“What are your thoughts on Zurvita?” I’ve been getting asked that a lot lately….why? Because Advocare is no longer a Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) pyramid type business so many of their distributors have jumped ship to Zurvita.
How ironic (and predictable) that those who claimed for years that Advocare has “the best products in the world – just ask our scientific discovery board” have immediately jumped ship now that Advocare no longer has the pyramid MLM business model. Apparently if you can’t create a downline of friends and family to sell for you the products just aren’t that good anymore.
In this article I’m not going to get into details on how Zurvita’s business is set up just like advocare was. Both companies are based in Texas, both have their nonsense paid (scientific advisory board), and both use religion to sell products and “opportunity.” I’m going to break down the products themselves to see if they are any good…..
I’m going to start with the low hanging fruit and quickly explain why you shouldn’t waste your money on this nonsense product.
The claim is obviously that it will “Cleanse & Detox” you. My question….Cleanse and Detox you of what?
It’s a really simple study to do. Either test a person for toxins – give them a cleanse or detox – then retest and show that their are less toxins.
Or – test a person’s urine, breath, feces, sweat….wherever these toxins are supposed to be going that this product is pulling from the body.
Those studies don’t exist!!! Why? Because Zurvita or any company selling these nonsense products knows it would prove their product to be useless.
Just stop and think how amazing your liver is for a second. It is filtering about 1.5 Liters of blood per minute!! Add to that your kidneys, skin, lungs, and digestive tract…. your internal detoxification system is amazing beyond imagination.
I have to add that that minuscule amount of a single probiotic strain they added won’t do you a bit of good. It will however allow them to write “probiotic” on the label which sounds good.
The next product I’d like to talk about this their “thermogenic fat burner.” So how
does this thermogenic work? It contains bitter orange, which has synephrine, which is similar to the FDA banned ephedra, which will boost your body’s temperature by causing a release of hormones that speed up heart rate, speed up breathing, and increase blood pressure. Your body has to burn more energy to speed up these processes and because of that is called a “fat burner.”
To put it simply – this product causes the stress response in your body. Why would you pay for more stress? If anyone is trying to sell you a thermogenic and thinks it is actually healthy you have to walk away.
Comments (6)
Want to get your book at my door in 2 days. Love that it will be Free & in print. I am a single mom of 7 w a special needs. It has burnt up my adrenals dealing with the trauma, caretaking around the clock and being so fatigued. I have 100lbs to shed & someone just shipped a huge box of Zurvita products to my door. I need help. I want to feel pretty again at 53. Not feeling very hopeful about my future & remarrying. I need some encouraging progress. Can you help me?
I’d send that Zurvita back and apply what’s in my book. Those 7 kids will benefit greatly as well 🙂
Sorry you had to spend over 9 years to get an education on nutrition. Sounds like you are jealous to me. ZEAL has a board of certified doctors behind their product who have done the research for us. They have also done 2 clinical test trials with their product. I have been on the product since 2011 and can’t/ won’t do a day without it!! Also Melissa you would have felt like you could have conquered the world and then some!! I pray you kept the Zeal so you can rock your world with your kids!! Much love to you and your children. 😉
Why would I be jealous of stupidity? “board certified doctors” the same marketing nonsense used by advocare, herbalife and all the other useless MLM supplement companies.
Please post these 2 clinical trials for me to critique. I’m looking forward to it.
Here you go……. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/07315724.2017.1393356
What a wonderful example of junk science. Here we have a study paid for by Zurvita (big red flag) with a whopping 99 people split into 4 groups over a grand total of only 28 days. They did NO blood work to test for nutrient levels or hormone levels in any participant, ridiculous.
Not surprisingly the two dose zurvita group felt more vigor because they were getting the double dose of caffeine. This is probably why the both zurvita groups saw a significant increase in mean systolic and diastolic blood pressure (BP). I am willing to bet the overwhelming majority of zurvita pushers are going to recommend this product as amazing to everyone, regardless of their current BP levels.
Zurvita is doing what Advocare did. They mix a few ingredients together WITH CAFFEINE and when people feel a little more energetic (because of the caffeine) they talk about the great ingredients that are “filling the gaps,” nutritional gaps that were NEVER tested in the study.
The caffeine also explains the few examples of the 14 adverse events reported in the Zeal groups… i.e., poor sleep, nausea, increased energy, chest and abdominal discomfort)
To anyone still reading this…whatever money you may consider spending on this product…STOP, and use that money to buy quality whole foods. If you do want some caffeine get some high quality black coffee or tea. Or, just save a load of money and buy caffeine pills.
Zurvita sellers – don’t get mad at me. Get mad at a company that is putting out junk studies and duping you.