        Steve Czys Reply

        If you eat healthy and train hard you always lose excess fast, it’s a law. The problem was that you weren’t eating as healthy as you think and you weren’t giving enough effort in exercise. I see it all the time.
        When anyone says “do your research” without posting any research to support their point of view it always means they have nothing other than a story.

        May 7, 2017 at 12:03 pm
  • Sara Pank Reply

    Amen! I agree with this 100% and was pleasantly pleased at the end to see it was written by a fellow Chiro!

    May 11, 2014 at 9:08 pm
    • Rusty Spaugh Reply

      Dr. Czys,
      you are just bashing other products to push your own site and program. If you knew and did your research you wouldn’t be bashing Isagenix. I have ulcerative colitis and have been on Isagenix for 2 years. Despite the company makes no medical claims, on day 4 my sypmtoms were gone. I was on Methotrexate, Prednisone, and humira. On day 4 I had loads of energy that I hadn’t had in 4 years. My joint pain, muscle soreness, tiredness, bloating all went away. I lost from 194 down to 164 in 2 months and I have maintained that for 2 years. The company has had several studies done on it’s products. Like the Skidmore study and other studies done at Arizona state. They also pay for independant labs to test it’s products so that they can say what is in it is in it. The FDA monitors the health industry and Isagenix makes no medical claims but I am proof that it works.
      So please do your research before you start bashing the competition. If your program is great then let it stand on it’s own merits without bashing other companies that have real results.



      February 15, 2017 at 3:20 pm
      • Steve Czys
        Steve Czys Reply

        Yes I’ve seen the studies and explained them in the comments section of this article. The study you just referred to took 43 people, a very small number, and then reduced their caloric intake by 25%…and they lost weight. No kidding they are going to lose weight. Intermittent fasting and calorie restriction does make sense for weight loss. To pay a company more money to eat less calories and fast is senseless. If anything you should be saving money by eating less.

        I have people ask me about different MLM companies all the time. Isagenix included. Every distributor thinks their particular MLM is the greatest ever. All based on nothingness. Instead of answering every person I find it easier to just point them to an article. Like all distributors you give a personal story, and say “do your research” as opposed to presenting anything that disproves what I said. Then you give a study that supports my point of view.

        February 16, 2017 at 12:12 am
        • Brynn Chiarelli Reply

          Regardless if Dr. Czys is promoting his program or not, he is 100% correct in his research results with ISAGENIX. Wake up people! It is a marketing SCAM! Do your research on what you put into your bodies! You want to put 2 shakes into your body as meals for the rest of your life, be my guest. You want to believe the hype about needing to cleanse with pills and liquids through Isagenix or most other companies, go ahead. Their shakes are gross and taste like chewed up chalk! It’s funny how some are claiming that their doc recommends these products because I’ve surely never been to a doctor that has. “Cleansing” and “shakes” are a very trendy thing. No thanks, I will continue to eat my organic vegetables and sustained meats from local farmers. Dr. Czys is a highly educated individual who has done his research and isn’t stupid. I urge anyone reading this to listen to him. He does know, and is stating grounded facts. I stand behind you Dr. Czys and I AM AN INTERNAL MEDICINE DOCTOR. Health and happiness to all!

          March 8, 2017 at 7:42 pm
          • Steve Czys
            Steve Czys

            Well this was a pleasant message compared to the usual distributor hate posts. Thank You 🙂

            March 8, 2017 at 10:33 pm
  • Bobbi Reply

    Another MLM company that’s trying to get in on the “healthy” energy drink/amazing weight loss products is vemma, they’re shady enough to have a kid’s version, and theirs is “better” because it has mangosteen. Their “bod-e” weight loss “program” runs $170 for a 4 week supply, and they claim it takes 12 weeks to be effective. The cost means you could have a gym membership, and pay for a personal trainer, which would probably be a better investment.

    May 12, 2014 at 5:29 am
  • Mary Amanda Reply

    Thank you so much for sharing the truth about these ridiculously overpriced and under-regulated products! I’m sure if you calculated the cost of the DIY nutrient-dense and satieating shake, it would be “small potatoes” compated to the daily product use…and people say it’s expsensive to be healthy?! Avoiding the snake oil salesmen will certainly help your finances and health goals!

    May 12, 2014 at 6:52 am
  • Leia Reply

    I am loving these posts! Have you done any research on Body by Vi yet? I’ve thought about trying it since there is a 90 day money back guaranty but at the same time, I think all these pyramid companies are the same. I’m friends on FB with the girl selling them, (she sold so many she got a BMW from the company) and she’s always posting testimonials from her clients and she herself swears by it and she’s in great shape. She claims “I do two ViShakes plus clean snacks and meals in between. The shakes aren’t 1 source of protein. They have a trisorb blend (whey, soy, whey isolate) without the isoflavones to help shred excess water and fat and converts to lean mass. Trisorb blend is way more absorbable in your system than pure whey protein which our body only takes in 20% of it…the rest gets excreted in urine and #2.” This is I guess what makes the shakes different from other protein shakes.. BUT, I just find it all hard to believe and its very expensive, would love to hear your thoughts, thanks!

    May 12, 2014 at 8:01 am
    • Steve Czys
      Steve Czys Reply

      Your friend’s post makes absolutely zero sense. I will do a full post about them in the future. I will say now that their trisorb is nothing more than whey protein concentrate (cheaper whey that contains anywhere from 30-90% protein), soy protein which should be avoided due to it’s saponin content alone, and whey protein isolate which is processed whey protein concentrate and is about 90% protein. You could get any of those for a much cheaper price elsewhere. Spend that money on healthy food!

      May 12, 2014 at 4:20 pm
      • stacey Reply

        unreal, I have been on Isagenix for a year now 73 lbs. gone and rarely do the cleanses.. this is Bullshit.. Get your facts before you bash a company.. Sorry you can’t afford this awesome Program.

        February 15, 2017 at 3:31 pm
        • Steve Czys
          Steve Czys Reply

          That was just funny. Thanks for the laugh.

          February 16, 2017 at 12:12 am
      • jennifer mancinelli Reply

        Which brand of vitamins do you take? And are they are whole food based/not synthetic?

        September 21, 2018 at 2:52 pm
        • Steve Czys
          Steve Czys Reply

          My family and I use Physics Nutrition and Innate Choice. Both can be found on my site or searching google.

          September 25, 2018 at 9:55 am
  • Jessica Reply

    I love this review. I’ve tried Shakeology not so much for a meal replacement, but for added protein as I can’t seem to get enough. Because of the cost, I’ve switched to GNC’s Total Lean protein blend instead. Any thoughts on their product? Is it worth the cost? Most are under $40.

    May 12, 2014 at 7:57 pm
    • Steve Czys
      Steve Czys Reply

      I will check out Total Lean in the future. For added protein to my smoothies I just add a couple raw eggs. They are inexpensive, packed with vitamins, and create a nice smooth texture.

      May 13, 2014 at 9:28 am
      • Jessica Reply

        Mind over matter, I guess, but raw eggs and smoothies just sounds horrible to me.

        May 13, 2014 at 11:42 am
        • Steve Czys
          Steve Czys Reply

          If you can work up the courage to give it a try you’ll be pleasantly surprised.

          May 13, 2014 at 1:13 pm
  • missy Reply

    OMG I can’t wait to read your thoughts on Plexus. Also, there is that product called Zeal for life that is popular too and can’t wait to hear your thoughts on that supplement

    May 12, 2014 at 8:05 pm
  • Charlie Reply

    I don’t see any explanation of your opinion on quality. It is true that a caloric restriction will result in weight loss.
    This study shows that Isagenix is more effective at fat loss (specifically, visceral fat which is most dangerous) than an accepted traditional heart healthy diet of the same calorie value and fasting schedule…. Wait, fasting?
    NIH says fasting is effective for weight loss and doesn’t result in starvation or more weight gain.

    Thank you for your opinion, but I think you need to look at more research and stop quickly scanning labels for things you can comment on without a little more due diligence.

    May 13, 2014 at 5:10 am
    • Steve Czys
      Steve Czys Reply

      Thank you for posting this! Let’s take a look at what this study tells us. The study was funded by Isagenix (immediate red flag) and took 60 obese women and put them on a calorie restriction diet for 8 weeks. Of the 60 women who started 54 finished the program. Half of the group was given a 240 calorie isagenix shake for breakfast, another for lunch, and then a 400-600 calorie dinner (sounds like slimfast). The second group was instructed to eat 240 calories worth of food for breakfast and lunch and then have a 400-600 calorie meal. Their meals weren’t given to them in a controlled setting or even measured for calorie content. The participants were just asked about what they ate. After the 8 weeks here are the results;
      BMI was the exact same for both groups.
      The isagenix group lost 2 more pounds than the control group. So, if a person buys 8 weeks of expensive isagenix shakes they might lose 2 pounds more than if they just cut back on meal portions over an 8 week period!
      There was only a 2 cm reduction in the waist circumference measurement. A waist measurement can NOT tell you whether you have lost subcutaneous fat (fat between the skin and abdominal wall) or visceral fat (fat around the organs). It just tells you your waist circumference. To make the claim that it was a visceral fat reduction is intentionally misleading and false. What this study does is help to reinforce that fact that these products are a waste of money and you are much better served spending it on quality whole foods. Thank you for posting it.
      In regards to the second study I can’t say that I have any problem with intermittent fasting. I have a problem with companies trying to get people to pay them to fast. That study you referenced was a 12 week calorie restriction diet and not intermittent fasting. Every other day the participants cut their calories by 75% for 12 weeks. Of course you are going to lose weight by eating less!
      The biggest problem with both of these studies is they are very short term with no follow up. How many of these people do you think maintained a shake for breakfast, another for lunch and then a small supper for the rest of their lives? How many ate 25% of their normal food intake every other day forever? How many of these people do you really think maintained their short term gains?
      Health is a marathon, not a quick fix. We need to make healthy food choices with every meal, forever. Promises of quick fixes from powders, cleanses, detoxes etc. have not and will never work long term.

      May 13, 2014 at 10:25 am
  • Trudyap Reply

    First of all; you write about the 9 day system which is NOT a good value. I have been involved with Isagenix for 8 years and have rarely sold this system as I do not feel it is a good value for my customers. I am a 30+ year nutritionist and prior to Isagenix I looked at MANY companies searching for a good product line or system which would actually WORK for them! I was amazed at the quality ingredients in the Isagenix products. I first purchased a 30 day system for myself. After having more energy and mental clarity than I had experience in YEARS, in only 4 days on the products – I was hooked! I then went on to lose 27 pounds in 6 weeks and felt better than I had in years. I knew I HAD to share this with everybody as it was the first thing I had every found which actually worked. 8 years later and that weight is still gone.

    Do you pay a bit more for the convenience of Isagenix and the no compromise products. Yes you do. With the 30 day system you are paying about $3.00 per meal. For a meal that’s loaded with 90 essential nutrients including pro biopics and digestive enzymes – I would say this is a good value. Plus the products WORK! If you work the system, the system will work for you and you will feel better than you have in a LONG time!

    May 13, 2014 at 7:44 am
    • Steve Czys
      Steve Czys Reply

      I’m sorry but I can’t get past your opening lines. “the 9 day system which is NOT a good value….I have been with isagenix for 8 years and have rarely sold this system as do not feel it is a good value.” So, you feel it is not a good value for people but you go ahead and sell it to them anyhow? I would say that is the definition of unethical. As a nutritionist I would think the focus would be on teaching people how to make proper food choices not selling them powdered “meals”.

      May 13, 2014 at 10:36 am
      • Trudyap Reply

        I said I don’t sell the 9 day system and the reason is that the 30 day system is a much better value for the customer. The 9 day system is for those only looking for a quick fix and I work with people who are typically looking for LONG TERM solutions rather than quick fixes. I am not unethical, you seem to be excluding the bulk of what I had to say. As a nutritionist I have learned that minerals are essential for optimal health and due to chemicals and poor farming practices we have soil which is has been mineral deficient for years. If the minerals are not in the soil, they are not going to be in the plants which is why it is necessary to supplement. I teach people how to supplement in addition to eating clean, organic foods. In a perfect world we could live well on just good food choices. Unfortunately we haven’t lived in that world for quite some time.

        May 13, 2014 at 11:26 am
        • Steve Czys
          Steve Czys Reply

          30 days is a far cry from long term. The low minerals in the soil selling tactic is used by every single multilevel marketing company(isagenix, advocare, plexus, shaklee, amway, juice plus, you name it). If soil is that poor the plants can’t grow. Plants need healthy soil to grow and produce. Also, you can’t make a blanket statement about all the soil that all the food on the planet is grown in to all be bad. Now I will say some foods may be less nutritious than the past due to harvesting before ripening and plant hybridization. For that reason it is wise for some to supplement their diet with whole food vitamins. The 30 day program is not about adding nutrients to a person’s diet, it is about replacing food with shakes that are less nutritious and more expensive than food to make money. Many of the vitamins in isalean shakes don’t exist in food. Cyanocobolamin is a synthetic form of B12 that doesn’t exist in any food source on the planet. They add cheap synthetic vitamins to the shake to make the label look better. To anyone reading this, you will never ever replace the nutrients you can get from a quality meal with any of these products. Do not buy them.

          May 13, 2014 at 1:34 pm
          • Z

            Too many success stories to argue against the companies you are out to knock down. There is validity to some of your solutions, but continuing to bash Isagenix, Advocare, etc is a waste of time. Focus on your own solutions and stop with the focused effort. If you have something so good to offer, why can’t you just play that card and essentially ignore the ‘competition’?

            To each their own. I think you have some solid points, but they watered down with your vendetta against other nutritional companies.

            May 18, 2014 at 11:29 am
          • Steve Czys
            Steve Czys

            I have many clients who come to me and ask about these products because their friends/families/coworkers are pressuring them into buying products and/or selling in their downline. I decided to write a fact based review to direct people to when I am asked about the same companies again. It’s nothing personal, just the facts.

            May 18, 2014 at 5:36 pm
      • Norita Sorenson Reply

        She said she doesn’t recommend the 9 day, and I do not either. It is just more expensive and generally the person who does order a 9 day calls back and needs more product. I always order a 30 day, sell them a 9 day, tell them to come back and I will sell them the rest when they finish the 9 day. (They just pay the balance- not unethical) We do teach correct eating. AFter a person reached their goal weight we recommend Maintenance, which is one shake a day, 2 REAL FOOD MEALS A DAY. I recommend following a PALEO program for the other 2 meals. We offer training on meals. Give me an email and I will email you my recommendation. You are pissing me off!!

        July 8, 2016 at 7:52 pm
        • Steve Czys
          Steve Czys Reply

          I appreciate you offering to educate me.
          However I’ll stick with what I teach all of my patients/clients.
          Healthy eating every meal of the day and only supplement those nutrients which are hard to get in a reasonably healthy diet.
          The isagenix dogma of nutrition is not fact.
          It’s like JFK was talking to all of you distributors….
          “The great enemy of truth is very often not the lie–deliberate, contrived and dishonest–but the myth–persistent, persuasive and unrealistic. Too often we hold fast to the cliches of our forebears. We subject all facts to a prefabricated set of interpretations. We enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought.”

          July 10, 2016 at 1:58 pm
  • Brett Reply

    Love the review Doc! Keep them coming! Can you do one on ID Life? Thanks

    May 13, 2014 at 10:22 am
  • Jim Reply

    Very interesting article Dr Czys but very vagu in your review of the actual ingredients. I also conducted my personal review of Isagenix protein islean shakes and see no name brand out in today’s market come close to providing the quality ingredients found in each serving of isalean shake.
    24g of protien is great!
    They have soy free, dairy free and kosher products.

    I researched their products for good 2 months and have to say your article is very misleading and focuses mostly on that it’s a calorie restriction diet.

    I took it to the next step and tested their products I took a physical before then after 30 days and again after 60 days. My results have been amazing.

    For most people today we don’t have the time to make a good healthy meal 3 times a day and by introducing a product like Isagenix we have the ability to give our body’s something health. As well today everything we eat, drink or breath is very unhealthy and Isagenix cleansing program is a great addition to anyone’s life to help cleanse themselves from all the toxins and replenish themselves with something nutritional.

    I have seen Isagenix help so many people live a better life and see nothing wrong with that.

    May 13, 2014 at 10:56 am
    • Steve Czys
      Steve Czys Reply

      The isalean protein is from dairy, how can you claim it to be dairy free? How can you claim that an isalean shake will remove toxins when it contains lactose and about 65% of humans are lactose intolerant? Wouldn’t this make the shake toxic for 65% of us? For anyone who chooses to follow this blog I will show how easy it is to make healthy meals, how much better it is than any of these products, and how it will save money.

      May 13, 2014 at 1:56 pm
      • Chris Harmon Reply

        Jim is NOT claiming that Isagenix shakes are “dairy-free”…he is saying that Isagenix produces a shake that is dairy-free (which is true). Also, I’ve heard that their whey-based shakes are 99.3% lactose-free. What would you consider to be too much lactose for those who are lactose intollerant (like myself)?

        May 13, 2014 at 3:51 pm
        • Steve Czys
          Steve Czys Reply

          Whey isolate can be virtually lactose free. The majority of the isagenix shakes have whey concentrate which will have a higher lactose content. The isagenix dairy free protein shake contains pea protein which has a very low biologic value and protein digestibility-corrected amino acid score. I get the vast majority of my protein from wild meat, eggs, and nuts.

          May 13, 2014 at 5:44 pm
      • [email protected] Reply

        Dud you have no IDEA what you mean. There is a dairy free option.. That is just an option.. and you honestly have no idea what your talking about

        February 15, 2017 at 3:40 pm
        • Steve Czys
          Steve Czys Reply

          2nd funniest comment of the day. Feel free to start educating everyone.

          February 16, 2017 at 12:20 am
    • Norita Sorenson Reply

      They have Dairy Free Shakes- 3 flavors.
      The Shakes does not remove Toxins, The cleanse removes Toxins.
      The Shakes are 99% Lactose Free and most Lactose intolerant people do just fine with using them because the Whey Protein comes from New Zealand where the cows are free to roam and are not fed anti-biotics, hormones or steroids.

      I checked out a couple of the suggested items you highlighted and they were more expensive or same priced as Isagenix,

      You must be one negative personn.

      July 8, 2016 at 7:45 pm
      • Steve Czys
        Steve Czys Reply

        Lungs, Liver, Kidneys, Skin – remove toxins. The isacleanse cleanses money from the wallet. Nothing more.
        Grass fed, from New Zealand – all of that is meaningless marketing.
        Grass feeding does nothing to affect the protein or sugar (lactose) – it only affects the fats.
        Giving facts is not being negative. It’s just giving facts.

        July 10, 2016 at 1:51 pm
        • Grace Reply

          “The isacleanse cleanses money from the wallet. Nothing more.”

          OMG I’m dying that was funny lol

          August 7, 2016 at 2:29 am
          • Anna


            January 11, 2017 at 6:41 pm
      • Michelle Reply

        The dairy free options are new as of late 2016. IF you READ the article and date stamp of articles you would realize that in May of 2014 (yes that was over 2 years ago) there were NO dairy free options. Get off your wagon if you are not going to contribute factual information.
        My doctor told me last October that I might not be doing myself any favors by using the regular Isagenix because of being lactose intolerant…I joined before the dairy free shakes…let me tell you…as soon as the dairy free shakes came out I bought them. Can you say gross and barf? The dairy free shakes are so horrible no matter what you did to them they sucked….I’d rather eat anything then the dairy free shakes…The vanilla chi was awful i added the ionic supreme since that’s what my friend who sells a lot of Isa does and then to the Barry Harvest I added the fruits and greens I couldn’t even enjoy the Chocolate which is my favorite candy in the world. The Barry was like cardboard but the vanilla was so bad I would have happily traded it for the Barry shakes.
        Also, there are people selling this crap that have no f-ing clue w-t-f they are talking about. I have a hypo-thyroid and I blindly followed the dietary schedule from the Isagenix welcome packet. I couldnt lose any weight even when I did the cleanses…i was extreamly upset after over 1 year of being told this is a miricle it changed my life…guess what NOT mine. So I spoke to one of the highest up girls from the network I bought from and she was like don’t give up hope bla bla bla…..I went off on my own and found a Isaflmation group on Facebook and guess what?? A girl from Australia said her doctor said since she has a hypo-thyroid the 2 day cleanses that Isagenix prides them self on was actually harming her thyroid then doing her body good. He said that its to long of a time for the thyroid to go without food and if she absolutely wanted to cleanses to just do the 1 day cleanses. How come I had to figure out my own answer to my problems? And guess what I would do just a shake for breakfast or lunch but without the stupid cleanses (ZERO) not even 1 days I lost 15 pounds. O and another thing I heard was how it “helped the ladies hair grow (such superior health and Protein) and my hair stylist “LOVE” me cuz i have to go every 3 weeks to get my hair cut” is a f-ing liar….my hair has never fallen out more then on this diet. I kept going to my doctor every month and making him test my thyroid and every time it wasn’t bad but he said my hair shouldn’t be falling out. I also didn’t have the energy boost that everyone was talking about as well. I think it is the actual low calorie diet that is helping people to lose the weight and not the shakes.
        So, in-conclusion I have decided that as soon as I run out of all my Isa-crook products I will be jumping off the brainwashed FAD wagon.
        Peace out Isagenix.

        **Replace Isalean Shakes:Vega One or that Nature’s Bounty Protein.
        **Replace Cleanse for Life (that doesn’t involve starving): The Cleaner (Vitamin Shoppe or GNC or Amazon just google it)
        ***Another option for replacing CFL-Detox from Heavy Metals:from Pride Nutrition–Premium Greens (Amazon)
        **Replace the Isaflush: Source Naturals GABA Calm (Amazon)
        **Improve alkalinity in your body by drinking warm water with real lemon 30 min. before eating or drinking.
        **Improve alkalinity in your body by drinking alkaline water
        **Improve alkalinity in your body by eating heather and laying off the Big Mac’s

        I also do not make my claims lightly….my friend is a nutritionist and just entered into a body competition and is working with a coach and they have been talking about my problems with Isagenix and you know what he agrees with her to get off this program. She just had to order a bunch of new products and one of them was Isopure Protein powder. If Isagenix was the best of the best of the best why wouldn’t body competition coaches be hyping Isagenix?

        I think just being more aware of what we are putting into our bodies is the best thing; also if it was the best thing for us to survive and not starve why is it so expensive when it is being bought through a middle man and not found at ALL health food stores across the world? Shouldn’t it be cheaper; because as of now only people with $$$ can afford it? Also, I have another friend who says are you really getting the nutrition you need to live from 1 or 2 shakes a day and a 400-600 calorie meal?

        Thanks and have a nice rest of 2016 and stop trolling articles from 2014.

        September 28, 2016 at 8:44 pm
  • Chris Harmon Reply

    What do you say to people who have held everything else constant in their lifestyles (such as exercising, or lack thereof) except for switching to an Isagenix diet and yet have lost considerable weight and have gained considerable energy throughout the day? If what you’re suggesting (that people change their lifestyles when they do Isagenix and that’s the reason for the dramatic change and not the Isagenix itself), what would be your response to those who have changed nothing but their diet and have still experienced considerable weight loss? Is it the placebo effect or could it be that the foods actually work (despite the alleged high prices)?

    May 13, 2014 at 11:27 am
  • Anabela Reply

    I am a personal trainer and nutrition consultant and It’s interesting how you’re so quick to claim that Isagenix is of poor quality when it is absolutely not. It has been researched in several studies whether funded by Isagenix or not It has been proven to be effective and overall great for general health and weight loss.

    Every diet works differently for everybody. Some people that need to lose weight don’t have the energy, motivation or the discipline to prepare their meals. Some get overwhelmed with too much nutritional information that causes them to give up. Isagenix offers a simple solution to kick start a person’s need to lose weight and build confidence. Once the momentum is rolling, nutrition education and teaching to make the right choices will be less overwhelming. I have been with Isagenix for 5 years and my clients that I recommend isagenix have all kept their weight off and feel absolutely amazing!
    The shakes and nutrition combo is a marriage that I teach my clients to adopt because in some situations many people skip meals and shakes are a great way to get nutrients in and your body fed. Everyone has kept their weight off and they don’t always and ONLY live on shakes.

    Isagenix is a lot more affordable than a lot of products out there that are way more expensive. To eat properly today means to go completely organic which is extremely expensive today to do. You mentioned adding raw eggs to your smoothie? There’s the risk factor of getting salmonella as well as, it can cause a biotin deficiency. Your suggestions can be poor as well and raw eggs will not be good for everyone.

    Your membership is expensive, that does not include personal training adding to your own nutritional store as well as the books you sell. How are you different??
    Your making money off people and they’re investing in your gym, products, books, classes, workshops which will cost a lot more than a 30 day system that Isagenix offers.

    Your marketing your own products, business opportunity on your site so all this MLM knock down that your doing is to get publicity for your site, business “opportunity” (which you profit from franchise)and products.

    Your no different from us MLM associates my friend. This is your marketing potential…

    May 13, 2014 at 2:41 pm
    • Steve Czys
      Steve Czys Reply

      Great post!
      -Please show the studies that have proven to be effective and overall great for general health and weight loss.

      -To eat properly today means to go completely organic. If that is true how is taking isagenix bars, soups, and powders which are NOT organic and fortified with synthetic vitamins going to solve that problem?
      There’s the risk factor of getting salmonella as well as, it can cause a biotin deficiency. Egg yolks are the richest food source of biotin and even if the protein in egg whites pull some it is still a net gain in biotin. The salmonella risk is extremely small in raw eggs and I’ve been eating them for 20 years. If someone is not comfortable doing that I understand.
      How am I different? My fitness centers always have a trainer there and it is included with the membership. When people join my program the initial cost is more than a 30 day isagenix supply but we teach them how to exercise and eat forever. Our members can apply what they’ve learned for the rest of their lives, to their spouse, to their kids, to everyone around them, whether they continue with our program or not. It is so much more than 30 days of powders. The value of my program over the long term is infinitely better than anything isagenix can offer. We do offer a few supplements but ours are all whole food and certified organic supplements, not meal replacements. We just supplement what is hard to get in a good diet (omega 3’s, vit D, probiotics). Our products are not only better, but they are less expensive than any MLM product I have seen. That is a big difference.
      For those who choose to follow my blog I’ll make nutrition less confusing, supplementation understandable, health attainable and help you save money along the way.

      May 13, 2014 at 6:20 pm
      • Anabela Reply

        As a trainer and nutrition consultant, I agree that eating good food is always the best choice 100%. I always encourage and teach my clients to rely on food more but for some people shakes are convenient and they actually prefer it otherwise, they often skip meals.
        As an MLM distributor, Naturally I will defend the product that I endorse which to me and many other’s it’s great however, different programs will work for different people, the choices are endless. I for one, am not afraid of the truth and respect your opinion. If my post came off as an attack, I apologize for that.

        May 15, 2014 at 12:57 am
        • Steve Czys
          Steve Czys Reply

          Thank you for the kind post. There is one program that works for every single person every single time. That is making the right food choices, exercising the right way, and learning how to stay motivated and stick with it, forever. I will give people all of these tools in this blog in the weeks to come.

          May 15, 2014 at 8:07 am
  • Marie Reply

    What Brands Of Supplements Do You Use?

    May 14, 2014 at 10:00 am
    • Steve Czys
      Steve Czys Reply

      I use Innate Choice for fish oil and probiotics. 5,000 IU Vit D tabs from Douglas Labs is a very good value. Dynamic Greens from nutri-dyn is a good way to get more fruits and veggies in your diet if not eating enough. All of those products can be found here or possibly for a better price elsewhere online. Vit D, Fish Oil, and Probiotics are the only supplements I am sure to take on a regular basis.

      May 14, 2014 at 8:33 pm
  • JLL Reply

    I am a client at both Dr. Steve’s chiropractic office and Eupraxia. I find it interesting that a lot of people who sell these products are trying to attack Dr. Steve and his businesses. Dr. Steve isn’t writing these posts to shut down MLM companies, he’s doing it because his clients asked him to check out the products. Dr. Steve cares about each and every one of his clients, and would rather have them opt for the healthier, less expensive option. I have only positive things to say about Dr. Steve and the positive ways in which he’s changed my life! Everyone needs to make a living, why not do something you love? In Dr. Steve’s case, that’s teaching people how to live a happy, healthy, sustainable life!

    As for no protein shake comparing to Isagenix, who says you have to drink protein shakes to lose weight? I prefer to eat actual food.

    May 14, 2014 at 12:20 pm
    • Steve Czys
      Steve Czys Reply

      Thank you! I get asked the same questions all the time and thought this would be a good way to answer them. I appreciate all the feedback. Including the MLM distributors who don’t like to hear the truth. There will be many more posts to come!

      May 14, 2014 at 7:35 pm
      • Heidi Dulieu Reply

        Hi Steve, I’m interested to hear your viewpoint on Juice + – I suspect you have the same reservations as for isagenix. Also Tony Robbins has released some health supplements which from first glance look to be high quality. Would love to hear your feedback. Many thanks

        November 20, 2017 at 12:35 pm
        • Steve Czys
          Steve Czys Reply

          Whatever money you thought about spending on juiceplus….. take it to the grocery store and buy fruits and vegetables. I wouldn’t spend a penny on juice plus. Tony’s greens drink looks like a crazy expensive drink that uses his name to justify the price. Again – take your money to the store.

          November 21, 2017 at 2:18 pm
  • Not Impressed with your opinion Reply

    If you take a look at the way food is “farmed” and processed in the United States then I think you would not be so quick to recommend eating “good” food. The quality of food that you can get is such a low quality, that even when you are paying premium prices for the “top of the line” organic like at Trader Joe’s you are only getting a level 3 or 4 in your quality. The shakes register in at a level 7 in quality, it isn’t like Slim Fast because it isn’t a diet. People use Isagenix all the time to be healthy and not lose weight. You only lose weight if you have toxic visceral fat that needs to be lost.

    The claims you make about the vitamins are not true either. Here is an article you can check out that address some of your issues with the company and the vitamins are on there. Go to Isagenixhealth and read the article about Battling Myths and Misconceptions (I tried to post the link but it wouldn’t let me – it looks like you are afraid of people posting materials that could disprove your opinion).

    Also the 9 day cleanse is not what is recommended by the majority of people. The 30 day system is what is recommended to people and that comes to about $2.73 a shake, which considering how much people spend on eating out and for the quality they are getting, this is super cheap. This isn’t a fad diet like others you have mentioned, this isn’t a diet at all. This is a healthy living movement and the results are pretty obvious – they have a money back guarantee and virtually no one takes it because they love the products and the way they look and feel.

    I understand you are trying to help people, but instead of thinking everything is a scam you might want to do some more research on companies before you try to trash them.

    June 23, 2014 at 1:34 pm
    • Steve Czys
      Steve Czys Reply

      I am not sure where the level 3,4 or 7 rating comes from. Regardless, if all food is so bad what food does isagenix make their products from? How can you replace what you claim to be bad food with supplements made from the same bad food or a lab? You cannot target visceral fat loss. Nor can you target localized fat loss like doing crunches to burn stomach fat. That is isagenix marketing BS at its finest.
      I did read that article and many more written by isagenix with the goal of convincing people to sell their products. Just because isagenix wrote it does not make it fact. This is a good article explaining the synthetic vitamin folic acid in isalean shakes. That is just one example and there are many more.
      Isagenix is not a “healthy living movement”. It is a MLM marketing company looking to profit off the sales of mediocre products at extremely high prices. A healthy living movement is about teaching people what foods to eat, what foods to avoid (and what supplements to avoid like isagenix), how to exercise, and to think with gratitude and be thankful for what life has to offer. That doesn’t come from a 30 day system and a 30 day system doesn’t jump start that process. A healthy living movement is making healthy choices forever. My posts are based on very thorough research, not opinion links written by MLM profiteers.

      June 25, 2014 at 7:40 am
      • Jean Reply

        If you want to look at the product labels and bash the ingredients because of your superior nutrition knowledge that is fine, but some of the statements you made in the above comment just show that you have gone too far in trying to bash this company.

        Do a little more research on the company and what support and resources it gives its customers. This company IS about the long term healthy lifestyle. The 30 day program comes with multiple materials to help you be succesful and healthy for life. Plus there are blogs, podcasts, multiple websites, magazines and many other tools that customers have access to. Isagenix does teach what foods are best, which ones are not so good, and which ones to try to avoid all together. It has recipes. It does promote exercise and give suggestions for exercise. It has a program called Healthy Mind and Body that teaches gratitude and positive attitude.

        They constantly say that it is not a quick fix, it is a healthy lifestyle. Yes some people loose weight quickly with this program, but some loose more slowly. There is a whole spectrum, and if you loose slower, it doesn’t mean you are doing something wrong. Everyone is different. Many have no weight to loose. They just want to be healthy or gain muscle and improve performance.

        Anyway, my point is, you may be right about the products, but a lot of what they teach regarding real food and exercise and mental health is similar to what you believe. So maybe you should delve a little deeper past the products they sell and look at what they are trying to do as a whole.

        Thank you.

        June 24, 2016 at 1:17 pm
        • Steve Czys
          Steve Czys Reply

          If a company was about long term health and lifestyle they wouldn’t sell a 7 day and 30 day challenge….. the definition of short term quick fix. “They constantly say that it is not a quick fix, it is a healthy lifestyle.” Actions speak louder than words.
          Teaching proper diet, exercise, sleep, etc is all awesome. Selling low quality products at huge prices as well as selling the promise of quitting your job and working from home, become a distributor…. is a scam.
          Telling the truth is telling the truth, even if some view it as bashing.

          June 24, 2016 at 1:30 pm
  • Angie Reply

    The cleansing drink you recommend (apple cider vinegar, lemon juice..) is that to be drank while fasting? Or along with meals? Thank you. I loved reading all of your articles.

    January 31, 2015 at 10:46 am
    • Steve Czys
      Steve Czys Reply

      I drink it with meals. When fasting I would just do water.

      February 1, 2015 at 6:18 pm
  • Pat Forsberg Reply

    I have been on both body by VI and now Isagenix. I am a busy person and I really appreciate the ease of a shake in the morning and a shake at night. In the 2.5 weeks on the program I have lost 12 pounds and as a type II diabetic my sugars have never been better. Body by VI has to be made with milk which is tougher when you are on the go, but Isagenix is made with water. I would be interested to compare the ingredients in both shakes and then take them to GNC and see how they stack up in terms of price and artificial ingredients.

    I have a doctoral degree and am very interested in the research and too, am concerned about who is funding the research as it lends to much bias, but this works, regardless of the chatter.

    Also, I think that everything is about money today, and I am not surprised that most if not all of these programs are MLM “schemes”. So is Tupperware, Pampered Chef, Stella and Dot, and most every other home based sales. That should not condemn the programs.

    Thanks for the great discussions in here. Would like to know how others think too.

    February 8, 2015 at 11:28 am
    • Steve Czys
      Steve Czys Reply

      A better, healthier, cheaper option would be to use fruits and veggies with water in a blender for your shakes. It’s super easy, I do it almost daily 🙂
      There is a good chance that what is written on the label isn’t what’s in the container.

      February 9, 2015 at 7:22 am
    • Norita Sorenson Reply

      Almost every company in America is started by One person or a group of people at the TOP!! In those companies there is no way that any of the employees will ever make it to the top of the “food chain!” They are all PYRAMIDS! In MLM if they have fair and balanced Compensation Plan a person coming in today can make more money that the man who came in when the company was started. Jimmy Smith, 88 years old, who joined Isagenix in 2002 when it was first started, was Isagenix Company TOP EARNER for YEARS, how ever for the past several years Patty and Herb Cepeda and now Lynn Hagedorn and Michael CLouse have stepped into the TOP EARNER ROLE!! We have over 188 Millionaires! Lives are being changed one at a time both Physically and Financially!! I know YOU do NOT like this form of FREE ENTERPRISE>

      July 8, 2016 at 7:33 pm
      • Steve Czys
        Steve Czys Reply

        Actually people can start with a company, learn from them, and if they have the courage quit and start their own company. Sales doesn’t equal quality products – it equals clever marketing and a lot of desperate people. The thigh master sold $100 MILLION units….was it because it works so well?

        July 10, 2016 at 1:46 pm
  • Patrick Reply

    The reason any of the MLM programs work is this: It is providing people with a process to follow every day, almost for every meal. It doesn’t matter which protein powder, shake, or meal replacement is used – mostly. It is about setting a habit of eating fewer calories (although I am a firm believer in a low carb diet and with that no calorie restriction is needed). The MLM programs make you spend lots of money. This is what we call an Ordeal in NLP; people will follow the plan because they are paying 300-400 a month for it. Some people pay that for rent. So they are monetarily (and peer pressure-wise) motivated to follow the process, which is to restrict calorie intake and exercise more. Anyone doing that will lose weight, feel better, and get into better shape. It is about the process and buy-in, not so much about the particular products. The products are designed to be good, but more to maximize the profits of the company. It is ALWAYS about shareholder value.

    February 26, 2015 at 9:37 am
  • Patrick Reply

    I lost a pound a day and kept my weight at a great place for 10 years after, eating bacon, eggs, steaks, pork, etc. People all told me it was a calorie restrictive diet and that all the weight I lost was water weight. Well, in terms of the body being mostly water, maybe that was true to a degree, but I lost more than 60 pounds in 2.5 months and stayed skinny for 10 years… I had monthly blood tests initially, and all the numbers improved, every month. And I was doing 2500-3500 calories a day, easily. And not exercising much. Low carb works way faster than these shakes.

    February 26, 2015 at 9:42 am
  • Nicola Reply

    Hi, I’d like to thankyou for sharing your educated perspective on this. Personally I have bought isagenix and, honestly I do feel better and have lost a portion of body fat % on it (I eat healthily, exercise twice daily 5 days a week anyway (cardio morning most days and resistance evening 3-4 days). As a product its not bad, but I agree, the marketing/business aspect doesn’t sit right with me, hence why I’ve cancelled any other stupid automated future payments.

    In that regard, is there anything that you would recommend protein supplement wise that I can use in conjunction with training)? I work at a busy veterinary clinic, so I guess the main reason I’m interested is because I am time poor and have always found it difficult to eliminate the small fat layer around my abdomen preventing muscle definition.

    Health wise, I understand this is acceptable and my vital parameters are within normal healthy ranges, but from an aesthetic/potential competitive point of view which companies that offer quality supplements are legitimately testedw without the MLM scamminess? Some research online has suggested optimum nutrients and myotein have better product composition quality over other products in an independent study not funded by the company.

    I guess, in a nutshell, how do you get adequate nutrition for bodybuilding type training without supplements (I have access to plenty of eggs from happy chickens at my parents property) and what is the best way to differentiate between products available on the market for quality, as I would like to choose that route (long hours working and early morning late night training schedule

    March 13, 2015 at 7:56 am
    • Steve Czys
      Steve Czys Reply

      Hey Nicola,
      People training for body building do need more protein than most. Personally to build muscle I like to eat muscle “meat”. At times when I was trying to pack on some muscle I would make a whole bunch of burgers or steak and eat it throughout the week. I was also a big fan of hard boiled eggs, especially the free range farm ones! As for supplements check these two out. Cricket protein powder here and egg white protein powder from here are good. Thanks for the comment.

      March 14, 2015 at 9:59 am
      • Alison Reply

        I thank you for this review and honesty. I never heard of this product before until recently when two people approached me about it. I told them I had to look at the ingredients because my entire family has gone full Paleo. With that said, I am a runner and finding something to supplement, especially after my runs has proven to be more difficult. I would love to lose weight, to help my mileage (currently 9:50 mile) but I would rather do it using real food. Thank you again!

        March 29, 2015 at 11:18 pm
        • Steve Czys
          Steve Czys Reply

          One piece of advice I give to all runners looking to lose weight is to mix in some sprint work. Type “sprinter” and then “distance runner” into a google image search and decide which physique looks healthier.

          April 1, 2015 at 12:18 pm
  • AC Reply

    Reading your review I found it very lacking, and ignorant. Your comment: “Take this shake into Walmart or K-Mart and compare it to the protein shakes available there; you will be shocked at how similar they are…” really shows that you have NO IDEA what you are talking about! Why don’t you back up your own words? I CHALLENGE you to do just that, find a comparable shake at Walmart or Kmart, or wherever you frequent regularly. Let me guess, the dollar store?

    Let me tell you, I’ve done that! and I’ve tried many other shakes. Undenatured Whey as found in Isagenix shakes, is easily the very BEST protein you can buy, and then to top it off by using grass-fed cows milked in season from New Zealand where the standards are higher than USDA Organic. John Andersen is the master formulator of this company and founder, He knows what he is doing and the products speak for themselves! Youtube the vitamins folks!

    I’ve tried your suggestions on just eating “food” as well. Like that is so damn easy! Nothing has worked for me as well as Isagenix and nothing makes me feel as good.

    Btw the cleanse, is not just alfalfa. It has aloe-vera hearts, cold processed as not to destroy the enzymes & burdock root (NOT CHEAP!)….and it really works! I’ve lost far more weight on the Isagenix system with cleanse, than if I had starved myself!

    The proof is always in the pudding! At the end of the day, no other program, NOTHING ELSE is better than the Isagenix nutritional system for health and or weight loss.

    April 23, 2015 at 10:27 pm
    • Steve Czys
      Steve Czys Reply

      Why do you have to knock the dollar store? I’m sure they have some great deals! When cattle eat grass it creates a healthier fatty acid profile in the meat. The amino acid profile (protein) of whey is not affected by a cow eating grass. There is such little fat in whey concentrate the grass fed claims amount to nothing more than a marketing ploy. Fortunately regardless of what your personal claims are there is actually a study I can reference. Let me review it for you. The study was funded by Isagenix (immediate red flag) and took 60 obese women and put them on a calorie restriction diet for 8 weeks. Of the 60 women who started 54 finished the program. Half of the group was given a 240 calorie isagenix shake for breakfast, another for lunch, and then a 400-600 calorie dinner (sounds like slimfast). The second group was instructed to eat 240 calories worth of food for breakfast and lunch and then have a 400-600 calorie meal. Their meals weren’t given to them in a controlled setting or even measured for calorie content. The participants were just asked about what they ate. After the 8 weeks here are the results;
      BMI was the exact same for both groups.
      The isagenix group lost 2 more pounds than the control group. So, if a person buys 8 weeks of expensive isagenix shakes they might lose 2 pounds more than if they just cut back on meal portions over an 8 week period!
      There was only a 2 cm reduction in the waist circumference measurement. A waist measurement can NOT tell you whether you have lost subcutaneous fat (fat between the skin and abdominal wall) or visceral fat (fat around the organs). It just measures your waist circumference. To make the claim that it was a visceral fat reduction is intentionally misleading and false. What this study does is help to reinforce that fact that these products are a waste of money and you are much better served spending it on quality whole foods. There’s some “proof pudding”, I hear you can get it at the dollar store 😉 On a side note. A healthy diet is always the best for health and weight-loss, it really isn’t that hard if you have someone teach you how to do it. The only negative is MLM distributors can’t make a buck off recommending people go to the grocery store.

      April 24, 2015 at 6:21 am
      • Norita Sorenson Reply

        One group was on the Isagenix 30 Day Program.
        The other group was on a HEART HEALTHY DIET.

        July 8, 2016 at 7:19 pm
        • Steve Czys
          Steve Czys Reply

          The heart healthy diet isn’t very healthy.

          July 10, 2016 at 1:43 pm
  • Tigris Reply

    This is a terribly written article, he leaves no sightings and its very biased. Do the research yourself and you will see that pretty much everything hes saying is false! Just goto and you can read all the ingrediants for every product!!

    May 11, 2015 at 6:14 pm
    • Steve Czys
      Steve Czys Reply

      Yes, that makes perfect sense. Go to to get unbiased information about isagenix……There are “sightings” or research that was “cited” within the comments.

      May 11, 2015 at 6:21 pm
      • Dawn Reply

        Hello, I tried Isagenix, My sister in law got everyone involved it sounded like a no brainer to me. I suffer from anxiety and depression and everyone mentioned how theirs got so much better some even went off their meds. I had an adverse reaction my anxiety got a lot worse especially after a cleanse day. I liked doing the system because it got me regimented. I learned what sprouted breads were and i stopped eating processed foods etc.after much research. I said to myself I increased my meds, yes I lost weight but it is really expensive. I could put that money to better use by buying more organic and non processed foods. May be go see a nutritionist. Just don’t believe everything people say and everything you read. There are exceptions.

        August 1, 2015 at 11:26 am
        • Steve Czys
          Steve Czys Reply

          A person doesn’t need to purchase overpriced mediocre supplements to be regimented. That is exactly what I do. I teach people a healthy pattern that can be followed and maintained forever. It always works if followed properly.

          August 1, 2015 at 4:13 pm
      • Norita Sorenson Reply

        I would invite you to meet John Anderson and Jim and Kathy Coover and Tour the company and John Anderson’s labs in Arizona. I would invite you to come to Celebration in Las Vegas and meet 10000-15000 people who have had great results. I have used Isagenix since October 14th, 2006 and have had many improvements in my health and my Husbands health. Many of my friends have released weight and maintained that weight loss for 5, 6 7, years. One of my friends recently broke both legs in a terrible motorcycle accident, and was told it would take him a year to get back to running steps and doing some of the things that he previously had been doing for work out, and after just 3 months, he is able to do things that have amazed his doctors. I think you are doing a disservice to others by being so radically opposed to Isagenix. Is it because they are MLM? MLM is WORD OF MOUTH Marketing. I feel very sorry for your very narrow mind. I love a lot of what you have written. I truly do wish you would visit the company and meet John Anderson, also known as “The Mineral Man” and Dr Paul ANderson,, formulator of our IsaDelight Chocolates and Joint Formuala, Dr Michael Colgan, formulator of Brain Formula and Sleep Repair, and Dr Dennis Harper, who was just like you when he was introduced to Isagenix, until he really studied it. Our ingredients are TRIPLE TESTED FOR PURITY AND INTEGRITY!! We have more Health Professionals joining us now that ever before. Our shakes are about $2.85 per shake, and they are a meal replacement. Our daily AM/PM Vitamins are about $4.64 per day. BEFORE ISagenix I spent $9000 at Health Food Stores to “feel better” and I didn’t feel better..after about 3 weeks on Isagenix I was definitely feeling better, many of my health issues improved. Why are you so hesitant to meet the Makers and Formulators? I am not sure why I am wasting my time writing to you, you are closed minded and stubborn in your thinking but if you decide to want to talk to any of the people I have listed please let me know and I will see what I can do. I am NOT A TOP INCOME PRODUCER, but I do love helping people with health issues, and if they do not feel a difference in 30 days I help get their money back…that has not happened but about 3 times since 2006!! Please consider my offer. Thank you, Norita Sorenson 435-878-2131

        July 8, 2016 at 7:12 pm
        • Steve Czys
          Steve Czys Reply

          “I am not sure why I am wasting my time writing to you, you are closed minded and stubborn in your thinking” Actually it’s just educated and logical evaluation of the products. Everything you wrote is the exact same fluff given by advocare, plexus, herbalife or any other distributor that believes marketing hype to be fact.

          July 10, 2016 at 1:43 pm
          • Dawn

            When people are so consumed with bashing something, they need to look at their motivation. If Isagenix works for some people, why don’t you leave it alone? What are you personally hoping to gain by such a visceral attack on products that friends of mine swear by? I only drink the nondairy shake but I have a top producer friend who suffered from Crohn’s disease and is now in complete remission. She is a nutritionist and has helped hundreds of people. People spend more money on alcohol and junk – why don’t you focus on that? You are so incredibly negative and biased. It’s sad. Even if I didn’t believe the “hype”, I would never purchase a product from you with your current attitude. Have a great day!

            February 10, 2018 at 6:32 pm
          • Steve Czys
            Steve Czys

            Motivation is simple – educate people so they don’t get scammed. Check my page – I just posted videos on flinstones multi and animal crackers “junk”

            What you and every other person does is comment about me personally. What not a single person has done is refuted the points I’ve made
            with any data. Why – because it’s not possible. Everything in the article is true.

            I’m not concerned with hurting feelings – I just show the facts.

            February 10, 2018 at 6:44 pm
  • Lauren Reply

    Hey there! I want to first say that i am sorry others are calling your personal and professional opinion on your blog biased. That is unfortunate. My two very close girlfriends have started this cleanse last week. Both of them told me they have lost ten pounds in 5 days. I told them both thee ntire thing seems ridiculous and quite frankly dangerous. My girlfriend and i are waitresses, i have four children, my other friend has four children. I tried to explain to them that we need the calories to keep up with our lifestyles and that we should all get a plan together to start eating clean instead of taking “the easy way out”. So i do agree with you. They’re argument was that they couldnt cook as well as i do and that they dont fully understand labels and portions and all that. I was frustrated but people will do what They want regardless of what you say. So today, after 5 days they are 10 pounds down, exhausted and just drained. But like a gooD Friend, i wont rub it in 😉 my question for you is this. Id love to get the kiddos and i into some good ole clean eating. I dont know where to start, though. I dont fully understand how to execute a healthy cleanse or what sugars are good sugars Etc. Could you give me some tips? Or a really good resource for getting started? Thank you!

    May 11, 2015 at 9:32 pm
    • Steve Czys
      Steve Czys Reply

      This post will help you understand sugars a lot better. If you would like an individual consult on how to really get going I can do that but that is how I make a living. Let me know if you’d like to do that.

      May 12, 2015 at 5:22 am
  • Janie Reply

    My question I can’t seem to get from isagenix is in protein shakes the folate (folic acid) is real folate or synthetic folic acid ? I have mthfr I can’t seem to get a answer from anyone about this ? Thanks

    June 5, 2015 at 10:18 pm
  • Pattie Jo Reply

    Wondering if you ever used the products yourself?
    I think that would but a no. So I challenge you to try a full 30 day
    System and see what the product do and how you feel. You maybe posted simple info of what you got from reading the lables and other info you gathered. But using the product and really seeing the affect and how you feel is a better and true judgement of Isagenix’s. I can set you up with the system of you dare take my challenge.

    June 18, 2015 at 11:11 am
    • Steve Czys
      Steve Czys Reply

      I would have to be some special kind of stupid to pay for an overpriced product that is not healthy. How do I know it’s not healthy? Because I understand the ingredients in the products. Also, feeling better is not always a good thing. If you took a shot of espresso every hour you’d feel great and have energy all day. But, you definitely would be less healthy. “Feeling better does not equal getting better” Einstein
      If you look through the comments of this blog you’ll see the only studies ever done with isagenix products shows they are useless.

      June 18, 2015 at 2:31 pm
  • Kimberly Reply

    Isagenix is just another dad that will pass with the wind as all fads do. WHOLE FOODSon the other hand, are not a fad and will. It pass with time. They are the TRUE key to healthy eating and weight loss… And for a reasonable price. What about the Whole30 or the 10 day detox by Mark hyman? These are great ways to cleanse the body of sugar, grains, processed foods, etc. And you eat good foods… And a lot of them. And you lose weight. Frankly, I’m tired of seeing my Facebook pages filled with people trying to sell a product, especially this one. It looks desperate.

    July 19, 2015 at 7:13 am
  • Bob Reply

    I think the biggest thing we forget here is for the average person who knows nothing in comparison to educated nutritionists is the decision to do something , to act , to get off the couch etc wether it’s isagenix or just peace mealing your own health ideologies I applaud this one fact that a choice has been made to better yourself. I decided to try isagenix to see what all the fuss is about plus I work 12 hour shifts in a city environment that doesn’t allow me to sit and nessecarily have meals so to put even a shake in my mouth is a good choice . So far I am happy but totally understand that it’s more getting used to a regiment and clean eating over anything else. Isagenix is ridiculous for its price and way better products out there. The saddest day was sitting at home today and calling around to gnc, Popeyes and any other place I could think of and without even knowing me or my background I was belittled and basically berated for mentioning isagenix and literally had to tell them at least I am doing something . I felt that wrong and have spoken to a few nutiritionists who also had the same outlook and was very discouraging to the rest of us. I understand your education is far superior to my knowledge of products and lifestyle but I need to start somewhere and I think a better attitude would be to at least acknowledge that if you are doing isagenix at least you made a choice to do something and let’s work from there so we can better you life further after isagenix. Unfortunately I still have to do shakes during the day due to my job so maybe you can help me unlike those other people to suggest a good powder if I am going to do any. I seek your help and advice , I come in peace lol , I have read a lot of these posts so far and it hurts me to think that this point has been lost. places that I call now and tell them that after this month I want to change to a better product basically call me stupid for making my choices I hang up now and will never go to , unfortunately this has left me with very little places left in Calgary Alberta . I have even gone to these stores and they tell me the product they are trying to sell me is “the best thing since sliced bread ” I month later I got back to replenish and they stopped selling it . Everyone has their own agenda when talking products but ultimately people like me and many others get lost in the wash cause of the attitudes of many others in the industry. Anyways enough of my rant and maybe you can assist with offering a solution to a healthy meal replacement shake you would suggest ? Thanks for your time

    July 28, 2015 at 2:24 pm
    • Steve Czys
      Steve Czys Reply

      I applaud anyone looking to make better choices and will do my best with helping those people. What I don’t like is the predators with zero education trying to make money off people by selling MLM products like isagenix or advocare. In your situation I would say the best thing you can do is plan ahead. Make a weeks worth of meals in advance and have them ready at work. Some quick food ideas are hardboiled eggs, trail mix of almonds, cocounut, and dried fruit, apples and bananas with almond butter. It doesn’t take anymore time to eat a pre-made meal than it does to mix up and drink a shake. If you do still want a shake option I think Mark Sisson has a good option. Bars are also a good quick option and I personally go with that more than shakes. My favorite bar is the exo bar. Good Luck!

      July 30, 2015 at 8:57 am
      • Jamie Reply

        I am just starting this whole eat healthy thing. I have a friend who suggested Isagenix and came across this page, thankfully! But $3 per 2.1 oz Exo bar still seems like an overpriced option.

        March 22, 2016 at 4:24 pm
        • Steve Czys
          Steve Czys Reply

          I hear ya…I only have the exo bars when in a pinch. I prefer to spend my money on good food.
          Also, with isagenix you are paying a lot for low quality…. Exo you are paying for high quality and convenience.

          March 22, 2016 at 5:48 pm
    • Terri Windover Reply

      Hi Bob,

      The first thing you’re doing right is reading this guys page. He’s smart, direct and honest. The second is you’re asking for help!. Here’s my fave go to for no bake protein bars. Use any decent opowder, I prefer an all natural one myself 🙂

      Protein helps build muscle as well as a slew of other benefits. Who doesn’t like muscles? Hellooo, have you seen the movie 300? Could you imagine superman without all that ripple? He wouldn’t fill out those tights very well would he? Hey! Get your mind out of the gutter! Seriously though I rest my case. Not only are muscles aesthetically pleasing they make our lives easier. We can do more and do it more easily when we’re stronger. That being said you shouldn’t be scarfing down bacon and cheeseburgers every day. Believe you me, if I could find a way to justify that I’d be the first one to do it.

      Although the latest studies looking at saturated fat and heart disease are showing that the link between the two isn’t as strong as previously thought, the excess salt, sulphites and calories alone should make you slam on the brakes harder than if Bambi jumped out in front of your car. Unless you like deer meat which in case… So stick to the good choices most of the time with a few “I’ve had a really bad day and if I don’t get a bacon double cheeseburger right friggin now I’m going to kill someone” meals once in a while. Better protein choices are chicken, turkey, fish, lean steak/pork, and lean/extra-lean ground meat. Add in eggs, egg whites, protein shakes and these super yummy, easy-peasy, I have time to go dancing, weed my garden and learn to fence protein bars.

      No Bake “I finally have time for me” Protein Bars

      Mix together:
      2 cups oats
      1 cup Protein powder
      1/4 cup almonds, chopped
      1/4 cup pecans, chopped
      1/3 cup dried unsweetened blueberries or cranberries
      1 1/2 tsp Cinnamon

      Mix together:
      1/4 cup Almond Butter (or peanut)
      1/4 cup honey (or Agave) *
      1/4 cup Almond Milk, unsweetened
      1/4 cup Apple Sauce, unsweetened
      1/4 cup Chocolate Chips, dark
      1tsp. Vanilla

      1. Heat wet ingredients for 45-60 seconds in microwave.
      2. Whisk until smooth.
      3. Add wet mix to dry mix, stir until well blended.
      4. Spray pan with Pam, press mixture firmly into pan.
      5. Chill in fridge until set.
      Makes 6 bars

      Tips & Tricks:
      -You can also form into balls and roll in crushed nuts. Yummy!
      -Change up your protein powder flavours and use different nuts, fruits and flavouring etc. Some of my favourite combos are chocolate/mint, chocolate/cherry/almond and cinnamon/pecan.


      Calories: 338.
      Protein: 21.5g
      Fat: 9.3g (Sat. Fat 2.2g)
      Carbs: 41.7g (sugar 14.7g)
      Sodium: 121.6mg

      January 5, 2016 at 1:18 am
  • Kasia Reply

    Hey, thanks a lot for writing this review. I was a Beachbody coach for a year, until I realized I was promoting low quality products at a unreasonable price. Then, my husband got into body building and I started learn a lot from him about the benefits of a whole food diet and proper supplementation. Of course, he uses protein blends out of convenience but let’s be honest, nothing can replace a whole food diet. I’m looking forward to reading your other articles!

    September 26, 2015 at 7:36 am
    • Steve Czys
      Steve Czys Reply

      Thank You. I have some good ones coming soon!

      September 26, 2015 at 1:46 pm
  • Arleen Reply

    Sorry! You are incorrect with your statements of Isagenix. We have a superior product than the majority of the companies out there. The system in whole, helps to remove toxins out of your body so that you are better able to digest and assimilate the nutrients from food. The 9 day program is never sold to a new product user bc there isn’t any education in eating better. I am a certified integrative health coach that has used this with many of my clients and they have all gotten incredible results, even myself. We promote a 30 day program and the 9 day can be done as a reset. I am mainly organic in my own diet, as well as non gmo and I never use anything artificial because I have several food intolerances. These products are amazing. As far as saying mlm companies, it’s an incredible business model that allows many people like myself to earn money and help people at the same time. There isn’t anything artificial in their products or supplements. You choose a paleo lifestly which is great, not for everyone though as many diets/lifestyles aren’t. Everyone is different. There are way too many success stores that I have personally been witness to, including better results in their health, that make me a believer of this company and their products.

    November 17, 2015 at 1:29 pm
    • Steve Czys
      Steve Czys Reply

      What a great post. “We have a superior product than the majority of the companies out there.” Prove it. Are there any studies to support that statement?
      “The system in whole, helps to remove toxins out of your body so that you are better able to digest and assimilate the nutrients from food.” Link the research that shows people on isagenix have less “toxins” than people who eat healthy and exercise without isagenix. Also, show the study or just explain to me the physiology on how taking isagenix will help a person “assimilate” nutrients from foods. “There isn’t anything artificial in their products or supplements.” See the cyanocobolamin and Folic Acid in your products? Both synthetic…there’s more but I don’t feel like typing it. MLM is an incredible business model where over 99% of people who buy into it lose money….

      November 17, 2015 at 1:57 pm
      • Isagenix FREEEEAK!! Reply

        I LOVE ISAGENIX!!! My KIDS love it!! Try getting your kids to eat healthy these days…ugh!

        I’m willing to pay the price! Thnx!

        April 7, 2016 at 2:12 pm
        • Steve Czys
          Steve Czys Reply

          This is the saddest comment I have read on a post. Try getting kids to eat healthy “these days”…. These days have great healthy food options everywhere if a person just puts in a little bit of effort. My family does. In no way is isagenix going to negate the effects of your kids’ poor diet. It’s just adding bad to bad.
          I have spoken to 100’s of kids. When kids understand how important healthy food is, and have parents and role models eating healthy in front of them, they will eat healthy! When kids have role models telling them isagenix is great, they believe that too.

          April 7, 2016 at 2:40 pm
      • LC Reply

        Yes we have clinical studies from the university of Chicago that we are healthier than the heart healthy diet, that are published for Drs. because Dr’s want to see things like that. I just know I have tried every product, you name them and I have joined and tried them out there and nothing worked to get my kids and I healthy and out of Dr’s offices and ISAGENIX worked. My daughter would be in a wheel Chair today at a young age – these products gave her the proper nutrition to make her body do what it is meant to do function properly. The cleanse rid harmful toxins from her body -I have never come a more nutritious cleanse in my life, it rid harmful toxins from her and her body started to heal itself, and I can say it has done the same for my son and I also. Our Whey protein is from New Zealand a GRADE 7, in order for something to be organic in the united states it has to be a grade 5. Look up New Zealand, no pesticides , no herbacides, no hormones or antibiotics used on cows. And this is not MLM, WE ARE NOT MULTI LEVEL MARKETING, there ARE NO LEVELS, we are a direct marketing company.

        May 5, 2016 at 3:37 pm
        • Steve Czys
          Steve Czys Reply

          Okay….post the studies.
          “My daughter would be in a wheel chair without isagenix” Come on, really? That is such an absurd claim.
          The no antibiotic claims for protein powders is pure marketing and meaningless. It is the animal fats that are altered by grain feeding, antibiotics, etc…. It will not affect a whey protein isolate.
          The “heart healthy diet” is a high grain diet that I wouldn’t recommend for anyone.
          What you didn’t do and what would really work the best for your family is a truly healthy diet. I have a CD coming out soon that will in one hour teach you exactly what you need to do.

          May 14, 2016 at 6:32 am
          • Haha

            Haha …… I love the little add in ….. “I have a CD coming out soon that will in one hour teach you exactly what you need to do.” BOOM and there is your personal interest and reason to go out analyze other nutrition products. Ppftt….. done! *mic drop* …. everyone is selling something…. you included!

            July 19, 2016 at 8:45 pm
          • Steve Czys
            Steve Czys

            The CD is FREE and teaches people how to make healthy food choices.
            Pick that mic back up 😉

            July 20, 2016 at 3:51 pm
    • Terri Windover Reply

      I am a trainer and nutritionist with 26 years experience. Your LIVER & KIDNEYS when given water and fiber easily clean toxins out. That’s what they are for along other parts of your body. Ugh, so tired of this bull crap about cleanses. Wish they would go the way of the Atkins diet already. It’s nothing but a pyramid scheme at work. No self respecting nutritionist would back this garbage.

      January 5, 2016 at 1:11 am
      • KJP Reply

        Actually the body does purge the water soluble but can not detox the fat soluble toxins. Isagenix helps with this. We have many registered dietitians which is the most academic experience in nutrition, as well as a nutritional scientists. We have a ton of them backing this company. Pyramid schemes became illegal in the 1970’s. Direct sales is a viable way new companies are getting their products out to the market. I noticed there are no registered dietitians making comments here?

        Here are some videos of medical doctors and nutritional scientists discussing the science part.

        July 10, 2016 at 11:15 am
        • Steve Czys
          Steve Czys Reply

          The body cannot detox fat soluble toxins…but isagenix some how magically does. That is so amazingly absurd how can anyone actually believe it?
          Liver, lungs, kidneys and skin……not isagenix’s overpriced well marketed products are the body’s cleansing system.
          Posting links to isagenix propaganda is nothing more than marketing…..

          July 10, 2016 at 1:28 pm
    • Terri Windover Reply

      And what is a certified integrative health coach?

      January 5, 2016 at 1:12 am
      • Em Reply

        Thank you! Every person that posts on an Isagenix page has this title. So hard to get unbiased info from any of them. I’m sticking with REAL food. 🙂

        April 12, 2016 at 1:17 pm
  • patricia Reply

    Do you have any opinion on Shaklee’s supplement, Vivex?

    I agree with your nutrition philosophy and do eat whole foods, supplementing with Probiotics, Fish oil and Vit D. I have added this Resveratrol product to round it out….but not sure if it is worth the expense.

    Would appreciate your thoughts

    Best Regards,


    January 3, 2016 at 7:01 pm
    • Steve Czys
      Steve Czys Reply

      I would avoid Shaklee…mediocre supplements at the typical expensive MLM price. Shaklee was own by a Japanese pharmaceutical for a while. I think the company was started on the path but sold out long ago. I don’t think resveratrol is worth spending money on.

      January 3, 2016 at 7:21 pm
    • Bunny Bateman Reply

      I have been using Shaklee’s Vivex for almost 2 years, along with their vitamins for over 50 women. The Vivex has almost taken away my crow’s feet, it has taken away a large age/liver spot I had on my face and now, surprised the life out of me…my gray hair has turned a light brown. I am 73…It is the Vivex. Sure do not want to live without it.

      February 1, 2016 at 10:12 pm
      • Bunny Bateman Reply

        I have found that Shaklee is so well researched and documented that I do believe you cannot buy a better vitamin, and/or cleaning products.

        February 1, 2016 at 10:20 pm
        • Steve Czys
          Steve Czys Reply

          Post the research….

          February 2, 2016 at 8:05 am
          • Maura McCabe

            Not all supplements are created equal. I didn’t set out to become a Shaklee distributor, and was hesitant to even take the vitamins at first. However, when over 40 years of sinus and bronchial infections became a thing of the past, I had to share what worked for me. It’s what you do when you love something! Seen any good movies lately? 😉

            Granted, improving food and lifestyle choices is the heart and soul of ‘getting healthy’. If something helps you along the way, I say so much the better. For me, that was Shaklee.

            There is a website that is a great starting point to lead you to the research you requested of B. Bateman.



            April 29, 2016 at 10:47 am
          • Steve Czys
            Steve Czys

            On that shaklee science page I could not find a single study that actually used shaklee products and showed improved health outcomes….
            All you have to do is read the ingredients to see the products are no different than the cheap stuff at department stores.
            I’m sorry but what you have is MLM sales 101….create a personal story and use that to sell products.

            May 14, 2016 at 6:45 am
      • Steve Czys
        Steve Czys Reply

        Food sources of resveratrol include the skin of grapes, blueberries, raspberries, and mulberries. As of 2015, there is limited evidence of health effects in humans. You are paying $100 for a nutrient you can get in berries….Personally, I’ll just buy the berries.

        February 2, 2016 at 8:04 am
  • Unknown Reply

    Some people will always be cynical no matter what. If people say it works for them then why would that bother you. You don’t do it so it shouldn’t bother you. There will always be arguments for or against ANYTHING so at the end of the day if you feel like it’s right, then stick with it, if not, then don’t. Simple. Just a thought though that a company doesn’t become successful without products that work….

    April 11, 2016 at 6:33 am
    • Steve Czys
      Steve Czys Reply

      The difference with my arguments is that there is evidence supporting them….
      The thigh master brought in over $100 MILLION, Shake weight over $40 million in their first year…. Those companies were successful because the products work so well. Or, was it clever marketing??
      Check out the weight loss product Sensa….the FTC make them pay back $26.5 MILLION because the product was useless.
      Companies often become successful with low quality products…the supplement industry is riddled with them.

      April 11, 2016 at 8:58 am
    • Sarah Beougher Reply

      Absolutely! These people are so positive and have a true ministry for helping overcome physical and emotional pain! It has changed my life!!! I have never felt starved so that is crazy. I get the exact amount of calories required for daily intake and intermittent fasting and cleansing on a cellular level with nutrient timing is entirely scientific and I am living proof if I can do it anyone can! My growth hormone is up while my cortisol levels are down! I would rather get paid to get healthy with products worth the cost than pay a cheap price and get nothing ( I have done that in past and always failed). This absolutely has changed my life.

      June 19, 2016 at 1:57 pm
      • Steve Czys
        Steve Czys Reply

        Can you explain exactly how these products “cleanse on a cellular level with nutrient timing”? If it’s entirely scientific as you claim there must be scientific studies you can cite with isagenix products to support that claim. Can you post those?
        What you have is called “puffery.” Absurd claims with zero evidence to support them.

        June 19, 2016 at 7:09 pm
      • lj Reply

        I am very interested. Could you tell me exactly what test is called for to test my Growth Hormone levels, so I can ask my doctor?

        June 24, 2016 at 8:31 pm
  • Lisa Reply

    I read someone’s story online and was impressed with the results and the idea of having more energy (Single mom working two jobs…I definitely need an energy boost!) until I got a few more details and was told the PRICE. I am constantly calculating the cost per serving so your article was perfect for me. In addition, thank you for posting the ingredients and nutritional information. You saved me a lot of money.

    April 14, 2016 at 8:44 pm
  • Meredith Reply

    I found this article very informative and am glad I found it. It’s not the only one out there… I’ve read a few articles from other wellness practitioners which is what I am, interestingly enough. I have been going through quite a big transition in the past few months, so have been feeling unsettled and just in a funky place. Well the other day, this woman that sells Isogenix contacted me (again) and I finally responded. She told me her story and I thought, hey! Why not! Maybe this will help me, something just to disrupt my funk. I ordered the “box of stuff” – I placed it all on the counter, it included all the business details, plus really nice pamphlets of pretty people that had transformed. I immediately felt so stupid! I know better, I am a healthy eater, whole foods advocate, local, organic, exerciser, and have never believed in quick fixes. But for one minute, I got caught up in the quick fix idea. I think we all love quick fixes but then realize it’s not quite “natural” nor very healthy… Oddly enough I have had this attitude since I was in high school when Slim Shakes or whatever they were called became popular. I know some people like this stuff and I am glad it works for them, but I do wonder whether it teaches them how them live healthily on a long term basis… And maybe it does… But for myself, just not my deal, the ingredients are more than interesting lol… I am now in the process of packing everything back up and sending it back to the company.

    One more thing, the woman that sold me the product – she didn’t necessarily know more than I do about nutrition, she said all the right things, losing visceral fat, quick weight loss, losing inches, and just how good she felt… She didn’t know what it was like to feel so good… So what this process has given me is this – quit doubting myself, trust my body and my intuition and most of all, be at peace with my body… OH and I also despise MLM LOL… but for one minute I just thought maybe this is the disruption I need and it was what I needed – just to bring me back to my purpose 😉 There’s always a silver lining…

    Again thanks for the good info!

    May 1, 2016 at 7:22 pm
    • Steve Czys
      Steve Czys Reply

      Awesome! You were sold on the power of marketing. These companies sell based on emotions. They have no science or logic to support any claims.
      Unfortunately….emotion sells. I’m glad you took the time to let your logic take over and make a wise decision 🙂

      May 14, 2016 at 6:34 am
      • Sarah Beougher Reply

        Hi, I’m so sorry you feel this way, but if neither of you have tried it and given it 100% for 30 days, your words are powerless! Isagenix has helped me with my prediabetic condition. I have been on the system for 4 months and have been able to get my products for free! If you have a favorite sushi resistant and you tell your friends about and they go there, what if that sushi restaurant paid you for that? Don’t let fear and negativity get in the way of change if you physically don’t feel good! I have lost 30lbs and over 50inches. I stopped getting a period when I was 24 (I’m 28 now) and within the first month of his system My cycle came and I was in tears of joy. They have a Maloney back guarantee so you are the only one to blame if you don’t want to be positive! Good luck with that!!

        June 19, 2016 at 1:50 pm
        • Steve Czys
          Steve Czys Reply

          If someone truly understands the ingredients in a product and how bad they are that person would have to be a fool to still spend money on it. Telling the truth is not being negative, it’s being honest.
          I’ve maintained a healthy body weight for decades with diet and exercise. That is what I teach because it never fails, it is the only way to get long term results, and as a bonus it’s the least expensive.

          June 19, 2016 at 7:05 pm
      • Kelly Reply

        I’m 2 wks into the 30 day cleanse. I decided to try Isagenix because I’m very lazy when it comes to cooking healthy meals and I figured Isagenix would be 1 of the healthier shakes. It’s not rocket science that if u restrict your calories as much as u have to on this cleanse u will lose weight, so I know that the weight (water weight, not fat) I’ve lost so far – 5kg – is purely due to this fact. But what I didn’t expect was that I’m not hungry, not even on my cleanse days. I’m a binge eater/emotional eater and I never really feel full – no matter what I eat or how much. My cravings for sugar, bread & biscuits are gone too, which were my worst binge foods. And I’m actually drinking water now – 2 litres instead of NONE. So after the 30 days is up I’m going to continue having 2 shakes & 1 meal, but make my own. I want to do a solid 2 months of this so I can totally break the habits that have stopped me from losing weight. Can u please give me some shake recipes full of ingredients that will susain energy and keep me full?

        August 10, 2016 at 2:47 am
        • Reply

          Here are some smoothie recipes. Adding healthy fats like eggs or avocado will help keep you full.

          September 7, 2016 at 12:27 am
      • Heather Reply

        I’ve had amazing results from Isagenix, and know so many others that have! My brother is a very intelligent chiropractor, and has had amazing results. Maybe you should give it a try, you sound like you could use something positive in your life!:)
        Good luck to you.

        August 23, 2016 at 9:11 pm
        • Reply

          I’ve maintained amazing results for decades with proper diet and exercise…I’m pretty positive that keeps me feeling positively amazing 🙂 and myself and my clients save so much money in the process.

          September 7, 2016 at 12:20 am
    • lj Reply

      Yep, I got sucker into the isaGenix marketing, but my eyes were wide open. I questioned the associate about some ingredients, fructose, B6 (pyridoxine Hcl) and B12 (cyanocobalamin). She quickly sent links to support her company, from her company’s website. I knew better, at least prove to me that a third party has reviewed something. Her reply about fructose was that the brain needs a little. Correct me if I am wrong Dr.C, but I thought the brain needs fat, not sugar. I have the MTHFR gene and I know the correct B6 and B12 forms. Synthetics are cheaper to manufacturer, so to get more profit in the MLM. They don’t use quality and just promote nutrient dense stuff. They say they are better than organic, level 7, whatever that means, idk. So I asked, why isn’t it labeled? She replied, they want to avoid the FDA shenanigans. Regular coffee (level 7) is $12.95, so why buy organic coffee $14.95. OMG, so coffee is labeled but NOTHING else? They are looking into labeling non-GMO. The associate upgraded my order, without my knowledge of the additional charge, so I would have the higher protein shake, isaLean Pro 36g of protein per shake. Why did she do this? Because she could get a bigger commission? Maybe. But she said, “because everyone needs more protein.” So, what happens to the excess protein or the strain that it puts on my kidneys and liver? I believe that you should have 15g of protein per meal. Everything that is a liquid (ionix supreme and e+) has to have a preservative, potassium sorbate. So, I guess, that disqualifies the product from being level 7 or organic, so the company cannot mislabel it. “Snacks” first ingredient is fructose. Anything chewable has to have a pleasant flavor otherwise, why would you want to taste it. Sugar is appealing. ionic alfalfa, to my understanding, is a cheap product. But they have a TM on it. Alfalfa is on the list of GMO products. why isn’t this labeled non-GMO? I really, could go on, but I won’t. Lastly, Product B isaGenesis, telomere support. Co-Q 10=ubiquinone, another form is better. All it is, is a convenient prepackaged AM and PM dosage. Overall, just 4 or 5 capsules to take in the morning and at night. There is another product on the market that is VERY expensive that promotes to lengthen the telomere. That ingredient is not listed in the supplement facts. Overall, it might be just a good packet of mineral, herbs and vitamins to support your body, telomeres is a different realm. I had to try it, to experience the WOW factor. It Wowed me so much, that I am returning it and requesting a full refund (within the 30 day period). I know better and can do better without the smoke and mirrors. Oh, wait. I spent 636.66 on one month’s order. I do not eat $20/day on 2 meals and snacks. That is insane!!!

      June 9, 2016 at 9:47 pm
      • Steve Czys
        Steve Czys Reply

        Hey, I’m very glad you got your money back! You nailed just about everything. Your brain is made of mostly fat. The main source of energy for the brain is glucose. Your body can make glucose from fat and protein tho in a process called gluconeogenesis. Sadly it is legal for supplement companies and their distributors to say just about anything, no matter how untrue or how absurd it is, to make a sale.

        June 10, 2016 at 11:02 am
  • Dee Cord Reply

    You really should check your facts before you write such a ridiculous article!!! The facts aren’t that hard to find…you were just too lazy!

    July 28, 2016 at 12:08 pm
    • Steve Czys
      Steve Czys Reply

      Go ahead. Post some facts to prove me wrong.

      August 2, 2016 at 6:07 pm
      • Alex Reply

        She must sell the stuff. It is so hilarious how thin, already fit women market themselves online to sell this junk. I also looked at the ingredients and thought subpar. I spoke with a woman who was having problems losing weight. She said she has been dieting but has gained 15lbs in two years. I asked her if she gains after each ‘cleanse’ and she replied,”now I think of it, yes.” Duh, you starve yourself then gain more back so unless you want to eat sugar cubes for the rest of your life this is a ridiculous program. So incredibly stupid it is hard to fathom.

        August 30, 2016 at 1:03 pm
      • Isa-ME Reply

        Exactly , Thank you Thank you Thank you.. I am down 75 lbs. tried every diet in life and eat healthy.. I barely do the cleanses… Such bullshit.. In this post.. I defend Isagenix 100% and have been on it for 1 year this April… 2016
        Anyway, I have Lupus and High Blood pressure(ALL WAY BEFORE ISAGENIX) and can barely walk from arthritis, but seem to be healing now.. I now can walk over 15000 steps a day and feel so different.. people need to know the facts….

        Seriously needs to get the facts before doing all this

        February 15, 2017 at 3:39 pm
        • Steve Czys
          Steve Czys Reply

          Okay…list the facts. If isagenix is made from food, and no food diet can work you, (you tried them all), how could isagenix possibly work?
          Healthy diet always works and supplements should be used to get the few nutrients that are hard to get from a healthy diet.

          February 16, 2017 at 12:19 am
  • Grace Reply

    One of my good friends just got swept into this company. She wants me to join – not happening. Here’s why – I’m more focused on clean and natural eating. I don’t need weight loss personally. I feel like this would be ok for somebody trying to lose weight if used on a very short term (like one month) basis. Obviously it is not the cleanest, healthiest option (DrCzys has outlined the best option in my opinion – clean foods and exercise). It’s a gimmick to make money, BUT if it will work on a short term basis for an individual to reset their lifestyle choices as a gateway drug to get them into clean food and exercise after the initial reset, I say that’s better than allowing the person to continue eating Mcdonald’s and other fake foods. Isagenix is better than the majority of fad diets, but it just doesn’t beat clean eating people. I guarantee if you cut out sugar and high carb food, fake flavors and preservatives, gmo crap, etc, plus a regular exercise program, you will get that reset and weight loss automatically. My husband did a fad ketogenic diet recently with a 10 day starter system that does not follow clean eating and it absolutely worked for him and reset his habits, made him lose about 15lbs or so immediately, but the best part is that he stopped using that company’s products after the 10 day reset and now eats (reasonably) clean. He cut out sugar and high carbs and kept losing the weight. Now he just needs the muscle back, which he will get from eating clean and getting back into competitive boxing and gym time. If you’re thinking about Isagenix, try eating clean and exercising FIRST for a good amount of time (I know it’s harder and takes more effort and time but worth it!) and then if you’re still having issues maybe give Isagenix a try for a short stint with the intention to phase it out. *Removing self from soap box*

    August 7, 2016 at 2:41 am
    • Grace Reply

      Forgot a comma, meant to say “clean eating, people” not “clean eating people.” Don’t eat people LOL

      August 7, 2016 at 2:43 am
  • Ally Reply

    I am currently on the isagenix 30 day program but have had my doubts from the start. I have lost weight but as you’ve said, it’s almost impossible not to with such a restricted diet. I really enjoy being able to drink a shake for breakfast and lunch for the convenience of it as I’m very busy during the day. We also have a toddler so restricting my calories during the day, allows me to eat a kid friendly meal at supper (in moderation of course) with my family and fits my lifestyle. My husband and I have been wondering if there is a way for me to create my own shake that would have roughly the same amount of calories (240 ish) and enough protein to keep me going so that I could continue the IDEA of the program without actually being on isagenix.
    My other concern with isagenix has to do with the alfalfa (and possibly other ingredients?!?) that I’ve read can have the same effect as estrogen. With breast cancer in my family, it’s a scary thought.

    Any help would be amazing as you seem very knowledgeable. (P.s. the idea of drinking a raw egg does not sit well with me so the homemade shake you recommended at the beginning of the feed might be a no go for me… any other option??)

    August 14, 2016 at 4:08 pm
    • Steve Czys
      Steve Czys Reply

      I’m curious, what is a “kid friendly meal”?
      My lil man gets the same healthy foods as mom and dad…just less of it.
      Eggs for breakfast and then an Exo bar for lunch will be cheaper, healthier, and very filling 🙂

      August 16, 2016 at 1:40 pm
  • Rachel Johnson Reply

    I tried the isagenix for 4 months and was very consistent and strict with my diet and I ran 4 miles a day. I lost 5 lbs. It is a year later and I am 10 lbs heavier, weighing a total 135. I am only 5’1″ so I know I am overweight but I have tried everything and I am at a loss as to why I cannot seem to lose weight. I gain weight as a child after I was given steroids for whooping cough. I have been told I have hormone problems, liver problems, blood sugar problems, thyroid problems, and metabolism problems…. And I take the herb supplements to help but then I still don’t lose weight. I am now doing the advocare 24 day challenge. I am running 4 miles or more a day, I do burst training, I lift weights. I eat extremely heathy and I take herbal supplements every day. Any thoughts?

    August 17, 2016 at 12:10 am
    • Reply

      I would have to see exactly what you’re eating. I have many people tell me they are eating extremely healthy…Until I look at their meal log and see that’s far from true.

      September 7, 2016 at 12:26 am
  • Steve Czys
    Steve Czys Reply

    A person that understands the ingredients on a package as well as the business scam that is isagenix multi level marketing does not need to try it to know it’s a poor decision. Pointing out a product’s extremely high cost for very mediocre ingredients is not being negative. It’s just telling the truth.
    Intermittent fasting is good in my opnion…paying for isagenix snacks (fructose, cheap protein, soy, etc) to fast is asinine.
    Advocare, Isagenix, Herbalife, Plexus, Thrive…you name it… you’re all the best in the world. Just ask their distributors and listen to their stories….stories only because they have no data to support any of the ridiculous claims.

    August 17, 2016 at 10:55 am
  • Amy Reply

    I was suckered into this for a few years! I went off of it and then back on it a year ago. I feel good but I am not losing weight and that was the problem I have with it. I feel like I want to buy herbal supplements of a few of the ingredients however to make sure I continue the good side effects of this program. I got my money back for the last month’s order when I finally decided it was too good to be true and I didn’t loose weight at all in a year! I am also an avid runner so it makes no sense to me. anyway, wish I could get all the money back I put into it over the last few years. I’d have a great sum of money! What do you think of some of the ingredients like Ionic Alfalfa, ashwagandha, aloe vera gel, tumeric? I feel like these were all really good things to add to my diet and they can be bought individually.

    August 29, 2016 at 9:47 am
  • Jami Reply

    Firstly, the ingredients in Isagenix are high quality. Compare them to other supplementson the market and if you really know about supplements you’ll see that your statement is false. What people shoould recognize is that you are bashing Isagenix not because you have sincere doubts about the products but because you are employing a KEYWORD SEO STRATEGY that a beginner to SEO could figure out. For the uninformed, the Doctor is picking out companies, like Isagenix, with good keyword ranking and position on Google, and effectively riding their coat tails to bring traffic to his website. Notice he never, ever, critiques lesser known companies, only the big names.
    I took a look at the Dr’s products as well. His Coffee Supplement will add $1.90 to your 20 cent cup of coffee, does not constitute a full meal like an Isagenix shake does and isn’t made of organically sourced ingredients.

    The majority of his other supplements are ALREADY found in Isagenix Shakes or are part of the Isagenix 30 Day System. So, please explain how our one shake is more expensive and has lesser quality ingredients than the slew of products you are hocking combined?

    November 3, 2016 at 4:09 pm
    • Reply

      What I do is write my answer to common questions I get from members. For a while Isagenix was pushed hard in the area and lots of people were asking me about it. Other MLM supplement companies have come and gone since then. I know nothing about SEO – like distributors no nothing about nutrition. I am an expert on nutrition and exercise. When it comes to pretty much anything else…I’m not the one to ask.
      “organically sourced ingredients” – means nothing. I could organically source Round up.
      Supplements aren’t meant to cleanse or detox in a 9 or 30 day system. short term thinking is never wise. Supplements are to supplement the diet with nutrients that are hard to get from the diet. I teach healthy eating and I offer and take the few nutrients that are hard to get through diet.

      December 11, 2016 at 2:04 pm
  • mjg Reply

    could you tell me if this smoothie would be a healthy way to replace a meal or 2 during the day for a busy shift worker.
    I will admit, I am currently on a 30 isagenix program, and I do enjoy it so far, especially the convenience of it. but I am also lacking education in nutrition, so reading all of this is making me think twice… before isa, I was eating the below smoothie every morning, although the rest of my diet was poor.
    2-3 big tablespoons of plain greek yogurt
    cup of frozen fruit( strawberry, pineapple, melon blend)
    cup of water
    1-2 tablespoons of honey
    1 banana
    the one good thing about this program is it has weaned me off of junk food and gotten me into a good healthy snacking routine, so I think if I could continue with the snacks and the healthy meal, and have 1 or 2 of these smoothies, it might be a good alternative?? any thoughts or suggestions….

    January 12, 2017 at 11:56 pm
    • Steve Czys
      Steve Czys Reply

      Hey MJ,
      That smoothie looks pretty good. Personally I’d go with an egg or two instead of greek yogurt. Dairy is not the best option and you can read why HERE. It weight loss is a goal I’d go with stevia instead of honey as honey really us just sugar. You are definitely on the right track.
      Check your email. I sent you an entire Ebook full of smoothie recipes as well as a few other freebies 🙂

      January 16, 2017 at 3:14 pm
  • Jennifer Q Reply

    If you actually look at the Isagenix label you will realize it is a HUGE waste of money. There are so many other products that are half if not a quarter of the cost. Look at the ingredients on every supplement and do your research. A lot of this stuff I already had. DONT WASTE YOUR MONEY.

    February 2, 2017 at 7:44 pm
  • Bonnie Reply

    I think one thing about an “expert” on health that can review a product not knowing a whole lot about it just shows bias towards another or a column just to puff up his worth.

    Isagenix does NOT have a cleanse that that runs you to the bathroom. It doesn’t work that way. There is no colon cleanse in Isagenix products. Did you know that? There is so much in your review that is from pure ignorance that there’s just no way to even start.

    Companies that have their products studied pay for these studies but don’t get to chose the results. If it’s a bad review, they may not publish it but they can’t change the results. Didn’t you know that?

    It’s a shame that you have such a following and are giving half information. I’ve seen results that are life changing in people close to me. So there’s nothing that you can say in your ignorance that can change any of that.

    February 26, 2017 at 5:59 am
    • Steve Czys
      Steve Czys Reply

      Isaflush – A tiny bit of two herbs and 200mg of magnesium oxide of which you could go to walmart and purchase for under $5. Magnesium oxide which is what is in milk of magnesia – a laxative which will “flush” out that colon. How much of a laxative effect depends on the dosage and my wife taking 1 isaflush would be like me taking two. I doubt isagenix does much with altering doses based on body size. My recommendations for supplementation always take into account body size. Would it make sense that larger people need more of the same nutrient to obtain sufficient levels?

      Referring to me a ignorant does prove your stance very well. Show people exactly what I said that was incorrect.

      February 26, 2017 at 12:39 pm
    • Aileen Sherrin Hanson Reply

      I agree with you Bonnie. For people to comment that the cleanse drink is a waste is proof they are not doing their due diligence. Isagenix is an affordable easy and safe system to use. Too bad the general medical community ( which I am a part of) has not and does not help their patients with health and effective weight loss. The thousands of lives changed for the better through the use of the Isagenix nutritional support, continues to be heart warming and exciting to see.

      March 5, 2017 at 3:02 am
      • Steve Czys
        Steve Czys Reply

        Isagenix’s own studies show their products work no better than a healthy diet. A better statement is that it’s too bad people in the general medical community try and sell their patients unproven products instead of teaching proper diet and exercise which will result in long term permanent weight loss 100% of the time.
        It also goes to show how poor nutrition training in the medical community is. If anyone truly understood nutrition they would not take or sell these products.

        March 6, 2017 at 1:53 pm
    • Steve Czys
      Steve Czys Reply

      I agree with the doctor’s comment. “We have scientific evidence that it’s the quality of your diet that matters. Through diet, we can favorably support the detoxification process, oxidative stress levels and blood vessel health, and enhance weight loss. That’s an important public health message,” Dr. Arciero said.
      I’ll continue to teach a healthy diet without spending money on overpriced MLM supplements.

      March 3, 2017 at 7:47 am
  • Kelli S Reply

    I have been skeptical since I started using Isagenix in October of 2016. I have had a big problem with sugar, and trying to stay on a healthy diet, whether it be more Paleo based, whole foods based, or a Mediteranian style, sugar would always derail me. It seems I cannot have it in small amounts. I am now down 40 lbs and at the lowest weight of my life AND, the biggest part for me is that I feel really good and I have since the second week on these products. I don’t know why they work for me because I do get the science that you’re talking about above. But here are a few things that science can’t tell you. I LIKE being on this structured program where I have an EASY, good tasting, high protein shake in the early AM, a small breakfast (1 egg, an apple, 1 Tbs peanut butter for example) at work (around 10), a small lunch (4 ounces of protein, a small salad, 1/2 cup or so of some carb- sweet potato or rice maybe), then another shake (at work, so it has to be convenient- I can’t blend eggs and kale at work), then an Isagenix bar (with great protein) after I workout (my little reward), then dinner when I get home (many good recipes that my group does with protein, veggies, and carbs). Maybe the steady dose of sugar from the shakes during the day, and my yummy bar after working out keeps me from craving sugar like I used to. And since these sources of sugar are full meal replacements, I feel satisfied after I have them and don’t feel the need for more more more all the time. What you say may be true- science does tend to have a lot of facts on its side- LOL! But I think sometimes what you or others, who I know come from a good place of wanting to help and educate- what you think of as an easy alternative (“just have a shake with kale and raw eggs in it”) misses the mark for what some people need and want. Convenience- honestly- I throw it in a blender bottle and drink it on the ride to work- I am a full time working mom who barely makes it to work every day- and don’t tell me to get up earlier because I’m up late getting everybody’s lunches together the night before. Also, this is a diet that I don’t hate- doesn’t feel like a diet to me. On the weekends, if I go out to dinner or to somebody’s house, I eat what they eat, or I order something that looks good to me. Then I’m ready to just get up and have my shake the next day. I don’t feel like, “Ugh, I have to get back to my diet.” These products taste good and do seem to keep my sugar cravings from running my life and making me feel like the crap I felt like for so long. To me, this is all worth what they cost. Now, might I try your cleanse drink and do some intermittent fasting with that rather than the Cleanse for Life drink- yes. Thank you for that. But sometimes science can’t take into account what works for somebody- even if I don’t know why. I almost wish it didn’t because it is expensive. But I honestly feel good for the first time in a long time.

    May 15, 2017 at 3:05 am
    • Steve Czys
      Steve Czys Reply

      There is nothing wrong with shakes and bars for convenience. You can get much higher quality shakes and bars for cheaper from other sources. You are buying a lot for the MLM business scam.

      May 20, 2017 at 5:25 pm
  • Kelli S Reply

    Also, you said it was a red flag because the company paid Skidmore to do the studies they did. I understand there is an implied bias- but that has to rest on Skidmore’s reputation- would they compromise that? Also, it’s not like a college or anybody is going to say, “Hey, let’s put tons of money into a study of Isagenix.” Why would they do that? If a company wants to have expensive studies done, and PEER REVEIWED, they have to pay for it. That doesn’t mean that they are buying the outcome.

    May 15, 2017 at 3:09 am
    • Steve Czys
      Steve Czys Reply

      Buying an outcome is exactly what they’re doing. Isagenix has conned people into paying more for less calories. People eat less which is going to lead to weight loss and then think the weight loss is from isagenix. Kuddos to them for pulling that off.

      May 20, 2017 at 5:23 pm
  • mike Reply

    just curious what you thought of this article and the products that they suggest?

    May 24, 2017 at 12:51 pm
    • Steve Czys
      Steve Czys Reply

      My thoughts are that protein shakes are a waste of money for just about all of us. I explain why here

      If you are looking for a convenience meal I go with exo bars which can be found here. It’s just fruit, nuts, and crickets…aka healthy protein healthy fat and fruit. It’s a healthy quick filling meal.

      On average people get way more protein than they need. There is no reason to pay for protein supplements.

      May 24, 2017 at 1:52 pm
      • mike Reply

        already on the exo bars. love them
        thanks for the reply!

        May 24, 2017 at 6:05 pm
  • Kim Reply

    Thank you for your common sense nutrition-based review of Isagenix. I did try it for 3 months and came to similar conclusions as you did. I will say that the shakes tasted good, and I was surprised at the level of energy I had for work, workouts, etc even with the reduced calories. Do you have any thoughts about what specific ingredients in any shake provide the most energy boost? Also, what do you think of IDlife — a newer company that formulates supplements/vitamins for individuals?

    May 26, 2017 at 7:22 pm
    • Steve Czys
      Steve Czys Reply

      I would say to try and stay away from shake companies and focus choosing healthy foods or making your own smoothies.
      You can download a bunch of free recipes from my homepage.
      The one ingredient in any energy shake is really just caffeine.
      The best thing for natural energy, healthy food, a good workout, and a FULL night’s sleep 🙂

      May 26, 2017 at 7:57 pm
  • Gail Reply

    I used Isagenix for the 30 day challenge and lost 9lbs. The second month I did the same 30 day challenge and saw no weight loss. My supplier has been on the program for 2.5 years and has been living on the same 30 day plan and has not continued to loose weight. She claims she does not want to lose but maintain. I told her if I am doing the same plan for weight lost that she is doing for maintenance then I am not going to see results in weight loss. She told me that it is not just weight loss but nutrition since our foods are depleted of their nutrients. I told her you shouldn’t live on synthetic “food” for a lifestyle and the Cleanse (fast) day, while you do loose 3-6 pounds, is just water weight. She posts on her Facebook page each week her loss on Cleanse days. I commented that I thought she would weigh 50lbs by now with a 6 pound/week loss. The picture of her on the scale shows she has stayed virtually the same despite the 6lb weekly loss. She claimed it is not synthetic (manufactured isn’t synthetic?) I differed with her and she told me I had a negative attitude toward the system then told me I was a weight loss plateau (which is the same maintenance plan for her). I do feel better on the system with all of the nutrients and such but I think there are more economical ways to acquire the same level of nutrients and use an affordable, over-the-counter meal replacement shake for weight loss.

    June 29, 2017 at 10:30 pm
  • AY Reply

    It happened…I got sucked into Isagenix and even saw positive results. If I’m being honest I knew in the back of my brain there wasn’t something magic about it – it was caloric deficit pure and simple mixed with intermittent fasting. That said, to this day I don’t have a grasp on good nutrition from real food. I grew up in the South – everything is fried, buttered, and served with sweet tea. For someone like me who ate junk all of their life – where would you recommend as a good starting place to learn and reset? I really want to start from scratch and fuel my body with good food – not shakes. I just get super overwhelmed – there is so much information out there, and most of it is contradictory to one another. I just need something that helps raise me above the noise and teaches me the right things about real nutrition. Initially I would like to focus on weight loss (around 75lbs) and move to balance everyday nutrition that doesn’t rely on an auto-ship of power. 🙂 I appreciate any tips or insight you could provide!

    July 23, 2017 at 12:39 am
    • Steve Czys
      Steve Czys Reply

      I have an online program coming soon to do exactly that. In the meantime go to and download my healthy eating guide for free.

      July 23, 2017 at 10:32 am
  • Georgia Reply

    Hi there!
    Loving the posts … I have a question regarding the Isagenix “Cleanse For Life” supplement. I do like the idea of intermittent fasting and I would like to continue doing it one day a week like Isagenix suggests. However, is there a better “cleansing” product that you recommend that is more affordable?
    Ahead of time, thank you! I appreciate your time!

    August 10, 2017 at 6:11 pm
    • Steve Czys
      Steve Czys Reply

      I’ll help save you a bunch of money. I think all of the cleansing products are a waste of money. Choose healthy and on those fasting days just drink water.

      August 10, 2017 at 7:46 pm
      • pina Reply

        MANY PEOPLE WILL NEED MORE THAN WATER ON CLEANSING DAYS. you could cleanse on fresh juice. With just water many people could suffer low blood sugar…

        September 15, 2017 at 1:09 am
        • Steve Czys
          Steve Czys Reply

          Your body is always cleansing. Your liver, lungs, kidneys etc… don’t take days off. Fresh juice doesn’t cleanse you…it just gives you an insulin spike.

          September 15, 2017 at 10:36 am
  • R Hazelwood-Smith Reply

    Thank you for the clear straightforward backed by facts & science report to help people separate truth from utter horseshit. 🙂 Thank you thank you thank you!
    ~Signed, the honest hardworking trusting world at large who are sick of hype, gimmicks and fake “studies/fucking lies”.
    p.s. Network Marketing companies arent all bad but your garbage isagenix company and products are.

    November 7, 2018 at 6:56 am
  • Lynn Reply

    Before you criticize a product, you might need to try it. I began trying it because I had a best friend who was bedridden most all of the time. Her life had been so stressful that her adrenal gland was in the last phase before shitting down. She had an adrenal specialist from California examine this product along with ensure and other prescription shakes and tell her that nothing he had seen compared to it and told her to use it. By the way, he had told her to get on the best nutrition possible to save her life. She was a half point from her entire body shutting down. Because of her results and within a year being back to work full time, I began using the products. When I’ve done the cleansing fairly regularly, I didn’t make doctor visits. For years, I have been at the doctors office at least once a month due to chronic sinusitis and bronchitis or pneumonia. I decided I would spend less on these products than my doctor office visits and medicine and would enjoy good health. My hair, skin, and body were in the best shape they had ever been in. My hairdresser commented that she couldn’t believe how good a shape my hair was in because of the processing done on it with it being fine. When you cleanse with this product, you loose gluten from your intestines. Your body looses weight in the right places including my face. My skin actually glowed and felt satin- like. Doctors have come up with these products. My mom is a diabetic and the shake kept her blood sugar stabilized which has always been up and down, so there much be something to these products. Sorry, just passionate about what I know is real and works.

    February 23, 2019 at 11:47 am
    • Steve Czys
      Steve Czys Reply

      Do I have to eat a candy bar to know it’s bad for you? Or can I just look at the ingredients? It’s the exact same with supplements. The ingredients tell the story…..

      Telling stories is MLM 101…. they have zero evidence to support any of their claims so they rely on folks like you to tell crazy stories. Whatever you are spending on Isa….you’d be far better off spending on whole foods.

      March 1, 2019 at 8:31 pm
      • David Reply

        It’s sad that as a Dr your so ignorant.

        March 8, 2019 at 5:24 pm
        • Steve Czys
          Steve Czys Reply

          Why try and refute my points when you can just jump straight to name calling….

          Socrates — ‘When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser.’

          March 8, 2019 at 6:24 pm
  • Christine Reply

    Who wrote this is ignorant and did not bother to read the information provided by the company. The products are cheap considering the science that went into the formulations and the quality of the ingredients. This is just someone trying to sell his own stuff by bashing other companies. The results over 17 years of hundreds of thousands of people as well as our published, peer reviewed clinical studies show this works like nothing else. It is not just about “losing weight”, it’s about having every cell in your body functioning optimally, feeling fantastic and having energy and mental clarity to perform at your best and about extending life. I’ve used the products for 13 years, they easily fit any lifestyle and any health goal. Go to for questions.

    July 12, 2019 at 1:06 pm
    • Steve Czys
      Steve Czys Reply

      Way to come with the name calling right out of the gate!

      Like the article says…the ingredients are nothing special. It’s quite easy to read a label. Feel free to post these clinical studies showing they work like nothing else. In the article I explained the one you are probably referring to.

      You are mad at the wrong source….. it’s the Isa Marketing you should be mad at.

      July 13, 2019 at 6:21 pm
  • Beth Forbush Reply

    Clearly you have an agenda. To refer to Isagenix as poor quality supplement is just plain wrong. I tried everything to lose weight and gain energy. Weight watchers, many other shake programs and countless diets including keto (before it was cool), vegan, raw, the famed hypnotist diet and so many more. I started with a thirty day system and in two week I finally started sleeping after decades of insomnia. At that point I didn’t even care if I lost weight, I knew this was different! I started sharing before I even knew I could get paid to do so, (I didn’t even know what an mom was) I felt like everyone deserved to feel THIS GOOD!

    I lost 50 pounds and have a vitality I thought was gone forever. At 57 I am off all my meds and my labs are perfect! I have a whole new excitement about retirement! I’m sure you won’t publish this, but it’s too bad you are preventing people from giving it a try. I’m sure there are many people like me who have tried so many other things, without any sustained results. This works for me a so many world wide!! 85% of Isagenix users are simply product users. 14% share just to get their own products paid for because they LOVE how they feel. Only a very small percentage run an Isagenix business. So your line about people only want to “sell” it is a lie. There’s a thirty day money back guarantee so there is no risk.

    April 11, 2020 at 2:38 pm
    • Steve Czys
      Steve Czys Reply

      What you just did is what all MLM distributors are trained to do. Use a STORY to sell the product. It is very easy to look at the label, look at the ingredients, and show it’s no different then what you’d find at walmart.

      April 11, 2020 at 3:12 pm
    • Benjamin Claude Dover Reply

      The people who sell Isagenix are aggressive with their pitch and are typical MLM scumbags. The way that they are coming on here and attacking you for expressing a very honest assessment speaks volume for their motivation: sell product and make money off of you. Leeches and vultures…that’s all they are. They behave like Scientologists.

      July 16, 2020 at 10:13 pm
  • Benjamin Claude Dover Reply

    The people who sell Isagenix are aggressive with their pitch and are typical MLM scumbags. The way that they are coming on here and attacking you for expressing a very honest assessment speaks volume for their motivation: sell product and make money off of you. Leeches and vultures…that’s all they are. They behave like Scientologists.

    July 16, 2020 at 10:13 pm
  • 9 Things You Should Give Up For a Healthier More Successful 2021 - Dr. Czys Reply

    […] advocare 24 day challenge, isagenix 9 day cleanse, and herbalife 3 day pack, are just a few examples of the short term thinking magic bullets that […]

    December 31, 2020 at 11:08 am
  • Anonymous Reply

    I really wanted to like Isagenix and I wanted it to work for me. Some of the .0001% of people who get rich quick on it lived in my community, like a whole bunch of them! I found it to be triggering to my patterns of disordered eating. It was an expensive way to starve myself for days. I also got very bloated and gassy while taking the shakes. I liked the cleanse for life drink, but while I was taking it I had a reaction where my lips became tingly and I couldn’t get it to go away. I even went to the doctor for it. At the time the only thing I had changed was the cleanse drink. I also didn’t understand how the adoptogens were supposed to help by making you tired or awake depending on what it was that your body needed. Like some people took it in the morning to wake up and some took at night to fall asleep. How does a drink know if my body would like to be awake or asleep? One of my friends signed up and had an extreme allergic reaction to it that caused her to vomit for a full day, only to find out that the shake had nightshades in it, which she was extremely allergic to. It’s sad that once you put your order in, the people who pressure you to try it disappear and don’t help you return it. Luckily, my experience with them was so bad that it turned me off to all MLMs forever so in that sense it was worth it!

    I’m signing off as anonymous on this one because unfortunately Isagenix people are insane.

    October 14, 2021 at 4:48 am

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