Weightloss Resolution? Don’t Get Robbed!

Annoyed (2)In light of the approaching New Year, you will likely start to see Facebook posts blowing up with your “friends” promoting their “lose-weight-fast supplements, products and opportunities”. Let me cut through all of this clutter for you so you don’t have to waste time responding to the posts; you can just cut and paste this link in their news feed.
Every one of these multi-level-marketing company puppets is going to come with the same sales technique. They are going to tell you their company has the best doctors in the world formulating their products. I have yet to hear of a best doctor competition but if it’s out there please let me know so I can enter! If they were to speak the truth they would say, “our company has paid some doctors enough money to allow us to attach their name to our products.” It is odd how every one of these multi-level-marketing companies has the “best doctors.”
Next they will claim some professional athlete uses their products because they are the best, or that every NFL locker room or some other sports organization uses them. Professional athletes put their name behind companies that pay them. I think it’s safe to say Lebron James isn’t on McDonald’s commercials because value meals aid in his performance. The whole idea of using star athletes to promote products started with Nike. It is a brilliant marketing tactic and nothing more. No matter what company a person is trying to sell you on, I guarantee the overwhelming majority of pro athletes are NOT using it.
Next of course you’ll get the heart-felt personal story. “I lost 7 inches in 9 day and have so much more energy, etc…” The energy is most likely from the added caffeine, and the lost inches from the laxative effect of the products or the calorie restriction that is recommended with it. If I gave you a get-rich-quick pitch where you can earn $20,000 a month just like me! All you have to do is buy my startup kit. Would you do it? I sure hope not. Why do we still fall for these “lose weight fast” gimmicks when we have wised up to the get rich quick schemes?
Here is the truth. A proper diet and exercise, done consistently, will result in LONG TERM weight loss and more importantly, IMPROVED HEALTH every single time. It never ever fails. Whatever money these people are trying to get from you is much better served spent on healthy food. Or maybe hire someone who is educated to teach you about exercise and diet. That education will last a lifetime! You can teach it to your kids and lead by example. Education can create a ripple effect and improve the lives of many!
Can you imagine if people started posting on Facebook. “Are you looking to make more money next year? I just paid $79 to become an advisor for Advofinancials. We have the best advisors in the world when it comes to investing money. I made $235 in just 21 days! PM if you want more info” Wouldn’t you think this person is a fool? Wouldn’t it upset you if you were a financial advisor and spent years getting education in this field? The thing is, nothing is more important than a person’s health. And, nothing is more important to health than what we put in our bodies. Why would you ever trust your health with someone who has zero education when it comes to nutrition? Or worse, if you do sell this, how could you possibly sell products that affect a person’s health when you have absolutely no education in what you are selling? That is unethical at best, and it should be criminal. How people have the nerve to do this is mind boggling. To take it a step further the true goal of these people is to get other people to sell under them by promising them an “opportunity” or you can “be a champion. “ The fact is, over 95% of people who buy into these companies lose money! What an opportunity. You literally have much better odds if you just head to the casino and throw your money down on a hand of black jack.
I have yet to find any multi-level marketing product where you can’t get a much higher quality alternative for a cheaper price. Not a single one. The business model requires the product pricing to be outrageous.
Please stop falling for; the best doctor pitch, the athlete sponsor, the personal stories, the guarantees, the opportunity, the same direct sales marketing technique every one of these companies teach.
If you really want to change your health this year find someone who can teach not only what choices to make, but help you learn how to stick with them!

Comments (16)

  • virginia Reply

    Very well said, as a “former” follower of such lose weight quick schemes…I am still recovering and I have lots of weight to lose next year. But this time I am gonna see a personal trainer and a dietitian.

    December 23, 2014 at 7:49 am
    • Steve Czys
      Steve Czys Reply

      Very wise decision….:)

      December 30, 2014 at 10:36 am
      • Crystal Reply


        I am currently using Le-Vel’s Thrive products, an MLM scheme (I am not a promoter, just a consumer). I haven’t seen any drastic improvements to my mood or health. Have you done any research on those products? Also, from reading your other blogs I know there are vitamins and minerals that we cannot get enough of from our daily diets unless we consume a massive amount of food. Since I’m new to the blog, are there certain vitamins and minerals you recommend supplementing, like Omega-3’s? I know I am vitamin d deficient (lab tests) and I was taking supplements for about 3 months (should i keep taking them – not asking in a medical way, just, that, should I keep taking them as supplementation). I’m also taking a liquid supplement of magnesium – ReMag by RnA Reset. I guess I’d just really like to quit spending close to $200 a month on products if I can just eat right and supplement the few things that my body needs… Thanks for the great info and sorry to piggy-back off the previous comment.

        January 28, 2015 at 3:02 pm
        • Steve Czys
          Steve Czys Reply

          As soon as I read about Le-Vel’s vitamin patch I knew to stay away from those products. I told the distributor that I’ll eat a salad while he lays in it and we’ll see who absorbs the nutrients better 🙂 The three products I recommend for people are omega 3 fats, vit d, and probiotics. They need to be a very high quality source of each one. I personally use these supplements. A great article explaining how to determine high quality fish oil can be read here.

          January 29, 2015 at 9:08 am
          • Angie

            ” I told the distributor that I’ll eat a salad while he lays in it and we’ll see who absorbs the nutrients better” Ok, that’s just funny, I laughed out loud. 🙂 Stumbled across your blog looking for research on Isogenix and ended up reading all of your articles on MLM companies. You obviously are well educated in nutrition. I am curious if you think that there is ever a time to use supplement shakes? I have 2 friends in mind who have major long term heath issues (juvenile diabetes and arthritis for one friend and another has some unidentified immune disorder along with juvenile arthritis) Both friends have already made drastic changes in their diets and life style (out of desperation) and they both saw improvements but their was still a lot of suffering. Both continued to try all different things to help improve quality of life. Both are now on Genesis Pure and have seen marked improvement. (I don’t know anything about the product or the company other than the basics) From your perspective, what would you recommend? They already changed their diets (one several years ago, the other the last year) Excerisise is limited due to disability….

            January 31, 2015 at 10:07 am
          • Steve Czys
            Steve Czys

            The best shakes without question are made at home with organic whole foods in a high quality blender. It is very important have a lot of leafy greens in every one. I would have too see what their diet is and make changes from there. I’m willing to bet there are still improvements that can be made. Whatever money they are spending on genesis pure would better spent on home made smoothies.

            February 1, 2015 at 6:29 pm
  • Stacy Dalton Reply

    I agree with most of what is said here. Nutrition and exercise is the most important part of mind and body health. First of all – I do promote a product, only because I have had personal results that I couldn’t get otherwise. I suffered from migraines for years (since I was nine that I remember) – and hypoglycemia. Not the “I’m hungry and have the shakes” type, but the seizure / blood sugar dropping below 40 type. I have eaten organic / very relaxed paleo (I tend to cheat a lot, unfortunately, but I’m not really hard core about anything)…but it’s better than nothing (and better than what it was before). So…fast forward to me being 40 years old, about 20 pounds over weight, three kids, working full time as a teacher, my husband working as a teacher, and us being sick and tired. We started going to a DC, checked our allergies, learned some de-stressing and posture techniques, breathing exercises, and started juicing every day. We juice as a supplement – not as a meal replacement. I felt better, but still got migraines and lots of allergy symptoms.

    I started drinking more water…1/2 my body weight in ounces, cut out all artificial sweeteners, most artificial colors and flavors, and started feeling much, much better. I was very skeptical – of course – but decided to try this newer product that my cousin was having great success with…not weight loss, but health-wise (meaning it’s promoted as weight loss, but she didn’t really lose any pounds). Anyway, to make a long story short – not one single migraine since I started. Not one cold or allergy symptom (food or environmental). Eczema has cleared up. Skin and hair look great. Mood is better! That being said, the blood sugar regulation product they (I) promote works. It’s kept my levels at 88 very consistently. Being that the hypothalamus is mostly regulated by glucose, having a steady level delivered to my system has helped. It might be the fact that I don’t confuse mood with hunger or thirst with hunger or fatigue with hunger any more. But, I do feel better. Now, I’m able to get out and do stuff with my kids. I’m not tired and grouchy quite as often 🙂 Anyway – yes, most of the products that I’ve researched do make some crazy promises. I feel that the product I’m taking also makes some crazy promises. That is very true. But, I do think that my glucose levels, my lipid levels – good cholesterol up 10 points, bad cholesterol down 10 points, and my personal experience has been good.

    By all accounts, I have “lost money” – but I haven’t been to the doctor, I don’t buy grocery store vitamins, I don’t buy sweets and sodas or fast food, I don’t emotional-shop for things to make me feel better, I don’t buy hair-thickening shampoos and products, I don’t buy expensive coffees, allergy pills, sleep aids, anti-depressants, migraine meds, prescriptions… I don’t have to do any of that any more. I feel great.

    And, to say that MLMs are pyramids…aren’t all businesses? Don’t Coke and Nike and restaurants and most businesses rely on us to promote products so others shop – and the employees sell the products – and the CEOs make tons of money? MLMs/direct sales companies/network marketing businesses just rely on us to promote the products we use…and we actually get paid to do it. When was the last time you got a commission for carrying a Coke around or got a tax break for wearing a Nike shirt?

    A pyramid scheme – that’s different. That’s where the downlines had to purchase videos and products from their uplines directly – and people got in big trouble for that. As long as most of the sales are for customers – and not sales reps…it’s a legit business plan.

    Anyway – sorry about the rant…I am skeptical about everything. I wonder about most of my decisions every day. But, I have no way of knowing anything other than how I feel and how people tell me I’ve changed. And for that, I am thankful.

    December 29, 2014 at 10:41 pm
    • Steve Czys
      Steve Czys Reply

      If someone is deficient in a certain nutrient than taking a supplement that makes them sufficient in that nutrient will absolutely improve their health and I am all for that. I am glad you are feeling better! I personally take fish oil, vitamin D, and probiotics every day. Whatever MLM product you are taking I guarantee you could find at a much cheaper price. As to the comment that all businesses are like MLM, that is completely false. Lets use a Nike outlet store as an example. There will be a manager of that store who will hire employees to sell products in the store. That manager will only hire qualified employees. When a person starts working there he/she immediately earn a paycheck and his/her pay will increase with time. He/she may even get a commission on the clothing or shoes he/she sells. That person will most likely also get insurance, sick pay, holiday pay and even vacation pay. The manager will only hire as many people as needed to service customers in the store. The store will also spend money on marketing to promote their products and increase sales. This marketing helps to ensure the sales staff have a job. Phil Knight does make billions because he created one of the most powerful brands in the world. Now lets pretend that Nike outlet was a MLM company. As a manager I am going to hire as many salesman as I possibly can. The more people I have in my downline the more potential income I can generate. These people I hire don’t get a paycheck when they start work tho. They actually have to pay me $79 to become a “distributor” in my store. Then these employes have to buy the nike shirts and shoes from the store before they can sell them. Once they have done this they can start trying to sell the products they first had to buy. These employees can then hire even more employees to sell the same products. That cycle can continue infinitely saturating the market with a sales force all trying to sell the same stuff. It is for this reason 95% or more of MLM “employees” lose money. Now, every person in the infinite downline gets a piece of the profit from their sales. For that reason the products have to be priced extremely high to make it profitable for everyone……No, not all businesses are pyramids.

      December 30, 2014 at 9:43 am
      • Stacy Dalton Reply

        True…I can see your point. But, I actually worked at a Levi outlet store in San Marcos, Texas in 1995…and I didn’t get any benefits. I didn’t make enough to make a car payment and rent, that’s for sure. No matter how hard I worked, I still made the same money – maybe a $.25 raise every year. Oh, and that Levi store? I had to buy all Levi and Docker’s clothes to wear in order to work there. That set me back about $150 or so dollars. I can see both sides…good points.

        I was taking over the counter and retail type supplements…for three years – without any results. Blood sugar still all over the place, migraines, etc. So again, yes, I can get them much, much cheaper…but they didn’t work. I was still having to buy all of that oher stuff as well. But, hopefully, others are better at researching and purchasing. I just didn’t have any luck.

        So again, I’m great at seeing both sides – I definitely did lots of research. I did this as a last ditch effort at the recommendation of my whole-body nutritionist / advisor. And, it worked. I was spending at least $100 monthly on trying to feel better – and still felt terrible. This just works. It’s not for everyone. When I tell people that my only doctor is a chiropractor…I get just as many eye rolls and “really???”s as I do when I tell people that I am in network marketing. So, I guess you know how I feel.

        Thank you for your time and feedback!

        December 30, 2014 at 5:54 pm
        • Crystal Reply


          What is the product you use that helps you with your migraines? I have been diagnosed with hemiplegic migraines and I’m even on prevention and maintenance medication. At the recommendation of a promoter friend, I started taking Thrive by Le-Vel (she told me it was a “life changer”). Well, she’s a liar…to put it nicely. Please share this product that has helped you with your migraines. Thanks so much.

          January 28, 2015 at 3:10 pm
          • Steve Czys
            Steve Czys

            I don’t believe there is one single migraine cure. The cure depends on the cause. Migraines could be from poor posture causing muscle spasm and nerve irritation, bad food choices, nutrient deficiency, or even a feeling of guilt or resentment that a person hasn’t come to terms with. One easy fix I found was a woman with a lot of hair that she kept pulled back in a pony tail. That created a lot of neck tension which caused her migraines. Find a doc who can find your cause!

            January 29, 2015 at 9:02 am
          • Rochelle Estes

            I noticed that Stacy did not reply to you. My company has all natural whole raw plant based nutrition that has no preservatives, no GMO’s, grown in all the most fertile places around the world, unlike our over-processed and nutrient deficient soil here in the US. We do not claim that it treats or prevents any illness, just that it allows your own body and immune system to work as it was intended. Phil Knight, founder of Nike, is one of our largest investors. We have a wellness advisory counsel of MD’s, none of whom receive a salary from the company, but who are so impressed with it they are willing to put their names and reputations behind it. Plus, several of our products are in the PDR (Physician’s Desk Reference) which is what doctors use in reference to prescribe medications. I have seen incredible results, including the eradication of migraines. Let me know if I can be of any help to you.

            February 5, 2019 at 1:53 am
          • Steve Czys
            Steve Czys

            You just regurgitated the company’s nonsense marketing pitch. It takes two seconds to look at a label and see the same cheap synthetic ingredients you’d find in a walmart product. That’s not my opinion – it’s right on the label! How does one determine where the most fertile places in the world are? That’s a pretty tall task. And if that was possible to you really think one Multi Level Supplement company is farming there? It’s just so absurd.

            More truth – MD’s get about zero nutrition training. The whole “wellness advisory counsel” marketing ploy is a common MLM tactic.

            February 10, 2019 at 10:13 am
    • Tanisha Reyes Reply

      This is how I feel . In a sea of nay sayers, I feel great. I’m eating so much better and less junk. My back was bringing me to tears regularly. My knees crunching and clicking.i can only say that I am able to be up, alert, active and involved again….I am beyond grateful.

      April 18, 2018 at 2:40 am
  • Patricia Reply

    I suffer from allergy year round d. Wind tares me up and I love bing in the wind. Nothing on the shelves work. What would you r ed commend Dr.CZY?

    November 7, 2015 at 7:02 am
    • Steve Czys
      Steve Czys Reply

      I wouldn’t add any product. I would try and eliminate common food allergies. I have seen this cure people from allergies many times. I would eliminate all grains and dairy products from your diet for at least a month and see how your body feels.

      November 8, 2015 at 4:37 am

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